Deceptions. Cynthia Eden

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Deceptions - Cynthia  Eden Mills & Boon Intrigue

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      “You’ve got danger chasing you now,” he said, staying close to her, wishing that she’d open up to him. “And I’m the best man to have at your side right now. I’m not going to flinch away from anything that’s coming. You said that jerk threatened my family? That’s all the more reason for me to take him down. I don’t want him running around loose. He’s a killer, and he should be stopped.”

      He could see the uncertainty in her gaze. “I don’t want to drag anyone else into this mess,” Elizabeth whispered.

      “I’m a PI. I live for this stuff.”

      She didn’t smile. He wanted her to smile. He wanted some of the worry to ease from her beautiful face.

      He also didn’t want her leaving without him.

      “That phone call you got couldn’t be traced. This guy is good, Elizabeth. He’s covering his tracks and he is hunting you.” That infuriated him. “Let me help you. Let me do my job and keep you safe.”

      “I know,” Elizabeth said suddenly, “about your family. I heard what happened to your parents.”

      Mac didn’t let his body tense. Most folks in the area knew about his family. It was hard to keep a double murder hidden. One dark night, while Mac and his brothers had been fighting battles on the other side of the world, their parents had been killed. Their murderers had never been captured. Because of that—hell, that was why his family had formed McGuire Securities. To help other victims. To solve crimes that the cops had already marked as “cold” because there was no new evidence in those cases.

      “Your family has been through enough. Do you really want me to put them all in more danger?”

      “There’s one thing about us,” he murmured. “We can handle danger.”

      “Maybe Steve thought he could handle danger, too.”

      “Maybe,” Mac allowed. “But according to the ME, Steve didn’t have the chance to put up a fight. He had no defensive wounds at all on his body.” Mac had made good use of his time away from her, and he’d been very aware of the ticking clock on that twenty-four-hour period. “The attacker was able to get up close to him, and the guy made one hit—just one—a stab right in Steve’s heart.”

      She paled.

      “It stands to reason,” Mac continued, “that Steve would try to fight off an attacker, if he saw the attacker coming.”

      “He was distracted,” she said softly. “Talking to me.” Elizabeth cleared her throat. “He might not have even seen the danger...”

      Not until the attacker plunged a knife into him.

      The sneak attack, the deadly precision...this wasn’t some kind of amateur hour. The guy they were after was good—too good.

      “And you might not see it, either,” she whispered. “The last thing I want is for you to be killed.” She stumbled back.

      “Do you want to find a knife in your heart, too?” The words were brutal, but they had to be said. “Because when I raced into that alley—” and he would not be forgetting that damn scene anytime soon “—the attacker was there. And he was going for you.”

      “I managed to fight him off.” Her body was stiff.

      “He wasn’t done, baby.” Again, the endearment slipped out. “If I’d been a few minutes later, he could have killed you.”

      She turned away from him.

      “I would have found your body crumpled on the ground, just like his.” That infuriated him. And...scared him.

      He wasn’t supposed to be afraid. Delta Force members didn’t show fear. They went straight into battle, and they never backed down.

      But when he’d heard her cry out, when he’d stood in that alleyway...

      Fear and fury had burned through him.

      He went to her and put his hand on her shoulder. Carefully, he turned her to face him. “I don’t want you hurt.”

      “You shouldn’t care about me,” she told him. “I’m not who—”

      He kissed her. Maybe he shouldn’t have. Maybe he should have played the gentleman longer, but he needed to taste her. Needed to see if the passion between them would flare as hot and bright as he’d thought.

      It did.

      Her mouth opened beneath his. Her hands rose and curled over his shoulders. Elizabeth pressed her body to his, and she kissed him back—not with hesitation, but with hot, fierce need.

      Just like that...just like explosion seemed to go off inside him. His arms locked around her waist as he pulled her closer. Her breasts pushed against him, her nipples tight, even as his arousal pressed against her. He’d tried to hold back with her, all of those damn trips to the library, books he’d read again and again...

      There was no holding back now.

      She was trying to leave, trying to walk straight into danger and death, and he couldn’t let that happen. Not when he needed her so much.

      His tongue thrust into her mouth. She tasted sweet, a light, heady flavor that just made him want more. Her lips slid over his, caressing and tempting, and he wanted to push her back onto that bed. He wanted to strip her. He wanted Elizabeth to stop being afraid and to only think of him.

      But...she was pushing against his chest.

      He lifted his head. The drumming of his heartbeat pounded in his ears as he stared down at her. “I knew it would be like that,” he growled.

      “I was afraid it would be,” she told him. Her lips were red from his kiss. Her dark eyes gleamed.

      Afraid of their desire? Why was that a bad thing?

      “I have to stop this guy,” Elizabeth said. “I can’t be some kind of sitting duck for him.”

      No, he wouldn’t let her be. “You gave me twenty-four hours.”

      She nodded. Her hands were still on his shoulders. His hands were still enjoying her curves.

      “Then stick to your word,” he said, trying to keep the desperate edge out of what he was saying. “Give me the rest of my time. You think you’ll find out what’s happening by going home—back to your past? I say you’ll find the truth right here in town. And I’ll help you.”

      Her brows rose. “How?”

      “By taking you on a little bit of B and E.”

      “Breaking and entering?” Her fingers tightened on him. “That’s not exactly law-abiding.”

      No, it wasn’t. “Since we’ll be breaking into a dead man’s home, I don’t think he’s going to press charges.”

      Her breath whispered out. “You think we’ll find something we can use at Steve’s place?”

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