Royal Families Vs. Historicals. Rebecca Winters

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Royal Families Vs. Historicals - Rebecca Winters Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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      AFTER HIS SPEECH, Antonio stood before the divided government assembly to answer questions.

      “With all due respect, Your Highness, Princess Christina has graciously stepped aside to appease those voices who still want you to rule, but with someone more befitting to be your consort. Why won’t you listen to reason?”

      His anger was acute. “What princess on your short list has devoted half her life to charity and worked among the poverty-stricken in Africa with no thought for herself? What princess would willingly give up the title of queen in order not to stand in the way of her husband?”

      The room grew quiet.

      “My wife hasn’t made excuses or defended herself, so I’ll do it for her. This so-called affair of hers was in truth a friendship, nothing more, but trust evil to find its way to do its dirty work. She remained true to our engagement. So I’ll say it again. If I can’t rule with Christina at my side, then I have no desire to rule. Therefore I’ve given orders that there’ll be no coronation.”

      A loud roar of dissent from that part of the council loyal to him and the crown got to their feet, but he was deaf to their cries.

      “But, Your Highness—”

      Antonio ignored the minister of finance, his good friend, who was calling to him and stormed out of the council meeting. He walked out of chambers and headed straight for his office down the hall of the palace.

      “Roberto?” he barked.

      “Your Highness?” His assistant’s head came up.

      “Call the press secretary and ask him to come in here right away. No one is to disturb us, do you understand?”

      “Si.” He picked up the phone immediately.

      Antonio went into his private suite and slammed the door, but he was too full of adrenaline to sit. With Christina’s stunning press statement read over the airwaves three weeks ago, plus her disappearance that had come close to destroying him, the joy he’d experienced on his honeymoon had vanished. He felt as if he’d been shoved down a pit and was falling deeper and deeper with no end in sight.

      Within a few hours of searching for her that night, Alonzo’s security people had tracked his wife to the Palazzo di Comparino. Apparently Louisa had taken her in. His clever, resourceful wife had made her getaway so fast by car, taxi, ferry and train that it had knocked the foundation from under him.

      There’d been no word from her for the past desolate three weeks, but he hadn’t expected any. Her father had made certain of that. With her press statement ringing out over the land, she would never come to him now. Meanwhile, Antonio had made a firm decision. He’d meant what he’d just said before the council. If he didn’t have her at his side, he didn’t want to be king at all.

      For the first time in his life he was doing what he wanted, and he wanted Christina. No amount of argument could persuade him to change his mind. Being reminded by Guido that Christina had decided to sacrifice her own heart for Antonio’s reputation and the country had only made him fall harder for his wife, if that was possible.

      Roberto buzzed him that the press secretary was outside. Antonio told him to send him in.

      When the other man entered the room looking sheepish, Antonio said, “Do you want to redeem yourself?”

      “Anything, Your Highness.”

      “I want you to arrange a press conference for me on the steps of the palace in approximately one hour.”

      “I’ll do it at once, Your Highness.”

      * * *

      Louisa had turned the sitting room at the palazzo into a TV room. Christina was grateful, since it was the only way she got information from the outside world. The rest of the times she took long walks and coordinated charity business with the foundations in both Halencia and Nairobi.

      Between Marusha and Elena, she was kept apprised of their news. Marusha was pregnant after suffering two miscarriages. Christina couldn’t be happier for her. Elena’s boyfriend, Enzio, wanted to marry her, but it meant talking to her parents first and she was nervous about that.

      Though there was plenty of talk because Louisa had constant visitors, no one mentioned Antonio in her presence. Her aching heart couldn’t have handled talking about him. Marusha begged her to come back to Africa. She would always have a home waiting. Christina told her she’d be coming in a few days. She’d outstayed her welcome with Louisa. It was time to go.

      This afternoon both love-smitten Daniella and Marianna had come over for an evening with the girls. Christina had the suspicion Louisa was trying to cheer her up. She loved her for it and it was fun for all of them to get together.

      Louisa poured wine from the vineyard and showed off her expertise about the vintage. Christina was impressed that she knew so much about it. Nico definitely had something to do with it.

      Dinner wouldn’t be for another couple of hours. Christina wasn’t a wine drinker, but this afternoon was special, so she joined in with the others to take a sip.

      Marianna smiled. “Hey, you guys—want to know a little gossip? I overheard Connor and Isabella talking wedding plans with Lindsay.”

      “I knew it!” Louisa said while everyone cheered. “Oh—it’s time for the six o’clock news.”

      “Do we care?” Daniella interjected.

      “I do,” Louisa exclaimed. She hurried over to the TV and turned it on. Christina was secretly glad, since it was the only way she had of knowing what was going on at the palace. Her heart was broken for Antonio, who was having to carry on through the fight to determine the destiny of his country.

      “Buonasera. Tonight we have more breaking news coming from the royal palace in Voti, Halencia. Crown Prince Antonio de L’Accardi has broken his long silence and has prepared a statement, which we will bring to you from the front steps of the royal palace.”

      The image flashed to a somber Antonio in a dark blue suit who was so gorgeous that Christina feared her heart would give out. The girls grew quiet as all eyes were focused on him.

      “Fellow countrymen and women, these have been dark times for the crown and it’s time for the conflict to end. I’ll be brief. As I told the National Council this morning, I dare any tabloid to come after me or my wife again.”

      What? Christina shot to her feet.

      “I admit that our engagement was originally a strategic move, but having spent time with Christina, I realize what an amazing person she is, how kind, generous and charitable she is, and how lucky this country is to have her as queen! I defy anyone to call our marriage a fake. To me it’s the most real and true relationship I’ve ever had. So I’ll tell you what I told the council. I’m in love with my wife and will not be giving her up, even if it means losing the throne!”

      Christina was shaking so hard she might have fallen if she’d hadn’t been holding on to the chair. The girls stared at her in wonder.

      Louisa smiled at her. “Every woman in the world with eyes in her head would love to be in your shoes right now, Christina Rose.”


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