Best Friends…To Lovers. Jules Bennett

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Best Friends…To Lovers - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon M&B

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for me,” she muttered as they walked toward the rushing sound of the waterfall.

      “You needed a break. I wanted to take you somewhere where we could be ourselves, we didn’t have to worry about pretending or cell phones or work.”

      “This is perfect.”

      Jenna’s foot caught on a thick root, sending her tumbling against Mac. He caught her with his firm grip and held her tight. With her face right against his chest, she inhaled that familiar woodsy cologne and tried not to moan or close her eyes at the fact that just the smell of him turned her on. That’s not what they were here for. He may have taken his flirty advances into another territory, but then he’d backed off. He’d wised up or given up, one of the two, and pushed her away.

      So, whatever chance she may have had with her best friend, it was gone, and if she wanted to salvage the greatest friendship she’d ever had, she needed to cool it.

      “Okay?” he asked, tipping her chin up.

      With a nod, Jenna eased away. “I’m good. Just need to watch where I step.”

      He kept his hand in hers as he led her around the island. They discussed plants, flowers and he actually told her a few things she didn’t know. Apparently the mysterious Mac O’Shea had done some homework before taking her out on this little excursion.

      When he bent down to pluck a bright yellow flower, she halted her steps. He slid the blossom behind her ear, shoving her hair away, smoothing it on down past her shoulders. A shiver crept over her at the slightest touch and the way he seemed to be seducing her without even trying. Was he even aware of the effect he had on her?

      “Don’t look at me like that,” he murmured, his fingertips trailing along her jawline before tapering off.

      Jenna blinked and started walking ahead. Any response would only add fuel to the desire or start an argument, and at this point, they couldn’t afford either.

      The sound of the rushing water seemed to echo. Jenna walked on a few more steps then froze. She was at ground level with nature’s pool, watching as the cascades fell over the edge of the cliff. The crystal water seemed so inviting, so refreshing. She’d worked up a slight sweat walking around, but she didn’t mind one bit.

      Slipping free of her flip-flops, Jenna tiptoed down to the water’s edge. The coolness washed over her feet. She reached to the modest hem of her dress, and held it up as she waded in just a bit further.

      Behind her, she heard Mac stepping in, as well. “This is perfect,” he stated.

      Keeping her back to him, she stopped when the water reached her knees. “I could stay here forever.”

      Only the sounds of a random bird chirping and the rushing of the waterfall enveloped them. Besides the beauty of their surroundings, there was nothing here that demanded their time or attention. Mac, Jenna and their own private island were all that existed in this world.

      Jenna glanced over her shoulder and nearly gasped. Mac had taken his shirt off, those tanned muscles glistening in the sunshine. His board shorts were wet as he stepped in even further.

      “If you want to take your dress off, there’s no one else here,” he told her.

      Swallowing, Jenna kept her grip on the material bunched in her hand. “No, I’m...”

      Mac stood only a few feet away, but he eased closer. “It’s just me, Jenna. Don’t be embarrassed.”

      “I only have on a bra and panties.”

      Mac quirked a brow. “And how is that different from a swimsuit?”

      “I don’t like wearing a suit, either.”

      “I know.” He took her hand and opened her fingers, releasing the material. “You’re beautifully made, no matter what you think or what you’ve been told. I’m not pressuring you, but if you want to swim in this once-in-a-lifetime place, then do it. Don’t let insecurities rob you of this moment.”

      Why did he have to be so right? Why did he have to get inside her head and drive out all of the doubts? She’d justified each and every insecurity and felt she had a right to them. But when Mac talked to her, when he used that voice of reason, she listened. If she let her low self-esteem run her life, she’d miss out on some amazing things.

      Turning away, she gripped the hem of her dress and slid it up over her head. Using the material as a shield, she moved closer to the shore and gave it a toss. Pulling in a deep breath, she rounded back and froze.

      Mac’s intense gaze was on hers, his hand extended, inviting her to join him.

      Just friends.

      Every now and then that reminder crept back into her head.

      But there was something very intimate about being in a remote location with your friend, wearing nothing but your underwear.

      No matter what happened today, this would be a memory she’d keep forever.


      What the hell was he thinking, inviting her to take that dress off? He’d slept in a damn hammock last night to avoid temptation and here he was begging for it to be rubbed in his face.

      Jenna was absolutely breathtaking in her simple pink bra and panty set. Women threw themselves at him, purposely wore the sexiest of lingerie to entice him, but nothing got his attention more than a self-conscious Jenna wearing cotton. She moved much that he had no idea what label to put on his emotions.

      But he’d turned her away for a reason and he needed to keep in mind that, after this week, they both would return to Miami and the life they were used to. As friends.

      Between thoughts of her in bed last night and texting Ryker, Mac hadn’t gotten much sleep. Ryker was still playing cat and mouse with Shane. Unfortunately, Braden was still MIA and Mac was starting to worry. He was also growing concerned he’d have to make a decision about Shane in short order.

      Not something he wanted to think about while holding Jenna’s hand in a place that could rival paradise.

      “I know I keep saying it, but this place is so amazing.”

      She slid her hand free of his and ran her fingertips through the water. She dunked down so the water just skimmed the tops of her shoulders and Mac knew she was trying to keep her body hidden from him. He wasn’t going to say anything. He didn’t want to call her out or make her even more embarrassed. All he wanted was for her to see herself the way he did, the way any man with breath in his lungs would see a voluptuous woman.

      “We probably shouldn’t stay long, though.”

      Mac shook his head and slid onto his back to float.

      “In a place like this, time doesn’t exist.”

      “You’re right. But I almost feel guilty for leaving and just—”

      “Enjoying yourself?” he asked, coming back up to face her. “Don’t feel guilty. The flowers

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