The By Request Collection. Kate Hardy

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The By Request Collection - Kate Hardy Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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Eve had called earlier to check up on her and invited herself over. Ruby was grateful she had. She needed a good friend today, and Eve was quickly becoming that. “Good morning.”

      Eve’s warm smile immediately faded. “Oh, Ruby. You look exhausted. I bet you didn’t get a wink of sleep.”

      “Maybe an hour or two. Come in.”

      “Are you sure? I can come back later if you want to rest.”

      “Heavens, no. Moping around isn’t my thing. I could use the company.”

      Eve entered and wrapped her arms around Ruby, pulling her in tight. The hug was exactly what she needed at the moment. “I’m sorry you’re upset.”

      “I’m...yeah. I guess upset is the right word. My emotions are all over the place.”

      “I’m here if you want to talk,” Eve said.

      Spilling her heart out wasn’t easy, but Eve was a thoughtful listener and someone Ruby knew she could trust. They entered the living room and took seats on the sofa next to each other.

      Ruby faced Eve and didn’t hold back. She told Eve everything about Trace, how she’d fallen for him and waited for him like a fool all those months. She explained how he’d returned to Cool Springs and laid his heart on the line, trying his best to make up with her, offering her everything she’d wanted from him, a life...a future. None of the things Brooks had ever hinted at. She explained about meeting Brooks for the first time at the C’mon Inn and how they’d hit it off from the start. How surprised she’d been the next day to find out that he was one of Beau’s long lost sons.

      Last night, after dancing with Brooks, she’d finally come to realize she wasn’t in love with Trace anymore. And that was before she’d heard about his indiscretions. That was before she’d learned he was trying to use her to bail him out of a financial jam.

      “As painful as it is, Ruby, at least you know the truth about Trace Evans,” Eve said. “You can cross him off your list. I’m sorry he hurt you, but you dodged a bullet. And don’t be mad at me for saying this—Brooks did you a service by exposing him.”

      Ruby lowered her head and rubbed at her temples. “My brain knows you’re right, Eve. But my heart...isn’t so sure.”

      “According to Graham, Brooks is crazy about you. Believe me when I say this. He wouldn’t have gone to this extreme with Trace unless he was all in with you. Brooks has his flaws when it comes to confronting adversaries, but he’s passionate in what he believes and a really good guy.”

      “Do good guys take off at the first sign of trouble?” She searched Eve’s earnest face, hoping to gain better perspective.

      Eve took hold of her hand, and her warmth seeped into all of Ruby’s cold places. “He went to Chicago for all the right reasons, Ruby. He’s making his peace with the past. Graham and I believe it’s so he can come to you with an open heart, as cliché as that sounds.”

      “No, that sounds...pretty good. If I can believe it. He hasn’t stopped messaging me.”

      “Maybe you can cut the guy some slack?”

      Ruby smiled. “Maybe.”

      Eve took both of her hands now, holding her gently at the wrists, and adjusted her position on the sofa to face her full-on. “I have something for you, Ruby. I hope I haven’t overstepped a line here, but...” She released her wrists to dig into her handbag and came up holding a pink rectangular box. “Being in your shoes a few months ago, I kind of recognize the signs,” she said, softening her voice.

      Ruby’s eyes widened. She wasn’t ready for this. But maybe it was time to stop procrastinating. It wasn’t like Ruby Lopez not to face life head-on. She took the box from Eve and, seeing the concern on her face, gave her a smile. “Do you always walk around with an extra pregnancy test in your purse?”

      Eve chuckled. “Oh, Ruby, I was worried how you would take it. You might think us city people are too pushy.”

      Ruby shook her head. “Yeah, well, city folk are more upfront, I will say that. Country folk tend to gossip behind your back. It all washes out the same.”

      “It’s okay, then?”

      “Of course. I should’ve done this myself. I think I needed the nudge.”

      “You think you might be?” Eve’s voice escalated to a squeak, and a twinkle of hope sparkled in her eyes.

      Ruby shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m eating like the world is ending tomorrow, and lately I get supertired. Emotionally, I’m a wreck. But that just might be Brooks’s doing. I guess... I’ll find out soon. Thank you, Eve.”

      “You’re welcome. I’ll get going now and let you rest.” Eve stood up and Ruby didn’t try to stop her, although resting was the last thing on her mind. Her grip on the pregnancy test tightened. She had some major thinking to do, no matter what she found out.

      She walked Eve to the front door, and they hugged. “Call me if you need to talk again,” Eve whispered.

      “I will. And thanks again.” Ruby closed the door behind her and leaned against it. Sighing, she glanced at the pink box with light purple lettering in her hand. To think, peeing on a stick could change her life forever. Ruby placed her hand on her belly, and tears misted her eyes as she made a heartfelt wish.

      Something she hadn’t done since before her daddy passed away.


      Brooks stood on the threshold of Sutton Winchester’s master bedroom as one of his nurses laid a plaid wool blanket on his lap and turned his wheelchair around. Brooks came face-to-face with his adversary. With a man he’d hated so powerfully, he’d wanted to destroy him. Now, his emotions raw, he hoped to God that Winchester would hear him out, because he was also the man who had loved his mother dearly and had fathered his younger brother, Carson.

      “He’s having a good day today, Mr. Newport,” the nurse said.

      “I’m glad to hear it,” Brooks responded as he and Winchester exchanged glances. “Good afternoon, Mr. Winchester.”

      Cancer seemed to have sucked Winchester’s one-time bluster and hard-nosed demeanor right out of his frail body. Hunched over, he appeared a shell of the man Brooks had opposed so vehemently in the past. Warm-colored walls, floral bouquets and December sunshine streaming in the windows contrasted sharply with the sterile environment of medical equipment, drips and tubes, and the constant blip, blip, blip of a monitor over the soft music piping in from hidden speakers.

      With a feeble wave of his hand at the nurse, Winchester stopped the music. “You know me well enough to call me Sutton, boy.”

      “Okay, thanks. I will.”

      “Did you come here to gloat?” He lifted his head to look into Brooks’s eyes.

      “No, sir, I would never do that.”

      “Have a seat,” the older man ordered in a voice that had long lost its depth.

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