The Lawman's Convenient Family. Judy Duarte

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The Lawman's Convenient Family - Judy Duarte Mills & Boon True Love

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I’ll be there bright and early.”

      As Mr. Hoffman strode away like Santa on a mission, Julie tugged at her skirt again. Apparently, her outfit hadn’t bothered the man in charge of Kidville, which was a relief. Another potential boss or some of her more conservative church friends might not have been so accepting.

      Too bad she hadn’t thought to smear on some clown makeup before getting out of her car this evening. That would have hid her face, especially the flush on her cheeks. Oh, well... She’d just have to keep a low profile.

      As she turned toward the kitchen, a tear-streaked redhead wearing a tiara and a long turquoise gown strode toward a pirate and let out a curse that made her sound more like a drunken longshoreman than the princess she was supposed to be.

      She lifted her index finger and jabbed it at the pirate’s chest. “I knew you were a big flirt, Derek, but do you have to be on the prowl when you’re with me? I’ve had it with you. It’s over for good this time.” Then she removed her frilly white half mask, as well as her faux tiara, threw both on the floor and swept toward the entrance in a huff, leaving the frowning pirate in her wake.

      Julie assumed he’d hurry after her. Instead, he let out a little chuckle and returned to the party.

      You clearly made a wise decision, your majesty. And one you probably should have made sooner. Julie snatched the discarded white half mask from the floor, slipped it on her face and muttered, “Finders, keepers.”

      The moment she reentered the party, she spotted Zorro again, and her heart made a series of somersaults that would make a young gymnast proud.

      She took a moment to appreciate his costume, not to mention his muscular physique and sexy swagger. Her interest, as well as her curiosity, grew by leaps and bounds. Who was he? Did he have a connection to Kidville or to the Rocking Chair Ranch?

      She supposed it didn’t really matter, so she did her best to shake off her attraction as she crossed the room. Before she reached the kitchen, a hand settled on her shoulder, warming her from the inside out.

      She turned to see Zorro, his gaze locked on hers. When he offered her a dazzling smile, her breath caught.

      “Lisa,” he said, “I’d heard you were going to be here.”

      He clearly thought she was someone else. She probably ought to say something, but up close, the gorgeous bandito seemed to have stolen both her thoughts and her words.

      “It’s nice to finally meet you.” His voice, whether authentic or altered to complement his costume, was laced with a slight Hispanic accent that set her senses reeling. “I’ve never really liked blind dates.”

      Talk about masquerades and mistaken identities. Before Julie could set him straight, he took her hand in a polished, gentlemanly manner and kissed it. His warm breath lingered on her skin, setting off a bevy of butterflies in her tummy.

      “Dance with me,” he said.

      Her lips parted, but for the life of her, she still couldn’t speak, couldn’t explain. And she darn sure couldn’t object.

      Zorro led her away from the buffet tables and to the dance floor. When he opened his arms, she again had the opportunity to tell him who she really was. But instead, she stepped into his embrace, allowing him to take the lead.

      His alluring aftershave, something manly, taunted her. As she savored his scent, as well as the warmth of his muscular arms, her pulse soared. She leaned her head on his shoulder as they swayed to a sensual beat, their movements in perfect accord, as though they’d danced together a hundred times before.

      Now would be a good time to tell him she wasn’t Lisa, but she seemed to have fallen under a spell that grew stronger with every beat of the music. The moment turned surreal, like she’d stepped into a fairy tale with a handsome rogue.

      Once again, she pondered revealing his mistake and telling him her name, but there’d be time enough to do that after the song ended. Then she’d return to the kitchen, slipping off like Cinderella. But instead of a glass slipper, she’d leave behind her momentary enchantment.

      But several beats later, a cowboy tapped Zorro on the shoulder. “Pancho, I need you to come outside.”

      Zorro looked at him and frowned. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”

      The cowboy, whose outfit was so authentic he seemed to be the real deal, rolled his eyes.

      Julie wished she could have worn her street clothes. Would now be a good time to admit that she wasn’t an actual attendee but here to work at the gala?

      “What’s up?” Zorro asked.

      The cowboy folded his arms across his chest and shifted his weight to one hip. “Someone just broke into my pickup.”

      Zorro stiffened. “Right now? Where?”

      “Here, in the parking lot. I had an envelope filled with cash donations to Kidville under the seat.”

      At that, Julie’s heart thumped, and she clamped her mouth shut. Someone had stolen money meant for the Hoffmans’ kids? Who would do such a thing?

      “Is the money gone?” Zorro asked the cowboy.

      “I don’t know yet. I didn’t look.”

      Zorro stiffened. “Any witnesses?”

      “A stray dog. But he ain’t talking.”

      “Very funny.” Zorro’s gaze returned to Julie. “I’m sorry, Lisa. I’m going to have to morph into cop mode.”

      Now it was Julie’s turn to tense. He was actually a police officer in real life? A slight uneasiness settled over her, an old habit she apparently hadn’t outgrown. Not that she had any real reason to fear anyone in law enforcement nowadays.

      When Zorro removed his mask, revealing the rest of his face, he was even more handsome than she’d imagined him to be. She stood mesmerized, darn near smitten by a face and persona that were movie-star quality.

      The cowboy, who’d been frowning when he’d approached, wasn’t bad looking, either. He tipped his hat to Julie. “Would you mind excusing us, ma’am?”

      “No, not at all.” Julie took a step back and glanced at Zorro.

      A smile dimpled his cheeks, and little gold flecks in expressive brown eyes sparkled as he handed his mask to her. “Hold this for me. I’ll be back.”

      She probably should have corrected his mistake then and there, but for the life of her, she couldn’t seem to utter a single word.

      As Zorro followed the cowboy out the side door, Julie held on to his mask as if it were a glass slipper and studied him from behind. He was both gorgeous and charming. A dashing ladies’ man, no doubt. She could tell by his self-assurance and flirtatious manner, both of which were interest-snatching and blood-stirring.

      They also set off flashing red warning lights. If there was anything Julie avoided these days, it was suave and flirtatious men who thought they were God’s gift to women.


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