Ultimate Romance Collection. Rebecca Winters

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Ultimate Romance Collection - Rebecca Winters Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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on a nearby table, he crossed the room to the bed. “But first I want to see something.” Before she could blink, he threw the bedcovers aside to expose her naked body.

      Surprised, she scrambled to get back under the covers but he tossed them aside again. “No. Don’t cover yourself. I just had to make sure I hadn’t imagined anything. That you were as beautiful and delectable as I remembered. My mind didn’t play tricks on me last night.”

      His words touched her. Made her feel wonderful. Made her feel like a real woman who had sexual feminine powers over a man. And when she watched him lick his lips with the tip of his tongue, she couldn’t help remembering just where that tongue had been and what it had done.

      Recalling that part of their lovemaking sparked an ache between her legs. As if he knew what sensations were enthralling her and where, he slowly eased his jeans down his strong, muscular thighs. Just as she’d thought. The jeans were the only thing he’d been wearing. He hadn’t bothered to put back on his briefs.

      “Now for this.”

      His words grabbed her attention and she watched him slide a condom over his erection. And boy was it large. How had it gotten inside of her last night? But he’d managed it and she knew he would again. This was the first time she’d seen a man prepare himself for sex. From the way he was doing it, it was obvious he was used to doing it.


      “Yes.” She drew in a deep breath. The ache between her legs had made her nipples harden like tight buds.

      “We’re going to try something different this morning. It will be easier on you and help with your soreness.”

      In a way, she felt embarrassed engaging in such a conversation with him...about her body. But she pushed her discomfort aside. After last night—and all he’d done to her and how he’d done it—there was no room left for shame. “What?”

      He smiled as he moved back toward the bed. “I want you to ride me.”

      She swallowed. “Ride you?”

      “Yes. Do you know how to ride?”

      She nodded. “Yes. My parents own several horses.” And she’d ridden them often enough.

      “Good. So show me what you know,” he said, lying back on the bed beside her, then lifting her over him. Just like that. As if she was weightless.

      “I’ll do my best,” she said, sliding into position. The long, hard length of his erection was like a rod, standing straight up, ready for her to mount. So she did. Widening her legs, she took him into her body. The hot texture of his male organ seemed to blaze her insides as she took him fully inside of her.

      She watched his face, the same way she’d known he’d watched hers last night. Their gazes held. No words were spoken. This was all about feeling. And she felt him in each and every part of her body. Her muscles clenched around him. Holding tight. And then as if of one accord they shivered with a need they both felt.

      “Okay Viper Jr. Ride me, baby. Hard.”

      Gavin’s words incited her to move up and down. She felt him grip the sides of her hips—to hold on to her, to guide her. Then, as if something elemental had taken control, she threw her head back and rode him hard.

      What was happening to her? It was as if she’d lost control of her mind and her body. Having sex with Gavin this way, with her on top, riding him, sent an exhilarated feeling through her, one she couldn’t explain.

      When he leaned up and whispered naughty words in her ear, sinfully erotic words, she went mad with lust. She heard the bedsprings as she continued to ride. Each time her body came down against him, his came up to meet her.

      Suddenly her quivering became uncontrollable and she felt her body explode into a thousand pieces. It was then that Gavin caught the back of her head with his hands and brought her mouth down to his, kissing her with a hunger that made her climax all over again.

      Once again he came with her. She felt it. As their tongues continued to mingle, she knew that she loved him with a passion she would never rid herself of, no matter the distance between them. While she was here on the Silver Spurs, she intended to make memories that would last her long after she returned to Seattle.

      * * *

      “Well, how did your dinner date with the handsome rancher go? Did the two of you do the nasty, Dr. Harris?”

      Layla didn’t immediately look up from studying the soil samples. Tammy was the last person she wanted to talk to, but to ignore her student would be rude. Yet no student had the right to inquire how their professor spent their evening. Layla had always maintained a distance between herself and her students. Because of her age, she took pains to ensure they never lost sight of the fact that she was their professor. As far as she was concerned, Tammy’s question was out of line and lacked respect.

      Layla raised her head from the microscope and met Tammy’s gaze. “I don’t think that should be your concern, Tammy. Did you finish your report?” Layla knew she hadn’t. Several students had brought it to her attention that Tammy was slacking. It seemed whenever there was hard work to do, Tammy had a tendency to disappear.

      Tammy scrunched up her features. “No. And why do I have to be the one to do that report? Donnell has a lot of free time.”

      “Only because Donnell has finished all his assignments. You haven’t.”

      A smile touched Tammy’s lips. “Doesn’t matter. I’ll still ace this class.”

      Layla frowned. “Not if you don’t do your share of the work. And if you’re not going to be a team player, I will have to replace you. There are several students who would love to be here.”

      “Doesn’t matter. They don’t have the connections I have,” Tammy bragged. “I’m on this team, Dr. Harris, whether you want me here or not. I thought you understood that.”

      Layla refused to get into a confrontation with a student. It was clear Tammy thought that being Dr. Clayburn’s occasional bed partner meant she could do whatever she wanted. Wrong. Not on Layla’s team. “The only thing I understand is that I expect you to carry your load. If you can’t, then you’re out of here.”

      Tammy tossed her hair as a smirk touched her lips. “Wrong. You’ll be out of here before I will. I’ll make sure Mark...I mean Dr. Clayburn knows I’m being harassed.” She then turned and sulked as she walked out the door.

      In frustration Layla rubbed her hand down her face. Tammy might be right. Layla wasn’t one of Dr. Clayburn’s favorite people and it was obvious the man was quite taken with Tammy. And Tammy knew it.

      “She’ll eventually hang herself and Dr. Clayburn. Don’t waste your time worrying about her, Dr. Harris.”

      Layla turned to find another one of her students, Donnell McGuire, standing in the doorway. Had he overheard her conversation with Tammy? Did he and the other students suspect something was going on between Tammy and Dr. Clayburn? The one thing Layla wouldn’t do was discuss one student with another, no matter how much she wanted to sound off to someone about Tammy’s atrocious attitude.

      Before she could say anything, Donnell added, “And don’t worry about that report Tammy

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