Hot Single Docs Collection. Lynne Marshall

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Hot Single Docs Collection - Lynne Marshall Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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against the top of his collar and there was a line around the back of his head where his surgical cap had been tied. It looked like he’d tried to get rid of ‘cap hair’ by running his fingers through it, leaving it with a mussed look that had a boyish appeal.

      Lucy folded her hands tightly in her lap, stopping if not completely relieving the desire to touch those irresistible locks.

      He leaned back and looked at her. “Is something wrong?”

      People were always asking her that when she thought about him. She was going to have to work on not showing her emotions so much. In answer to his question, yeah, she was beginning to feel too much. She didn’t trust herself. Didn’t trust him.

      “I’m fine. Just tired, I guess.”

      “We’ve both had a long day. Come on, I’ll see you home.”

      “That’s not necessary. I’ve learned to manage on my own. I wasn’t late but once this week.”

      He leaned closer. “My, that is an improvement. Still, I’d like to see you get home safely.”

      She wouldn’t have thought it possible but Ryan moved further into her personal space. Somehow it seemed safer to take her chances on her own.

      Glancing away from his compelling look, she found the others at the table watching them. Did they think he was going to kiss her, like she was afraid he would? “Uh, sure.”

      He stood, stepping over the heavy bench, and waited for her to do the same.

      “I’m going to see Lucy home. She isn’t feeling well.”

      There were mummers of concern around the table. Lucy smiled at them weakly.

      She couldn’t refute Ryan’s statement because it would make her look silly. Waving a hand, she murmured, “Goodnight.”

      The table quickly returned to their discussions. Ryan led the way, taking her hand. He used his big physique as a wedge through the crowd of people and pulled her along behind him. They picked their coats off a peg by the door and put them on. Soon they were out on the sidewalk, standing in the cool, windy night air. Ryan let go of her hand and she felt the loss immediately. She hefted her purse strap over her shoulder then stuffed her hands into her pockets in an effort to contain the warmth he’d left behind.

      Lucy faced him. “You know that they all think something is going on between us.”

      “Isn’t there?” He cocked his head to the side and gave her a slight grin.

      “Not that I know of.” She started down the sidewalk. He fell in beside her. “A week ago you treated me like I had the plague. You weren’t even speaking to me. Why would I think anything has changed?”

      “Maybe because I kissed you and you kissed me back.”

      “You think just one kiss is going to make a difference?”

      He stopped and she did too. “I’m shocked that the tender-hearted, make-everyone-feel-better woman is really a skeptic at heart.”

      “You can’t turn a cute phrase every time you don’t like the subject matter.”

      He grinned. “I’m pretty sure I can.”

      “I wished I could stay mad...” she muttered.

      “I heard that.”

      They fell into silence by mutual agreement as they walked. All the lights in Manhattan had been switched on. Lucy missed being able to see the stars in the sky but there was also something intriguing about living in a techno show. “I’m always amazed at all the lights and sounds here,” she breathed.

      “Yeah, it’s pretty fascinating. And noisy. You should see the lights from my place. I think you’d be impressed.”

      “You sure that isn’t some come-on line, like ‘Would you like to see my etchings?’”

      His deep-throated laugh made her think of hot fudge over a brownie. Sinfully wonderful. He really had a magnificent, heartfelt laugh. She needed more laughter in her life. Ryan being the source both flabbergasted and unnerved her.

      “Well, it could be but actually it’s the truth.”

      They walked slowly down the street, occasionally dodging people. “So is that how the great Dr. O’Doherty lures women into his wolf’s lair, by saying come look at my view?”

      “I don’t invite just anyone to my home.” His voice had turned serious.

      “Really? Why?”

      “Because I like my privacy.”

      When the wind picked up and a light drizzle began to fall he said, “I’ll get us a cab.”

      “No, I can get home from here. I’ll take the subway.”



      “Yeah, okay. I’ll ride with you.”

      Lucy didn’t try to argue. She’d figured out it wasn’t worth the trouble. They found the subway entrance and used their passes to go through the turnstile. The station was crowded with the evening after-work foot traffic. As they waited, they were pushed closer and closer together.

      Was everyone and everything conspiring to keep her shoved against Ryan? No matter where they went it seemed like his body was in contact with hers. She loved the warmth and security he provided but it was hard on her already edgy nerves. Maybe she should’ve agreed to the taxi. At least it would have allowed a foot of space between them.

      When the train came, Ryan pulled her back against him, wrapped an arm around her waist and held her close as the car unloaded.

      “Let’s go.” He nudged her forward as the last person stepped off the train. He moved her in and down the car to stand next to a pole. All the seats were taken. “You’re going to have to learn to be aggressive if you ride at this time of day,” he whispered next to her ear.

      He made the words sound far more suggestive than they should have been. They had her thinking of firelight, him, the floor. She shook her head. That was no place for her mind to wander. She searched for a handhold on the bar to steady herself for when the train launched out of the station. None were available.

      “Brace yourself against me,” Ryan said from behind her.

      “I’ll manage.”

      “Yes, and fall. Maybe hurt yourself or someone else.” He widened his stance and again wrapped his solid arm around her. “Remember I offered a taxi.”

      “I think you’re just using this crowd as an excuse.”

      “Excuse for what? To hold you? Come to think of it, it is working to my favor.”

      “Ryan, don’t tease me. I don’t need this.”

      She tried to pull away but he tightened his embrace fractionally before

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