Brides, Babies And Billionaires. Rebecca Winters

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Brides, Babies And Billionaires - Rebecca Winters Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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Escorting a colleague to a corporate dinner hardly qualified as a date anyway.

      Quit fooling yourself, Matt Dalton. She’s not a colleague. She’s a beautiful woman you are attracted to. And it bugs you that she’s so wary of men like you.

      He’d called her as the taxi was pulling into the hotel driveway, wanting to be there when she walked out of the lift. The look on her face as she’d agreed to stay on Thursday was imprinted in his brain.

      It had been a mixture of fear and hopeful expectancy. If it wasn’t complete delight when he brought her home tonight, he’d deem himself a failure. His aims were to see her smile, hear her laugh. And to develop his bond with the Fords.

      Cold and objective maybe, but he’d learned that love and happy-ever-afters were more advertising hype than reality. Tonight he’d forget business, relax and enjoy himself. Lauren would go home with happy memories rather than those of nights spent alone in a hotel room.

      The lift came down twice while he paced the foyer. She’d said five minutes, four had passed so...

      His jaw dropped, his heart pounded. He looked into big anxious hazel eyes and the resolution to keep the relationship casual and platonic shot into Netherland.

      She was exquisite, captivating. Every red-blooded man’s dream. From her gleaming newly styled, honey-brown hair framing her lovely face, to her red-painted toes peeping out of strappy gold shoes. Her sunshine-yellow dress, which fell loosely to her ankles from under her enticing breasts, shimmered as she walked towards him. A double gold chain around her neck enhanced her smooth peach skin. And she had to be wearing higher heels because she barely had to tilt her head to meet his gobsmacked gaze.

      He took both hands in his and held them out, felt her speeding pulse under his thumb, and had to clear his choked throat before he could speak.

      ‘Stunning. Lauren Taylor, you are enchanting.’

      Her eyes misted. Her glossed lips—oh, he so wanted to kiss them right now—parted.

      ‘I am?’ She was genuinely surprised by his compliment. Didn’t her room have mirrors?

      The lift beside them pinged and opened. As soon as the occupants left, he ushered her in, facing her towards the mirrored wall, and standing behind her.

      ‘Look at yourself, Lauren. You are gorgeous. I’ll be the envy of every male in the room.’

      His first aim was achieved as she smiled at their reflections. A soft glow appeared in her eyes and grew until they sparkled, and all apprehension disappeared. His arms ached to wrap around her, and if they didn’t leave this instant he most definitely would claim a kiss.

      * * *

      After they’d buckled in their driver handed him the corsage he’d left on the front seat.

      ‘I chose this one without knowing what colours you’d be wearing. It seemed...well, you.’

      ‘It’s beautiful, perfect.’

      He echoed her words in his head, not referring to the flower.

      When she reached out to touch the delicately shaded orchid with its deep purple centre, he caught her hand and slipped it onto her wrist. Resisting the whim to press his lips to her pulse, he compensated by linking their fingers and keeping hold. He gave her the same advice he’d given himself.

      ‘Relax and enjoy the evening. It’s one of the biggest events of the year, all profits benefitting children’s charities.’

      He felt her fingers twitch against his, saw the colour in her cheeks fade. But her eyes were clear and steady when they met his.

      ‘Big crowds are less daunting than smaller ones. They’re easier to hide in.’

      A puzzling remark that intrigued him. Why wouldn’t she want to be seen?

      ‘No hiding tonight. Not that you could looking the way you do. Duncan arranged our tickets, and the other two couples at our table are friends of theirs so you’ll be in good company. I’ll stay as close as I can and make sure you’re never alone.

      Which was going to be a pleasant task, not difficult at all.

      Matt being close might well be her biggest problem, Lauren thought, floating on air from his compliments. He wore formal wear with an innate ease. Had he been so elegant when he’d kissed her years ago? She could only remember those devastating startled blue eyes.

      As the taxi joined the line-up waiting to discharge their passengers, she craned her neck to watch them heading for the entrance. These were the elite, the rich and influential, and the corporate climbers—a mingling horde of people eager to see and be seen by their peers. Unlike her, they’d be at ease with each other or skilled at hiding any nerves.

      ‘Lauren?’ She turned her head to find Matt regarding her with a pained expression.

      ‘I’ll need that hand to eat dinner.’

      With a gasp she realised how tightly she was gripping his fingers, and let go.

      ‘I’m so sorry. Does it hurt?’ Mortification stung her cheeks.

      He gave a low chuckle and wriggled his fingers. ‘My friends will say any damage can only improve my guitar playing.’

      The car inched forward, stopped and a uniformed man opened Matt’s door. She sidled across as he alighted and offered her the hand she’d squeezed. She felt his strength as she allowed him to help her, felt hot tingles race along her veins as he drew her closer for protection in the throng.

      * * *

      The foyer was a kaleidoscope of colours, bold and lurid, pastel and muted, interspersed with the stark black of tuxedos. The overhead lights glistened off the dazzling displays of precious gems adorning necks, wrists, and fingers, hanging from ears and even woven into elaborate hairdos.

      Being part of the excitement was worth the initial sick feeling in her stomach, the harsh dryness of her throat. Matt pressed her to his side in his efforts to manoeuvre them to the designated meeting point with the Fords, and the adrenaline rush was intoxicating.

      Even he seemed surprised by the number of people who greeted him and held them up. So many inquired if his parents were attending. Others asked when he’d arrived in Adelaide, how long he was staying, and when they could catch up.

      They declined drinks until they’d joined their hosts, Matt selecting a white wine and Lauren a soft drink. Duncan introduced them to a middle-aged couple then, when the men began to discuss today’s games, Clair drew the two women aside and grinned at Lauren.

      ‘And at these occasions they talk sport.’ She turned to the other woman. ‘Lauren’s a computer expert and I’m—’

      ‘A danger to any active program,’ the woman cut in playfully.

      They laughed and Lauren noticed Matt’s short nod of approval in her direction. She’d also felt the reluctance with which he’d released her hand. Or was she reading too much into his protective mode?

      The doors to the dining area opened and they were asked to locate their seats. As she began to follow

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