The Colton Cowboy. Carla Cassidy

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The Colton Cowboy - Carla Cassidy The Coltons of Red Ridge

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the baby.

      “I’ll stay here for tonight to help.”

      A rush of relief washed over him. “Thanks, I really appreciate it.”

      “I’m not doing it for you,” she replied. “I’m doing it for the baby and because she might be a Gage.” The baby gurgled and once again she gave her the bottle.

      All of her features softened as she gazed down at the baby. He’d always thought Elle was pretty, but she looked utterly gorgeous with all her features relaxed and a soft smile playing on her lips.

      “Bonnie,” she said suddenly. She looked up at him. “Let’s call her Bonnie.”

      “Sounds good to me,” he replied. “Does that name mean anything special to you?”

      “No, it just sprang into my head when I was gazing into her beautiful blue eyes.”

      He didn’t care what they called her. He was just grateful Elle was staying through the night to help him with the newly named Bonnie.

      “I need to call the chief and let him know we’re keeping her here for the night but we’ll bring her into RRPD in the morning so we can decide what the next move will be where she’s concerned.”

      The baby had fallen asleep once again, and Elle returned her to the cradle and then pulled out her cell phone and made the call to Finn. He agreed with the plan.

      “It’s late,” Anders said when she finished with the phone call. “I’ll show you to the guest room.”

      “Before you do that I’m going to take one final walk around outside with Merlin.” She stood and Merlin did the same, his gaze focused on Elle in what appeared to be utter devotion. “We’ll be right back.”

      When she walked out of the door it was as if she stole some of the energy from the cabin. A weariness fell heavily on his shoulders. It had been a wild and crazy night. Thank goodness the small spare bedroom was clean and ready for a guest.

      She was only gone a couple of minutes and then returned with a duffel bag in hand. “I always keep a change of clothes and some toiletries in my car. Now you can show us to the guest room.” She walked over and picked up the wicker cradle. “I’ll keep her with me for the night. She’ll want to be fed again before morning.”

      “I really appreciate your help,” he replied. “I don’t know much about babies.”

      “That’s fairly obvious,” she replied drily.

      He didn’t respond, but instead led her into the room that held a double bed with another of his grandmother’s quilts covering it. There was also an easy chair in one corner and a dresser.

      She carried the baby to the chair and set the cradle down. “She should be okay to sleep right here for the night.” She tucked the blanket around Bonnie and then straightened. “Before I go to sleep, I’d like to get another bottle ready.”

      “I can take care of that,” he replied. He didn’t intend to just dump the baby in Elle’s lap and not do what he could to help her. He couldn’t forget that this was his problem and not hers.

      He took the near-empty baby bottle from her and then went into the kitchen. He ran hot water in the plastic bottle to make sure it was all cleaned out and then measured out what was needed to refill it again. Once he was finished he placed it in the refrigerator and then went back to the guest room.

      She had unpacked the tote bag and all the items were laid out on the bed. “Whoever packed this pretty much thought of everything,” she said. “As you can see, there are five sets of onesies and several little knit hats. There’s an extra bottle, another can of formula, diapers and toys that she won’t be old enough to play with for another month or two.”

      She gazed at Anders, that straightforward, sober look he found more than a little bit sexy. “Whoever left her here obviously loves her. That means she must have thought you’d take good care of the baby and keep her safe.”

      “I will...with your help.”

      “I couldn’t help but notice the quilt on the bed. It’s beautiful.”

      He smiled. “One of my grandmother’s. I had another one, but the thief managed to pluck it right off the bed in here and get away.” His smile faded. “ you have anyone you need to call, maybe a significant other or somebody like that?”

      “No, nobody. Merlin is the only significant other I have in my life,” she replied.

      His gaze swept down to the bulldog sitting on the floor. “Does your dog require anything special for the night?”

      “Merlin. His name is Merlin and no, he doesn’t need anything special. I keep dog food in my car so I’ll be able to feed him in the morning.”

      “I didn’t know bulldogs made good police dogs.” He stared at the thick-bodied brown-and-white dog whose tongue was hanging out. Thank God the floor was wooden, he thought as he spied a string of drool slowly making its way down the side of the dog’s mouth.

      “Bulldogs make great protection dogs. They’re a lot more agile than they look. Merlin can jump almost six feet in the air. This breed bonds to people and I know he would give his life for me, although I hope that never has to happen.” Her affection for the dog was evident in her voice.

      “Uh...does he sleep in the bed with you?” He winced at the idea of all that dog slobber on his grandmother’s quilt.

      “Absolutely not,” she replied. “I’m the leader of Merlin’s pack. I’m the master and he knows it. I sleep in the bed and he sleeps on the floor.”

      A small smile curved the corners of her mouth and shot a wild unexpected heat through him. “I can tell by the look on your face that you’re relieved my fifty-pound drooling dog partner won’t be sleeping in your bed.”

      “Guilty as charged,” he replied. What he’d really love to see was a real, full-out smile from her.

      At that moment the baby began to fuss again. “She might have a little more gas.” She picked Bonnie up once again. “She didn’t really give me a good burp after drinking the bottle.” She began to pat Bonnie’s back once again. Merlin let out a low, long grunt, as if he were the one being burped.

      Elle’s eyes widened and she thrust the baby toward him. “Here...take her,” she exclaimed. At the same time he heard a noise coming from the living room. He whirled around and ran out of the bedroom.

      Across the living room a tall, slightly burly man in a ski mask stood several feet inside the front door. He appeared to be looking around the room.

      Adrenaline shot through Anders. “Hey!” he yelled. “What in the hell are you doing in here? What do you want?”

      All he could think about was Elle and the baby in the next room. The last thing he would allow was any harm to come to them.

      For a long moment the two men faced each other. Anders tried to discern facial features under the mask, but all he could see were glittering dark eyes.

      He rushed forward, ready to take the creep down, but he turned

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