The Military K-9 Unit Collection. Valerie Hansen

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The Military K-9 Unit Collection - Valerie  Hansen Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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didn’t you run away like we practiced?”

      The child pouted. “Uh-uh. He was hurting you.”

      Zoe buried her face against his little neck and fought back tears. “I understand. I’m not mad, Freddy. Honest, I’m not. I know you were doing what you thought was right.”

      Assuming Linc had captured her attacker, Zoe was slack jawed when he and Star returned alone. The dog seemed okay this time, but Linc’s beret was missing and he was rubbing the back of his head.

      “Linc? Are you hurt?”

      “Mostly my pride,” he said gruffly. “Star had him until somebody conked me in the head and she let go to come check me.”

      “Is she supposed to do that?”

      “No.” He cast a disparaging glance at his dog. “We’ll be doing some retraining ASAP.” Then he turned back to Zoe. “I’m sorry we didn’t apprehend the suspect. This is the most physical attack he’s made on you so far.”

      Zoe was kneading her neck. “Yeah. Tell me about it.” She watched as Linc crouched to examine his dog, presumably checking for unseen injuries. “What’s she chewing on?”

      Linc commanded the K-9 to release. She placed a soggy piece of fabric in his outstretched hand. He stood and displayed it in his palm. “What does that look like to you?”

      “Part of a dark blue jumpsuit like our mechanics sometimes wear.”

      “Exactly.” Linc tucked the scrap into a plastic evidence baggie. “As chewed as this is, I doubt the lab can isolate DNA, but our next stop is going to be the airfield. I want to see who’s missing a piece of his south end.”

      “Might Star have made him bleed?” Zoe wasn’t cowed when Linc gave her a quizzical look, so she added, “I hope so.”

      “I see your spirit isn’t harmed. That’s good, because we’re now searching for two assailants—the one who grabbed you just now and the person who hit me over the head from behind.”

      “Two?” She hadn’t progressed that far in her reasoning, but now it registered. “Of course. Remember the warehouse? There were two involved there, too. A man and a woman. Maybe she’s still working with him.”

      “Maybe.” Linc gave her a lopsided smile. “Don’t stress that notion in your debriefing, okay? I’ll report it, but I’d just as soon the other members of my unit didn’t start teasing me about being taken down by a female.”

      Zoe huffed. “Why not? We can swing a baseball bat as well as anybody. Stop acting so macho and admit it.”

      That brought a chuckle and another exploration of the knot on his head. “Granted. But in this case, she either went easy on me or didn’t have a man’s strength, because I don’t think I have a concussion.”

      “Maybe she didn’t intend to kill you.”

      “Let’s hope not,” Linc replied. “The last thing the base needs is another bona fide killer roaming the streets.”

      * * *

      Zoe argued that she didn’t need a visit to the ER but went along after Linc convinced her by agreeing to be checked out, as well. As soon as they were given clean bills of health, he suggested they stop at an ice-cream parlor to buy Freddy a cone.

      Zoe wiped the drippings off her son’s chin as she spoke. “So, what are they planning to do for a guard at my place tonight?”

      “My captain is considering letting me hang around, if that’s what you mean,” Linc replied. “You’ll still have someone else watching who is actually assigned.”


      The bell over the shop door jingled and drew his attention. “Well, what do you know.” He stood. “Excuse me for a second?”

      “Sure. I’ll wait here with Mr. Sticky.”

      Grinning, Linc stepped forward and saluted. “Lieutenant Webb. I thought you’d be off enjoying a well-earned vacation by now.”

      Ethan Webb shook Linc’s hand vigorously. “So did I. My time off was delayed because my K-9 and I were needed here at Canyon.” He lowered his voice. “Now there are more reports of sightings of the Red Rose Killer at Baylor Marine Base.”


      “Yes.” He urged Linc aside so the two friends could speak privately. “Lieutenant Colonel Masters over at Baylor used to be my father-in-law, as you know, and he’s asking for me. Insisting, really.”

      “Do you think Jillian is behind his request?”

      Ethan’s grimace at the mention of his ex-wife was fleeting yet telling. “Possibly. She’s impossible to predict. I’d hoped she was done causing me trouble when she divorced me.”

      “Maybe she is. Her father may just be taking advantage of his high rank to bring in outside help he trusts. What I don’t get is why he’s poaching on our turf when he’s got a base full of marines.”

      “I think it’s because of my K-9. He wants Titus. Besides, Jillian has always got whatever Jillian wants. That’s a big reason our marriage failed. I had no idea she was so spoiled when I proposed.”

      Glancing back at the small round table where Zoe and Freddy sat, Linc gestured. “Why don’t you take a load off and join us? It’s safe to talk about personal stuff in front of Zoe.”

      “Thanks, but I have to be going.” Ethan grinned. “You finally settling down, Colson? That’s a huge surprise.”

      “It’s not what it looks like,” Linc insisted. “I’ve been assigned to guard the sergeant and her son.”

      “Looks pretty cozy to me.” Ethan hesitated. “Don’t mention anything about Jillian, okay? Whatever Colonel Masters wants may work itself out after I’ve spoken to him in person. Boyd Sullivan may not actually be at Baylor right now, even if Jillian did get the customary red rose and warning note.”

      “Sure. No problem. How’s Titus?”

      “Fine,” Ethan told him. “You and Star still good?”

      “Absolutely. She’s out in the car with the air running to keep her comfortable. We’d all be out there if she wasn’t so fond of that kid—and ice cream.”

      The lieutenant chuckled and clapped Linc on the shoulder. “You know what they say, Colson. When in doubt, trust your K-9.”

      “Those two have more than won over Star. If I’m not careful, they’ll turn her into a useless lap dog.” He shook his friend’s hand once again. “Take care. And keep your defenses up around your ex. Don’t let a woman get to you.”

      Ethan eyed the table and smiled broadly. “Same to you, buddy.”

      * * *

      Thankfully, Zoe hadn’t run out of napkins by the time Linc returned. “All done,” she said. “Time to order

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