Ultimate Romance Collection. Rebecca Winters

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Ultimate Romance Collection - Rebecca Winters Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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nothing but swim trunks and that military belt around your waist. Now, that was hot.”

      He grinned. “You liked that, huh?”

      She smirked up at him when he straddled her body again. “I liked it.” Then her features became serious. “I still can’t believe you swam all that way to save me.”

      He leaned in and brushed a kiss across her lips. “Believe it.”

      He then pulled back and looked down at her. His expression was serious. “I’m a damn good swimmer. I’m known to be able to hold my breath underwater for long periods of time. Longer than what most would consider normal. But I wasn’t sure I was going to make it to the boat, Swan. I told my friends I had to try even if I died trying because the woman I love was on that boat. That’s what kept me going. That’s what fueled every stroke I made into the ocean waters. And when my body felt tired, like I couldn’t possibly swim another lap, I would think of a life without you and for me that was unacceptable.”

      He drew in a sharp breath. For a quick minute, he relived the feel of the cold water as he swam nonstop to the boat to save her, not knowing if he would make it in time. “I had to save you.”

      “And then I rebuffed you. I refused to have that talk you wanted.”

      “I understood. I had been listening to what Georgianna Martin was saying, the picture she painted. I told myself that once I talked to you and told you the truth that you would believe me. I was just giving you time to think about everything. I figured you would realize that I did care for you.”

      She reached up and caressed the side of his face. “You never told me you cared.”

      “I did. Our last night together, when you were asleep, I told you before I left that I loved you. I had planned to tell you the next day when we were together but that’s when you were taken.”

      “And you came back,” she said.

      “That was always my plan, Swan. I never intended to let you go. I love you that much. And just so you know, my entire family is rooting for me. I told them about you and they can’t wait to meet you. My brothers and I are giving Mom a party for her birthday next week. Will you go to Texas with me?”

      When she hesitated, he added, “What I told you about them is true. My parents accept people for who they are and not how they look. Will you trust me about that?”

      She met his gaze and nodded. “Yes, I will trust you and yes, I will go.”

      A huge smile spread across his face. “I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone. And I’ve got the perfect thing for you to wear.” He quickly eased off the bed.

      She pulled herself up. “What’s going on? You plan on dressing me that night?”

      He glanced over his shoulder, chuckling as he pulled a small white box out of his shorts. “Something like that.”

      He returned to the bed and pulled her up to stand her on her feet beside the bed. Then he got down on one knee and looked up at her. “I love you, Swan. I know we have a lot of things we still need to overcome. But I believe we will do so together. Forever. Will you marry me?”

      He saw tears form in her eyes when she nodded. “Yes, I will marry you.”

      He slid the ring on her finger and at that moment Flipper knew he was halfway to having his world complete.

      He would get the other half the day she became his wife.


      Swan glanced down at the ring David had put on her finger last week. Seeing it gave her strength and she definitely needed strength now, she thought as she entered a huge ballroom on his arm. It was his mother’s sixtieth birthday party.

      They had flown into Dallas last night so this would be the first time she met his family. Nervous jitters had tried taking over her stomach but a smile from David was keeping most of them at bay. He was convinced his family would love her and he had told her over and over that she was worrying for nothing. She was the woman he wanted and his family would love his choice.

      “There’s Mom and Dad,” he said, with his arms around her shoulders as she carried his mother’s gift. The same gift he’d purchased that first day he’d come into her shop.

      A man she knew had to be one of David’s brothers whispered something to the older couple and they turned with huge smiles on their faces.

      At that moment, Swan knew David had inherited his father’s eyes and that the smiles on the couple’s faces were genuine. She could actually feel their warmth. David’s mom was beautiful and did not look like she was sixty or that she had five grown sons.

      When they reached his parents, David made the introduction. “Mom. Dad. I want you to meet the woman who has agreed to be my wife, Swan Jamison.”

      “It’s an honor to meet you,” Swan said, extending her hand to his mother.

      Instead of taking it, the older woman engulfed Swan in a huge hug. “It’s wonderful meeting you as well, Swan, and welcome to the family.”

      “Thank you. Here’s your gift. Happy birthday.”

      “Thank you.”

      She received a hug from David’s father as well. Then suddenly she was surrounded and a laughing David made introductions. All his brothers had those same blue eyes and like David, they were very handsome men. She could see why when she looked at the older Holloways; they were a beautiful couple. And Swan could tell from the way Mr. Holloway looked at his wife and the way Mrs. Holloway would look back at him that the couple was still very much in love.

      A few nights ago, David had shared the fact that because his mother had been married to a Navy SEAL for over forty years and had five sons who were SEALs, she counseled a number of SEAL wives who had difficulties with the frequency and longevity of their spouses’ missions. Swan had been glad to hear that since she would become a SEAL’s wife soon.

      Because David would be leaving in less than four months on anther mission, they hoped to marry within a year. Surprisingly, David wanted a big wedding. She agreed as long as the wedding took place in the Keys.

      The logistics of having a big wedding were enormous, given he had four brothers who were SEALs on different teams. Not to mention his closest four friends were SEALs as well. That meant Swan and David had to make sure everyone would be on leave in the States at the same time.

      David also introduced Swan to her future sisters-in-law and they loved her engagement ring. The three were friendly and she liked them immediately. She was also introduced to other members of David’s family—his grandparents, his niece, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles—it was obvious the Holloway family was a huge one.

      “Now I want to reintroduce you to four guys who are just as close to me as brothers. As you know, they came to the Keys to assist me in proving your innocence. And even when my assignment with you ended, they didn’t leave. They stayed.”

      She had met his four friends that night after the incident on the boat, when they’d had to give statements. She had thanked them for their help

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