Hot Docs On Call: Hollywood Heartthrobs. Louisa George

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Hot Docs On Call: Hollywood Heartthrobs - Louisa George Mills & Boon M&B

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No alcohol for the foreseeable future.’

      ‘Spoilsport. I thought you might be on my side.’ But, then, she supposed, she’d pushed him away the other day so why should he do anything to please her? ‘Here goes. Down the steps... Now, don’t say anything as you walk by the cameras, just keep looking ahead. Oh, and could you take one of these, please? Peanut’s very wriggly again. I don’t think she likes flying.’

      ‘She’s definitely not one for cattle class, that’s for sure.’ Jake didn’t look enamoured about carrying a Chihuahua, and she had to admit that a beautiful, tall, toned man carrying a tiny dog did look funny. But he took it anyway, in one hand, and with the other he steadied her down the steps, a gentle touch on her elbow. For a second Lola felt as if she were the star, but the thrumming of her heart and the hot flush to her cheeks just highlighted the shy teenager inside her. Sometimes she didn’t know how Cameron dredged up all that confidence every day, every hour. It was exhausting.

      The limo journey from the airport, under a cloudless bright blue sky, took them west past candy-coloured high-rise apartments and along palm-tree-lined roads, through a maze of canals towards Old Fort Bay and the many private residences dotted along the coastline. Beyond the fancy gates and majestic buildings Lola got a glimpse of white sandy beaches and a turquoise sea. Only the rich and famous bought homes here.

      One day, she thought.

      Wait... Oh, wow. Actually, today... The car turned right into a long gravel driveway, meandered through lush, verdant bushes and eventually came to a stop outside a large white colonial villa clothed in bright pink creeping bougainvillea. ‘Oh, my God. It’s gorgeous.’

      Stunned, Lola bundled the dogs out of the car and gave instructions to the driver as Cameron disappeared into the house. This was way beyond anything she’d imagined.

      ‘I wasn’t expecting this. I thought we’d be at a resort or something with the others.’ Jake looked equally impressed as he carried luggage from the car boot to the door. He peered up at the magnificent building, then at the manicured front lawn and frowned. ‘Before we go in, Lola, can I ask you something?’

      Uh-oh. If it was about the other night she’d just about die.

      If it was about kissing again she would do that first, and then just about die. ‘Sure. What is it?’ It was as nonchalant as she could get, in between palpitations.

      He pointed to the house. ‘What the hell has this all got to do with a space warrior odyssey?’

      She breathed out, a flicker of disappointment subsumed by good old common sense. Then she laughed, because she was a damned fool to even think... He wasn’t the kind of guy to try again after rejection. ‘Oh. Well, it’s a flashback scene or a dream sequence, going back to pre-apocalyptic Earth, or something. But between you and me I think it’s just a good excuse for a jolly.’

      He gave her a funny look. ‘A jolly what?’

      ‘A jolly. It means a work thing that’s really just all about play.’

      ‘You Brits say the strangest things.’ But he was laughing and for a moment the air between them seemed less strained. Maybe, if they kept their conversations superficial, and maintained a decent distance, they could reach some sort of friendly equilibrium after all. Maybe he could be in one wing and she’d isolate herself in the opposite one. The place was certainly big enough. Yes, distance was the solution.

      A young woman appeared at the door and explained in a melodic Bahamian accent that she was Tina, the housekeeper, and to please leave everything to her. ‘Miss Fontaine has requested sole use of the house. I have put you and the... Dr Jake...’ The woman peered up at Jake and smiled. For a moment Lola thought the housekeeper was going to curtsy or kiss him, or just old-fashioned swoon. ‘Good afternoon, Dr Jake. Welcome to The Haven. I hope you’ll be happy here.’

      He shook her outstretched hand. ‘I’m sure I will. Thank you, Tina.’

      ‘Anything you want, just go right ahead and ask,’ Tina sighed.

      Lola sighed too, but hers was more through irritation. That’s right, lady, keep right on looking. I’ve kissed that mouth.

      A strange and breath-sapping spike of something lodged underneath Lola’s ribcage. Must have been the raw taco shells not agreeing with her, she decided, and nothing at all to do with a fierce possessive streak that scuttled through her. Jake was not her property and she would not be jealous of women looking at him like that. Yes, he was gorgeous. Yes, he was dashing and charming. So what? No big deal.

      She’d switched off momentarily and hadn’t heard what the housekeeper had been saying, but as she tapped behind her across the marble floors through the palatial house, then out past a huge infinity pool, Lola realised that they were being taken to a different building.

      ‘In here, please, Miss Bennett.’ They’d stopped outside a smaller, single-storey villa, cream and white with another deep red bush growing up the side, a small picket-fenced garden and a wrought-iron outside table for two on a deck overlooking the ocean. It was more private and secluded than the grand villa. It was, in fact, like a cosy honeymoon retreat.

      No. No flipping way. Blood rushed to her cheeks. She couldn’t...wouldn’t...shouldn’t be here with him. She should be in the big house, tending to her boss’s every need. Even that was preferable to being in a honeymoon hideaway with Jake. ‘’s been a mistake...’

      ‘No. No mistake.’ Oblivious to Lola’s growing panic, the housekeeper was still chattering away. ‘The Lodge is for you and the doctor to share at Miss Fontaine’s insistence. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms. There are interconnecting phones to the main house in the kitchen, the lounge and each bedroom. But Miss Fontaine said, please, to let her rest for a few hours. She will call if she needs anything.’

      ‘Okay.’ Lola blew out a big breath. This was so not what she’d had in mind for superficial and distant. But if there was one thing she knew about her boss it was that she wouldn’t change her mind once it was made up. She and Jake would be sharing. Period. ‘Well, first, I need to get the dogs some water and some shade. It’s too hot for them. I could take them for a walk around the grounds. I saw a lovely little shaded area they could play in back near the big house.’ Anything to distract her from the fact that she would be sharing living quarters with a god.

      Tina smiled as she bent to give the dogs a stroke. ‘Aren’t they adorable? The beach out front is private, so they can run around there under the trees. I have a little dog of my own over in the staff annexe, they can come play any time. I can take them now, give you a break?’

      ‘Thanks, but the walk will do us good after being cooped up on a plane.’ Truthfully, it was just an excuse for some Jake-free time.

      But the traitorous puppies pattered quietly into the cool lodge, obviously exhausted from their first-class travelling ordeal, found a plump cushion each on a white rattan sofa and fell asleep.

      The housekeeper fussed around the light, bright house, showing them the modern kitchen facilities, the menu—because, yes, The Haven had its own chef—and the well-stocked pantry and fridge. Then she left, leaving them to decide who had which bedroom, and what the hell to do next.

      And then there were two.

      Lola glanced over at Jake, who was staring at the beach out of a huge picture window in the lounge. ‘ shall I put this? Do you want to have a look at the bedrooms and decide where you want to

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