Modern Romance Collection: March 2018 Books 5 - 8. Robyn Donald

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Modern Romance Collection: March 2018 Books 5 - 8 - Robyn Donald Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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father had commandeered the Kyrgiakis yacht, but the one upon which he and Tia sailed off into the sunset was every bit as luxurious, and it reduced Tia to open-mouthed, saucer-eyed amazement.

      ‘It’s got a helicopter!’ she breathed. ‘And a swimming pool!’

      ‘And another one indoors, in case it ever rains,’ Anatole grinned. ‘We’ll go skinny-dipping in both!’

      Colour flushed in her cheeks, and he found it endearing. He found everything about her endearing. Despite the fact that after a fortnight together she was way past being the virginal ingénue she’d been that first amazing night together, she was still delightfully shy.

      But not so shy that she refused to go for a starlit swim with him—the crew having been ordered to keep well below decks—nor declined to let him make love to her in the water, until she cried out with a smothered cry, her head falling back as he lifted her up onto his waiting body.

      For ten days they meandered around the Aegean, calling in at little islands where he and Tia strolled along the waterfront, lunching in harbourside restaurants, or drove inland to picnic beneath olive groves, with the endless hum of the cicadas all about them.

      Simple pleasures...and Anatole wondered when he had last done anything so peaceful with any female. Certainly not with any female who was as boundlessly appreciative as Tia was.

      She adored everything they did together. Was thrilled by everything—whether it was taking the yacht’s sailing dinghy to skim over the azure water to a tiny cove on a half-deserted island, where they lunched on fresh bread and olives and ripest peaches and then made love on the sand, washing off in the waves thereafter, or whether, like today, it was drinking a glass of Kir Royale and watching the sun set over a harbour bar, before returning to the yacht, moored out in the bay, for a five-course gourmet meal served on the upper deck by the soft-footed, incredibly attentive staff aboard, while music played from unseen speakers all around, the yacht moved on the slow swell of the sea and the moon rose out of the iridescent waters.

      Tia gazed at Anatole across the damask tablecloth, over the candlelight between them.

      ‘This is the most wonderful holiday I could ever have imagined!’ she breathed.

      Adoration was obvious in her eyes—for how could it not be? How could she not reveal all that she felt for this wonderful, incredible man who had brought her here? Emotion swelled within her like a billowing wave, almost overpowering her.

      Anatole’s dark eyes lingered on her lovely face. A warm, honeyed tan had turned her skin to gold, and her hair was even paler now from the sun’s rays. He felt desire cream within him. How good she was for him, and how good he felt about her...about having her in his life.

      ‘Tell me,’ he said, ‘have you ever been to Paris?’

      Tia shook her head.

      Anatole’s smile deepened. ‘Well, I have to go there on business. You’ll love it!’

      It felt good to know that he would be the first man to show her the City of Light. Just as it had felt good to take her on this cruise, to see her enjoy the luxury of his lifestyle. Good to see her eyes widen, her intake of breath—good to bestow his largesse upon her, for she was so appreciative of it.

      King Cophetua, indeed.

      But he liked the feeling. Liked it a lot. For her sake, obviously, he was finding pleasure in bestowing upon her the luxury and treats that had never come her way in her deprived life. But not just for her sake—he was honest enough to admit that. For himself too. It was very good to feel her ardent, adoring gaze upon him. It made him feel—warm.


      His mind sheered away from the word, as if hitting a rock in a stream. His expression changed as he negated what he’d just heard in his mind.

      I don’t want her to love me.

      Of course he didn’t! Love would be a completely unnecessary complication. They were having an affair, just as he’d had with all the women who had been in his his bed. It would run its course and at some point they would part.

      Until then—well, Tia, so unlike any other woman he’d known, was just what he wanted.

      His only source of disquiet was that she remained so clearly uncomfortable whenever they were in company, wherever they travelled. He didn’t want her feeling out of her depth in the inevitably cosmopolitan, sophisticated and wealthy circles he moved in, and he did his best to make things easier for her, but she was always very quiet.

      Thoughts flickered uneasily in his head. Had anyone ever thought to ask the Beggar Maid how she’d felt after King Cophetua had plucked her up into his royal and gilded life?

      And yet when they were alone she visibly relaxed, coming out of her shell, talkative and at ease. Happy just to be with him and endlessly appreciative. Endlessly desirous of him.

      He was in no hurry, he realised, to part with her.

      Will I ever be? he thought. Then he put the question out of his head. Whenever that time came, it was not now, and until it did he would enjoy this affair—enjoy Tia—to the full.

      * * *

      Tia sat at the vanity unit in the palatial en suite bathroom, gazing at her reflection. She was wearing one of the oh-so-many beautiful dresses Anatole had bought for her over the past months of their relationship. His generosity troubled her, but she had accepted it because she knew she couldn’t move in his gilded world in her own inexpensive clothes.

      And besides, none of these outfits are really mine! I wouldn’t dream of taking them with me when—

      Her mind cut out. She didn’t want to think about that time. She didn’t want it spoiling this wonderful, blissful time with Anatole.

      Anatole! His very name brought a flush to her cheeks, a glow to her eyes. How wonderful he was—how kind, how good to her! Her heart beat faster every time she thought of him. With every glance she threw at him or he at her, she felt emotion burn in her, coursing through her veins.

      She felt her expression change, and even as it did so her gaze became more troubled still, her eyes shadowing.

      Be careful! Oh, be careful! There is only one way this affair can end when it does end—like fairy gold turning to dust at dawn! And the end will be bad for you—so, so bad.

      But it would be worse—and the shadow in her eyes deepened, a chill icing down her veins—much, much worse, if she let her heart fill with the one emotion that it would be madness to feel for Anatole.

      I long for the one thing that would keep me in Anatole’s life for ever...

      * * *

      Anatole’s mood was tense. They were back in Athens, and the annual Kyrgiakis Corp board meeting was looming. It never put him in a good mood. His parents would pester him for more money—sniping at each other across the table—and only the calming presence of his Uncle Vasilis would be any balm.

      Putting in long hours at the Kyrgiakis Corp headquarters, closeted with his finance director going through all the figures and reports before the meeting, meant he’d had little time to devote to Tia lately, but when he did spend time with

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