Protecting The Colton Bride. Elle James

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Protecting The Colton Bride - Elle James Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense

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according to my stepmother.”

      “Abra is a bitter old woman who doesn’t even like her own children. She’s more interested in social status than love and family.” Megan clapped a hand over her mouth and then sat back. “Sorry. I couldn’t stop myself. I’ve seen how she treats you and your brothers and wanted to tell her what I thought about that. How can a woman dislike her own children?”

      “It doesn’t matter, and it doesn’t bother me anymore.” Not since he’d moved out of the main house. He didn’t come into contact with Abra Colton as often and it suited him just fine.

      “The point is, Kennedy can’t hold an accident of birth against you. You’re a good man. You’re good with horses and have a great eye for quality. If he could only see that, he’d sell to you with no further questions asked.”

      “Well, that’s just it. He’ll get the chance. I meet with him face-to-face in exactly one and a half weeks.”

      “What?” Once again Megan sat forward. “When? Where? I’d love to be a fly on the wall at that meeting.”

      He wished Megan could be at his side. She’d be a great asset because of her knowledge of horse breeding from the Triple Diamond and her pedigree from an impressive family tree with a long line of Talbots raising only the best Talbots and horses. Kennedy would fall in love with Megan’s charm and capabilities just like he had.

      She assured him, “Kennedy will see what a great program we have started here at the Lucky C.” Her lips twisted. “I mean, the program you’ve started.”

      “I couldn’t have even tempted the man without your help putting the data together to send to him. Why don’t you come with me?” Then he remembered Megan was leaving the Lucky C to go home to California.

      Megan sighed. “Unless I’m willing to let my horses be sold, I can’t. I’m headed to California in the next week.”

      “Damn. I wish you didn’t have to go.” Daniel leaned forward and checked on Halo, racking his brain for a solution to both their problems. The horse lifted her head and stared at him with her big brown eyes as if to say she wished he could fix her problem, as well.

      “You’ll do fine,” Megan said, leaning back against the wall. “The most important thing right now is to get Halo back on her feet.”

      “You’re right.” Daniel settled back against the wall beside Megan.

      She closed her eyes, stifling a yawn behind her hand. “I don’t know about you, but I didn’t sleep worth a darn last night. My dad’s threat and my ride on a sick horse weren’t conducive to pleasant dreams.” She yawned again and laughed. “Sorry. I’m supposed to stay awake all night with Halo. I won’t be of much use if I fall asleep.”

      “Come here.” Daniel slipped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “Lean on me. I’ll stay awake and let you know if there’s any sign of change.”

      Megan snuggled up against him. “I thought you didn’t mix business with pleasure?”

      “You said it yourself. You quit.” What could it hurt to hold her? It might give him a chance to come up with a plan to rescue her horses from being sold off, or find a way to impress Marshall Kennedy with his family when he wasn’t even part of the official Colton line.

      Megan closed her eyes again. “Mmm. This is much nicer. I should have quit sooner.” Her breathing became deeper and her body relaxed against Daniel’s.

      If only she knew how hard it was for him to hold her and not kiss the tip of her nose or press his lips to her temple, she might not be so willing to fall asleep against him. All thoughts of being a good boss and not touching his employee flew out the barn door while he held Megan in his arms.

      Halo stirred, lifting her head a little, her hooves kicking out just once before she settled back in the straw.

      Daniel prayed that she’d make it through the night and he’d come up with a way to keep Megan. She’d been instrumental in his research and planning for his breeding program. She was good at what she did, and her parents would squander her assets, forcing her to go to social events she couldn’t stand.

      Sometime in the night, Halo shook out of the effects of the poison and got to her feet.

      Daniel was so relieved, he almost woke Megan to tell her, but she was sleeping soundly and he hated to wake her. Instead, he lay down on the bed of straw and blankets and pulled her up against him. As he drifted into a deep sleep, he found himself wishing he could go to sleep every night with this amazing woman in his arms.

      * * *

      Megan woke to the soft thuds of hooves pawing at the dirt. She cracked an eyelid to see Halo standing in her stall, impatient for her feed and getting more impatient by the minute.

      Joy filled her heart at the sight of the mare standing straight and proud, the effects of the poison worn off. Megan turned to tell Daniel, but he was asleep, his manly face softened in the gray light of dawn that snuck through the open door of the barn.

      He must have been awake all night, worrying about Halo and wondering what to do about the meeting with the Kennedys.

      Megan was loath to move away from the warmth of his body. It felt so firm and strong beside her.

      One big obstacle had been cleared for Daniel. Halo would live. She was one of his best broodmares. Her loss would have been a big hit to his breeding program. Now all he had to do was impress the Kennedys. The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on her.

      Her family was among the socially elite of California. The Talbots’ horse-breeding program at the Triple Diamond Ranch was nationally acknowledged. Daniel needed a boost on the social front in order for the Kennedys to consider him eligible for inclusion in their equine breeding efforts. What he needed was to marry into a family like the Talbots to give him social clout.

      And if she and Daniel married, she’d satisfy the conditions of her grandmother’s will and inherit a trust fund sufficient to purchase her horses from her father.

      Megan could see herself married to a man like Daniel. He respected her mind and her ability to work with the horses, and he wasn’t stiflingly overprotective. He’d worked hard to get where he was, earning his keep on the Lucky C, giving back to the family that provided him a home when his mother died. Yes, he was the kind of man she could easily fall in love with and probably already had.

      If the ache that had settled in her chest when she thought of leaving the Lucky C and Daniel was any indication, she could see herself falling for this amazing man.

      All her problems would be solved if only Daniel was interested in her as more than just his assistant.

      “Do I have dirt on my nose?” Daniel stared up at her, a sleepy smile curling his lips.

      “No,” she answered. “Why?”

      “You were staring at me and frowning.” He swiped his hand across his face and sat up. “What were you thinking?”

      How much she cared about him and wished he returned the feeling. Heat filled her cheeks, and she bit hard on her tongue to keep from blurting out her thoughts. To avoid answering, she turned to Halo. “When

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