Best Friends…To Lovers. Jules Bennett

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Best Friends…To Lovers - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon M&B

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would you expect of me?” he asked, a naughty smile spreading across his face. “And don’t skimp on the details.”

      Letting out an unladylike growl, Jenna rolled her eyes and marched through the luxurious hut and straight out the door leading to a small, straw-covered deck overlooking the crystal-blue water. Heavy footsteps sounded behind her and seconds later a familiar, firm hand settled over her shoulder.

      “I’m not in the mood to be made fun of.”

      With a gentle squeeze, Mac turned her around. “Fine. Tell me what you need me to do.”

      She stared up into the emerald eyes she’d found herself getting lost in more than once. “You’ll have to stay in this hut with me.”


      She swallowed. “There’s only one bedroom.”

      His mouth quirked up. “Then try to keep your hands to yourself.”

      “Can you focus?”

      Jenna couldn’t help but laugh. He flirted with any woman between eighteen and death. He had no filter and she never took him seriously. The man loved life, loved women and loved his family. He was loyal to a fault. If she thought for even a second he could do long term, she could fall so easily for him. But she kept her heart guarded and firmly planted on the friendship side.

      “I’m focused,” he insisted, holding his hands out. “One bedroom. I understand what we won’t be doing in there, so tell me what we’ll be doing outside our little house.”

      “You’ll need to come to the evening events with me. There are only a few.” Jenna ran the list down in her head. “I’m doing all the flowers for the ceremony, so if you could make some trips with me to assist with the arrangements, that would look all boyfriend-ish. Oh, there’s the rehearsal dinner and ceremony, too, of course. But during the day, we may need to be seen on the beach together holding hands. I don’t know...doing lovey-dovey things.”

      “Lovey-dovey? Whatever you mean by that, I can handle it.” He glanced out at the water for a second, then back to her. “There’s only one problem.”

      Her heart sank. She didn’t have time for problems. Her mom was arriving in the morning and who knew when her ex would show his cheater face. Stupid guy had to be the best man, which meant she’d be walking down the aisle with him...she’d rather walk barefoot on broken glass.

      “I’ve known you for ten years and you’re not the affectionate type.”

      Jenna swallowed and nodded in agreement. There was a reason she wasn’t all touchy-feely. She couldn’t afford to be.

      “I can be,” she assured him.

      “Really?” He took a step forward, instantly filling the gap between them.

      His hand came up to her face as he trailed his fingertips down her cheek, to her jawline and down her neck. She couldn’t suppress the tremble that racked her body.

      “You think you can handle me touching you in public?” he whispered. “Kissing you? Acting like I’m your lover and pretending to know every single detail about your body?”

      Jenna’s breath caught in her throat. The idea of Mac knowing every inch of her body both thrilled and terrified her. She had no doubt this man knew how to bring pleasure, but at the same time, she’d be mortified if he saw her naked and looked disappointed. Her body wasn’t perfect, far from it. The curves, the dips and rolls, everything about her physique was the exact opposite of the women she’d seen him with.

      “I bet you that I can fool anyone who sees us,” she told him, trying to catch her breath. “So long as Martin thinks we’re an item, that’s all I care about.”

      “I’ve never turned down a bet.” He continued to stroke her skin. Her collarbone, her jaw, the sensitive spot behind her ear. “What does the winner get?”

      Jenna swallowed, forcing herself to focus. “If we pull this off, I win and you’ll owe me another favor, which I can redeem at any time.”

      His brow quirked up. “And if I win?”

      “You won’t. I plan on being very convincing.”

      Mac’s warm breath tickled her cheek as she shifted under his touch. He slid one palm up the side of her face, his fingers threading through her hair. “Then we better practice before he arrives.”

      Before she could ask what he meant, his mouth claimed hers.

      * * *

      What. The. Hell?

      Mac’s question to his own sanity quickly evaporated the second Jenna opened to him. He swallowed her gasp and kept his hand firm on her jaw, as if daring her to pull away.

      Finally, after all these years of wondering how his best friend would taste, now he knew and the fantasy didn’t even come close to touching reality. And he’d had a multitude of fantasies regarding this stunning woman.

      Jenna stiffened against him, then melted. There was no other word for what happened with her body—those curves would be the death of him.

      For years he’d kept his distance out of respect to their friendship and because there was no way in hell he’d let her in deeper...not when his family had secrets he could never share. His father had been a killer, though Patrick O’Shea could justify each and every death. Mac had actually made the decision himself twice before, when Braden wouldn’t do it and Patrick was forcing their hand. Mac didn’t look back, though. No regrets. Regrets meant living in the past. His family was looking toward the future, looking to go legit. The idea seemed so simple, but the execution—no pun intended—was proving to be a bit harder to pull off.

      Mac’s family was cunning; they got what they wanted. They stole, lied and would betray anyone to get where they needed to be. On the flip side, the O’Sheas were fiercely loyal to their allies. They wouldn’t hesitate to help anyone legitimately in need. But pity those foolish enough to cross them.

      There were so many family secrets, Mac knew full well he’d never put a woman he loved in a position of having to lie to the cops or keep the darkness of their deeds hidden.

      For the most part, the O’Sheas put up a great front. Yet beneath the surface they were always watching, waiting, ready to strike at any threat to their family.

      Braden had found love, but Mac wasn’t so sure such a thing existed for him. He didn’t do relationships. Jenna was a relationship type of girl, so friends was all they could ever be. Because he wasn’t letting her out of his life. She got him. She knew his family was...unique, and she didn’t pry.

      But playing boyfriend to her for a week? Now that he could totally get behind. The green light to touch her, to kiss her, was the stuff of fantasies and he planned on making every second count. Because if he was going to play this role, he intended to take it all the way. He hoped like hell she knew what she was getting into.

      After their little charade was over, she’d be out of his system and they could go back to being friends. He’d pushed for more years ago, but she’d shut him down, stating she was only looking for something long term. Now she’d made the

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