The Complete Regency Bestsellers And One Winters Collection. Rebecca Winters

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The Complete Regency Bestsellers And One Winters Collection - Rebecca Winters Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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He understood how fragile his elevated status was, how precarious. He was not permanently bound to Antoine Leodegrance in any way and yet all his own status rested on Antoine’s. Should the salle fail, should Antoine be exposed, Antoine would survive it in some fashion, reduced though it might be. But he would not. No one would care where he landed. Fencing instructors without references were cheaply come by.

      Behind him he could hear the front door open and Alyssandra’s voice as she passed her pelisse to a waiting footman. He turned from the window and watched her face pale when she saw him, but she did not try to evade him or his reason for being there.

      ‘He will be gone in six weeks, what harm can come of it? I’ll never see him again,’ she said baldly, her dark eyes meeting his in challenge. She joined him at the window, unafraid. She was far too bold. If he was Antoine, he would have taken a strap to her and demanded obedience. This latest adventure of hers could ruin them all and for what? For a roll in the grass with an Englishman? For momentary pleasure? There were far safer ways to achieve those ends.

      Julian exhaled, letting his mind clear. Anger would not endear him to her and that’s what he needed— endearment, and if not that, at least tolerance. ‘When I suggested we use feminine wiles to keep him from asking questions, I was not suggesting we use yours.’

      Images from the park began to stir in his mind where he’d trapped them. He’d rather not think of her as he’d seen her this afternoon, her hair loose, her face flushed, her eyes closed, savouring her pleasure, the Englishman pressed against her. And that sound she’d made, that mewl of unmistakable delight. He wanted to be the one who offered her those pleasures. He could, too. If it was pleasure she was after, he had more than one talent to his repertoire. It might be time to remind her, get her to reconsider what he’d once offered her.

      ‘I’m surprised you’re here.’ Alyssandra ignored his remark. Her tone was cool, but not entirely. There was concern beneath it. ‘I didn’t think you’d really tell Antoine.’

      ‘And hurt him like that?’ he queried. Alyssandra was a loyal creature. It would be worthwhile to stir that particular pot with a little guilt. ‘Do you know what that would do to him?’ Julian replied. ‘He will not hear it from me that his sister was playing the harlot in the park.’

      ‘Of course not.’ Her words were filled with acid. ‘It hardly suits your purposes.’ She made to move past him, but Julian wasn’t done. His hand shot out and gripped her arm. She was not going to walk away from him as if he were a servant, as if he didn’t wager his fate every day on the twins Leodegrance. He deserved her respect.

      ‘What are you running from? Are you afraid of what I’m going to say? Are you afraid I’m right? Only a coward would walk away and leave things unsettled.’ Julian knew just where to poke her. She was a temperamental one, any dare would spark her tenacity. She wouldn’t walk out of a room where her courage was in doubt.

      She wrenched her arm free. It was the only defiance she could afford and he knew it. ‘There is nothing you can say that would frighten me.’

      ‘I hope so.’ Julian softened his tone. He didn’t want her angry, he wanted her confused, wanted her to doubt her attraction to the Englishman. ‘It’s not my intention to hurt you, Alyssandra. We are family, the three of us, we’re all each other has. We all guard the same secret for the same reasons. The truth is, the Englishman is just using you. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already suspect. He wants to get to your brother and you’re his best chance.’ He reached for her chin, trapping it between his thumb and forefinger, forcing her to meet his eyes. ‘In your heart, you know this is true. He tried to follow you out of the salon today, thinking to speak to your brother. He was waiting in the alley for your brother today, not you. You were a surprise.’

      ‘How did you know he was out there?’ Alyssandra jerked her chin away, the answer coming to her before he could supply one. ‘You followed me.’ Her eyes flashed with accusation.

      ‘I followed him,’ Julian corrected. ‘He left his lesson early, walked out on me, in fact. I suspected what he was up to and I was worried.’ They were standing toe to toe now. The world had narrowed to just the two of them. He was conscious of the rise and fall of her breasts, of the scent of her. He had not been this close to her in ages. It was arousing even to fight with her. But he had to be careful. He didn’t want to engender danger or she would never come to him.

      ‘And you kept following us. You spied on us the entire afternoon! It’s the only way you could have known where we were at.’

      She was making him look obsessed. That was not the image he was going for. ‘I was protecting you,’ Julian answered swiftly. He dropped his gaze to the floor as if to appear humble, perhaps momentarily vulnerable before he dissembled. ‘Your brother is not the only one who cares for you.’ It had the desired effect. She closed her eyes and gave a tired sigh.

      ‘Julian, we’ve been through this—’ she began.

      He held up a hand to stall her words. ‘Don’t say it, Alyssandra. I cannot stand by and let you throw yourself away on an Englishman who will offer you nothing. You are too fine, you deserve better than that and I know it. I doubt your Englishman does.’ He left her then by the windows to ponder his warning, his offer, and strode off down the hall.

      It was time to make his next move. He needed to speak with Antoine and start laying his groundwork. He just needed Antoine to take up his suit with Alyssandra once more—perhaps this time it would succeed. When he’d approached her before, it had been three years ago, during the early stages of Antoine’s accident. In hindsight he could see it had been too soon. She hadn’t been nearly desperate enough. She was full of hope that Antoine would recover. Frankly, so was he. But those hopeful days were long past. He wondered if Alyssandra had admitted her brother would never walk again. There would be no miracle. She needed to start planning the rest of her life. He needed to convince her he was part of that plan. Together, they could keep the charade up, the salon running until a son of their own could take over.

      Who better to leave the salle to than Alyssandra’s husband, his very own brother-in-law? If that happened, Julian needn’t wait for a son to establish his claims. He could claim it outright. Truly, how long would Antoine last? Cripples didn’t live long healthy lives and he’d already put in three years.

      He knocked on the door to Antoine’s study and stepped inside. ‘I need to speak with you. It’s about Alyssandra.’

      Marriage to Alyssandra would solidify his dreams. He was so close and one damn Englishman wasn’t going to get in his way.

       Chapter Ten

      ‘Alyssandra needs a husband.’ Julian had meant the words to shock and they had. Antoine looked up from the papers spread before him, worry and confusion on his face. ‘What? Why? Is she all right?’ His instant concern almost made Julian laugh. Antoine was such an easy puppet to manipulate. Mention his beloved twin and he melted. It even took him a moment to notice. ‘Mon Dieu, Julian, what happened to your face?’

      Julian took the chair on the near side of the desk, shrugging off the reference to his purpling eye. ‘Just a small accident after you left the salle today. It is nothing. It looks worse than it is.’ He reached for the decanter on the desk’s edge. Sometimes Antoine took a little brandy for the pain. He helped himself to a glass. They’d become equals, partners, over the past three years. Older than Antoine by seven years, Julian had painstakingly cultivated the complex role of mentor, friend, uncle-cum-older brother when the

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