Greek Mavericks: Seduced Into The Greek's World. Julia James

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Greek Mavericks: Seduced Into The Greek's World - Julia James Mills & Boon M&B

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you saying we live like some outmoded royal couple?”

      “Yes. As I said, you are often away. For business. That means I often live on my own. So I elected to retain my own space, and that suited you just fine.”

      The answer seemed wrong to him. The arrangement seemed wrong to him. Which was strange, because he knew the man he was. The man who possessed all of the memories, all of the past experiences, had clearly found it the right way to conduct his marriage. Who was he to argue with that superior version of himself in full possession of all of the facts?

      Still, he wanted to. Because his wife had come to his side immediately when he had been injured. Because her blue eyes were the only thing he truly remembered.

      “Will you be able to make it up the stairs?” she asked, looking at him with concern in her expression.

      “None of my limbs are broken.”

      “Your ribs are.”

      He shifted, wincing. “Only a couple.”

      “Tell me if this is too taxing.” She began to lead the way up the broad, curved staircase. The steps were carpeted in a rich dark red, the banisters made of oak, polished to a high-gloss sheen. Money, history and tradition oozed from the pores of this place. And he had a strange sense that he did not belong. That somehow all of this was not his birthright, in any sense of the word.

      He looked at Rose, her delicate fingertips skimming along the banister, her long, elegant neck held straight, her nose tilted up slightly. She was a bit plain, it was true, but she was aristocratic. There was no denying it. She was fine-boned, and refined, each and every inch of her.

      He had the feeling that her skin was like silk. Smooth, perfect and far too luxurious for any mere mortal man to aspire to.

      Somehow, he had her. Somehow, he had this house.

      And he could make none of it feel real. Everything seemed to exist on its own plane. As if it were a strange dream he’d had once long ago.

      A dream he couldn’t quite remember.

      He paused, a sharp pain shooting up his side, somehow going straight up his neck and through his jaw, rendering him motionless. As if sensing his discomfort, Rose turned. “Are you okay?” she asked.

      “I’m fine,” he returned.

      “You don’t look fine.”

      “Pain is a very determined thing,” he remarked, continuing to stand there frozen as he waited for the lingering effects to recede. “It doesn’t like to stay at the site of the injury.”

      “I’ve never been seriously injured. So I don’t really have any experience with that.”

      “I... I don’t know if I ever have been before. But either way I don’t remember it. So it feels remarkably like the first time.”

      That made him wonder what other things might feel like the first time, and judging by the suddenly healthy color in his wife’s face, she was wondering the same thing.

      Of course, with his ribs being what they were, that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon.

      It was a strange thought, the idea of going to bed with someone he didn’t know. Except, he did know her. But he might be different with her now. He might not be able to be the lover she deserved, or the one she wanted.

      “Can you keep going? Or do you need for me to figure out a way to fix you a room downstairs?”

      “I’m fine,” he said, welcoming the interruption of his thoughts.

      Finally, they reach the top of the stairs and he continued to follow her down the long corridor that led to his bedroom. Though bedroom was a bit humble of a word for what was in actuality an entire suite of rooms.

      There was a home office, an extremely large bathroom, a sitting area and a room that actually contained a bed. “Do you have something similar?”

      She nodded in affirmation. “Yes.”

      “We really are quite a bit like a royal couple.” It made no sense to him, and it also felt wrong. He felt...captivated by Rose. Drawn to her. He couldn’t imagine agreeing to separate bedrooms.

      But perhaps things were different when his head was full of other things. Right now, it was only filled with pain, and her.

      She was preferable to the pain, no contest.

      She tilted her head to the side. “I find it very strange. The things you know and the things you don’t.”

      “So do I. In all honesty, I would rather forget my surface knowledge of world customs and reclaim what I know about myself. But no one has consulted me on this.”

      “I understand. I should leave you to rest.”

      He was exhausted. Which seemed ridiculous considering he had spent most of the flight sleeping. He felt like this was definitely out of the ordinary. Being this tired. Also, being this sober.

      He definitely had some strong impressions about what felt normal and what didn’t. But he still wasn’t entirely certain he could believe them.

      “It would probably be for the best,” he said.

      “I’m going to confirm arrangements with the doctor I have coming in to check on you. The nurse, as well.”

      “I’m not an invalid.”

      “You have a head injury. And while we’re reasonably certain you aren’t going to die in the night, this is definitely out of the ordinary.”

      He couldn’t argue with that. “All right then,” he conceded.

      “I’ll wake you up when it’s time for dinner.” And then she turned and walked out briskly. And it was only then that it struck him that she never made any moves toward touching him physically. No small gestures of comfort. She hadn’t even behaved as though she was tempted to lean in and kiss him before walking out.

      But he supposed he would have to unravel the mysteries of his own mind before he set out to unravel the mysteries of his marriage.


      ROSE FELT LIKE she was losing her mind. Which, really wouldn’t do since Leon had so clearly lost his.

      “That isn’t fair. He hasn’t lost his mind, he’s lost his memory,” she said, scolding herself as she paced the empty study.

      The past two days had been the most trying of her entire life. And all things considered, that was saying something. She had endured an awful lot in her life. From her mother dying when she was a young girl to the loss of her father when she was only twenty-one. Continually feeling as though she didn’t fit in with her peers, because she was too quiet, too mousy to be of interest to anyone. Because she would rather spend her time in dusty libraries than at wild parties. Because if she was going to shop

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