Maverick Christmas Surprise. Brenda Harlen

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Maverick Christmas Surprise - Brenda Harlen Mills & Boon True Love

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       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen



       About the Publisher


      Dallas, Texas Christmas Eve

      Beth Ames couldn’t help but sing along with the holiday song on the radio. Christmas had always been her favorite time of the year, and she was even more excited this holiday season because it was her nephew’s first. Four-month-old Cody was the love of her life, and she was grateful—if a little surprised—that her sister had invited her to celebrate the milestone occasion with them.

      Over the years, the relationship between Beth and Leighton had been strained more often than not. While Beth might wish it wasn’t so, she couldn’t change the dynamic on her own, and her sister had always rebuffed her efforts to get closer. That had finally changed when Leighton confided to Beth that she was pregnant.

      No doubt Leighton had been scared about the prospect of having and raising a child on her own, now that the baby’s father was no longer a part of her life. Of course, Beth had questions about the man, but Leighton refused to answer them. And the more she pushed, the more her sister resisted.

      “I appreciate your support, but I don’t need your lectures,” she’d said. “So if you want to be there with me when the baby is born, you’ll stop asking about a guy who, I can assure you, has less than zero interest in being a dad.”

      Beth wondered how her sister could be so certain of his disinterest if she hadn’t told him about her condition, but she bit her tongue. Because as much as she believed the father-to-be had a right to know, she didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize their tentative truce.

      Instead, Beth had focused on doing what she could to support Leighton throughout her pregnancy. She’d coached her during sixteen hours of labor, and she’d spent every free minute with the new mom and her baby during the first few weeks—until Leighton had recovered enough to demand some space.

      Still, she understood that motherhood was a big adjustment for her usually vivacious and fun-loving sister, and she tried to help without stepping on the new mom’s toes. But as the weeks turned into months, Leighton seemed increasingly worn out and unhappy.

      Thankfully the onset of the Christmas season had revived her sister’s good spirits. She’d been so genuinely filled with holiday spirit that she’d invited Beth to spend Christmas Eve at her apartment and even stay over to share in the morning celebration.

      So now here she was, with her back seat full of festively wrapped presents and a box of groceries to prepare the holiday meal.

      She didn’t see her sister’s car in its assigned parking spot, but it wouldn’t be out of character for her to have forgotten something she needed to have before the stores closed. And since Leighton had given her a spare key, Beth didn’t hesitate to let herself in so that she could put the perishables in the fridge.

      After the groceries were away, she plugged in the Christmas tree lights and turned on the radio, tuning it to her favorite station that had been playing “all holiday music, all the time” since the first of December.

      Feeling excited, and a little impatient, Beth decided to call her sister to find out when she’d be home. She was surprised, when the phone started to ring, to hear an echo of the sound coming from the bedroom—where she discovered Leighton’s cell plugged into the charger on the bedside table.

      Shaking her head over her sister’s forgetfulness, she started to turn away when she saw a note beside the charger with her name on it.


       Change of plans—sorry. I’ll explain when I can.

       Merry Christmas.



       Change of plans?

      What the heck was that supposed to mean?

      Where had her sister gone?

      And, more important, where was Cody?

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