Italian Mavericks: New Year Temptation. Robyn Grady

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Italian Mavericks: New Year Temptation - Robyn Grady Mills & Boon M&B

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didn’t know how to undo. He didn’t even try. And she had a sneaky feeling that he might try to buy himself into Charlotte’s affections.

      Her fears proved true when they went downstairs on Christmas morning and she saw a huge pile of presents almost dwarfing the tree. There was every size and shape imaginable and she was furious with Luigi. He stood there waiting for them, looking extremely pleased with himself.

      Naturally Charlotte didn’t even look at the stocking Megan had so carefully filled, she ran straight across to the tree. ‘Are these all for me, Daddy? Has Santa brought me all these?’ Her blue eyes were wide with wonder and excitement.

      ‘Your ones from Santa are over here, sweetheart,’ said Megan, taking her hand and drawing her across the room. ‘He couldn’t carry all those in his sleigh, could he?’

      ‘So where did they come from?’

      ‘From me,’ said Luigi, a broad smile on his face. ‘Some for you and some for your mother.’

      Megan frowned her displeasure. What the hell was he trying to prove?

      ‘But I think your mother wants you to open Santa’s presents first.’

      He had no idea, thought Megan. Every child in the country this morning was opening their gifts from Santa Claus. Didn’t he know that? Not because their mothers wanted it; because it was tradition.

      Megan dropped down to her knees and watched as Charlotte tore at the wrappings, her tiny hands trembling. ‘Oh, look, Mummy, look,’ she kept exclaiming.

      ‘What have you got?’ asked Luigi, moving to stand beside her, but not getting down to his daughter’s level as Megan had done.

      ‘A new dolly, Daddy, and some clothes for her, and—’

      But Megan gained the impression that he wasn’t really interested. He wanted Charlotte to open the gifts from him; he wanted to see her pleasure and receive her thanks. He wanted to feel good.

      And it wasn’t long before Charlotte ran across to the tree. And this time Luigi squatted beside her, enjoying the pleasure on her face as she opened her presents. ‘Thank you, Daddy,’ she said time and time again, hugging him spontaneously, her shyness forgotten for the moment.

      He looked uncomfortable at receiving so much affection, thought Megan, and then wondered whether she was being mean. This was Christmas, after all. A time for giving. She oughtn’t to criticise.

      She was annoyed, though, at the number of presents he’d bought Charlotte. She was a well-adjusted child, aware that there were some things she wanted but couldn’t have, so how dare he undermine her values like this?

      Then it was her turn. A whole heap of parcels were for her, and when she begrudgingly opened them, trying her hardest to show pleasure when in truth she felt like throwing them back in his face, she couldn’t believe how much he’d spent on her. It looked as though he’d bought up the whole ladies’ department at Gerards. Jewellery, underwear, handbags, evening dresses, day dresses, nightdresses, and amazingly all in her size. And the whole of the toy department for Charlotte!

      ‘I haven’t bought you anything,’ she announced, rather more tartly than she should have done.

      ‘That’s all right,’ he said pleasantly. ‘The fact that you’re here is good enough for me.’ He gave her a meaningful look over Charlotte’s head.

      Megan was less than impressed and as soon as she could have a private word with him she went in with all guns blazing. ‘You had no right buying Charlotte all those things,’ she flared. ‘Nor me, as a matter of fact. Have you any idea what you’re doing to a young, impressionable child? Are you trying to buy her love, for heaven’s sake? You do know she’ll come to expect this all the time?’

      ‘So?’ he enquired, both hands spread wide, palms facing upwards, a big grin on his face.

      ‘It’s not good for her.’

      ‘I have a lot to make up.’

      ‘Nonsense. One gift would have done; she’d have been happy.’

      ‘But I can afford it.’

      ‘I don’t care. It’s wrong, Luigi. Very wrong! And, let me tell you this, when we leave here she’s not taking everything. You’ve gone over the top and I’m angrier than you can possibly imagine.’

      ‘And beautiful with it. Do you know I never saw you really angry when we were living together. I never saw your eyes flash so dramatically, or your skin colour so beautifully.’ His voice lowered conspiratorially. ‘It makes me want to take you to bed.’

      ‘Something that is never likely to happen,’ she spat.

      ‘Wouldn’t you like a little sister or brother for Charlotte?’ he asked gruffly.

      ‘Not by you,’ she charged.

      His face flushed a dull, ugly red. ‘And not by that swine you’re living with either. Tell him to keep his hands off. You belong to me.’

      ‘Since you never came looking for me I don’t see how you can make that claim,’ she retorted. ‘It proves you weren’t interested. I’m even more sure now that it’s time to start divorce proceedings.’


      ‘NOT on your life,’ rasped Luigi. She hadn’t a cat in hell’s chance of him giving her a divorce.

      Megan flashed her magnificent eyes. ‘You’re nothing more than a materialistic, selfish, uncaring brute. You haven’t a loving bone in your body and I want rid of you.’

      ‘Well, think again, sweet wife of mine,’ he answered grimly. ‘Neither of us is going anywhere. Your place is with me.’

      ‘And wasn’t your place with me for the three years I spent with you?’ she tossed back scornfully.

      For goodness’ sake! Why couldn’t Megan understand that he had done it solely for her benefit? And he wanted her back—now. He wanted Charlotte because she was his daughter, but he wanted his wife because he needed her in bed beside him each night.

      How he had missed making love to her. No one else had managed to arouse him as deeply as Megan. Right from the day he’d met her he had desired her, in fact they had constantly devoured each other with their passion. He’d been destroyed when she walked out.

      Never for one moment had he thought that it was because of the hours he spent working. He’d provided for her every need, she’d wanted for nothing, and they’d made love with amazing frequency no matter how tired he felt, so had that really been the reason? Or was she making excuses?

      Had she fallen for someone else? That guy she was now living with, for instance. Only one thing pleased him about that relationship; Charlotte didn’t call him Daddy. Otherwise she wouldn’t have wished for a daddy for Christmas.

      And what did her boyfriend think about Megan coming here for the holiday period? Was he angry or understanding? He had to be the

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