Ultimate Romance Collection. Rebecca Winters

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Ultimate Romance Collection - Rebecca Winters Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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good. What did the two of you decide about the fake marriage?”

      Coop rubbed the back of his neck when he remembered that particular conversation. “Bristol doesn’t want to be married any more than I do. But we have Laramie to consider now. She suggested we just tell everyone we’re getting a divorce. That will release her from the fake marriage. She sees that as the easiest and simplest way out.”

      “Is that what you want?”

      Coop dropped down in the wingback chair. “No. But then marriage isn’t what I want, either. At least it wasn’t until I met my son. At first I convinced myself being a single dad wouldn’t be a big deal since I’d be gone on missions most of the time anyway. But then I began thinking about those times I would be around. What if she began seeing someone who didn’t want me to have access to my child the way I wanted?”

      “You can work out visitation rights with an attorney, so there shouldn’t be any problems with that. Why do I get the feeling there’s more, Coop?”

      Because there was more. It was at times like this that a part of him wished Bane didn’t know him so well. He, Bane, Viper, Flipper and another friend by the name of Nick Stover had gone through the naval academy together. Mac had been a SEAL several years before any of them. For the longest time, Mac had come across like the big-brother SEAL looking out for them, like he figured they couldn’t take care of themselves. Over time they’d learned how to look out for each other. A few years ago Nick had given up being a SEAL to take a job with Homeland Security after his wife had triplets.

      He, Mac, Viper and Flipper had wondered if Bane would do the same thing because of his triplets. But Bane had assured them he wouldn’t. Whereas Nick and his wife didn’t have any family to help out, Bane had more family than the law allowed. Bane’s triplets were the third set born in the Westmoreland family. There were Westmorelands all over the place. In several states, including Alaska.

      Coop was close to all his team members but he and Bane shared a special bond because they’d been roommates at the academy.

      “Yes, there’s more,” he finally said. “It’s Bristol.”

      “What about her?”

      “I’m more attracted to her than ever, man. She’s beautiful. She’s also headstrong, independent and a wonderful mother to Laramie.”

      “Sounds like you’re falling for her all over again.”

      Coop leaned back in the chair. “To be honest, I don’t think I ever stopped falling. I told you how she was constantly on my mind while I was in Syria and how those memories of us together were how I held on to my sanity.”

      “Did you tell her that?”


      “And did you tell her that the minute the hospital released you to travel that you headed to Paris, hoping to see her?”

      “No, I didn’t tell her that. Maybe one day I will.”

      “Women like to know they were thought of. Remember how I kept all those cards and letters over the years for Crystal. It meant a lot to her.”

      He and Bane talked a little while longer. When they ended their conversation, he glanced at his watch. He needed to make another call, namely to his parents. He also needed to follow up with his attorney. Afterward, he would go to the hotel’s fitness center and work off that delicious breakfast and lunch Bristol had prepared.

      He thought about their kiss again. What he’d told Bane was the truth. He was attracted to her more so than ever. Visitation rights with his son weren’t the only thing he was concerned with. Visitation rights with his son’s mother were also on his mind. The thought of her marrying someone else bothered him.

      If it bothers you so much, then maybe you should marry her yourself.

      What the hell! Why did an idea like that pop into his head? Anyone who knew him would attest to the fact that he wasn’t the marrying kind. He liked his freedom. He enjoyed not answering to anyone but himself. He...

      Loved his son.

      His lips firmed in a straight line. Yes, he loved his son, but what did that have to do with desiring Bristol? Suddenly, he knew the answer. His love for his son affected everything. Even his son’s mother.

      He groaned in frustration. He had suggested the option of making the marriage real. She had immediately rebuffed it. At the time, it hadn’t bothered him one iota. That idea hadn’t been at the top of his list anyway.

      So why was he thinking about it now?

      Once again the answer was the same. He loved his son. Unlike his parents, who believed their love for each other weighed more than the love for their child, he didn’t hold such beliefs. Although he’d seen his child for the first time only last night, more love than he thought he could ever have for any other human being had seeped into his heart and it was going to stay there.

      He loved his parents. He loved his SEAL teammates as brothers. But the love he had for his child was so amazing that more than once today he’d had to pause to make sure he hadn’t dreamed the whole thing.

      That little face looked so much like him it was uncanny. Maybe the next time they would have a girl and she would look more like Bristol. Coop went still.

      How could he even think what he just had? A daughter? With Bristol as the mother? Jeez.

      He stood and began pacing. He was really losing it to even think such a thing. He needed to stay focused. The only person he needed to be thinking about was his son. But how could he think of his son and not think of his son’s mother? The woman who’d given birth to him? The woman who made sure he got all the things he needed? The woman who was already teaching him a second language?

      Hadn’t he decided earlier today that they came as a package deal? But that had only been regarding financial support and nothing more. Hadn’t it? Then why was he thinking all crazy? Why was he thinking beyond the financial to something even more? To marriage?

      Because she’s the woman you want.

      Want and not love.

      He knew love had nothing to do with it. Whatever feelings he had for Bristol were purely physical. That kiss today proved it, as well as the sexual chemistry surrounding them whenever they were together. That conclusion about the nature of their relationship didn’t bother him and he doubted it bothered her.

      Coop stood and checked his watch. He needed to go to the fitness center to work off his sexual frustrations, and he had plenty. When he arrived at her house to take them to dinner, maybe he would have worked some sense back into his brain.


      “Daddy is back, Mommy?”

      Bristol couldn’t ignore the excitement in her son’s voice. He had been disappointed when he woke up from his nap to find Coop gone. The light had come back into his little eyes only when she’d told him Coop would be back and would take them out to dinner to eat spaghetti.

      Laramie had jumped with anticipation when he heard the sound of

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