Risking It All.... Yvonne Lindsay

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Risking It All... - Yvonne Lindsay Mills & Boon By Request

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hundred years of being treated like second-class citizens. Hell, they weren’t even American citizens until 1924. The powers that be did everything they could to grind us out of existence and they very nearly succeeded. I don’t feel at all bad about taking advantage of the system that tried to destroy us.” His voice was cool as usual, but she could hear the passion beneath his calm demeanor. “If I can do something to lift up the people who’ve survived, then I feel pretty damn good about it.”

      Constance had no idea what to say as they pulled up in front of a neat yellow neocolonial house with a front porch and a three-car garage.

      John had jumped out of the car and opened her door before she managed to gather her thoughts. “What’re you waiting for?”

      “Uh, I don’t know.” She’d never felt more lost for words around anyone. “Is this the original farmhouse?” she asked, taking advantage of his offered hand as she climbed down from the cab.

      “Oh, no. We just built this three years ago. The old place was kind of a wreck. No insulation, no real heat and A/C. My grandparents were ready to move into someplace shiny and new.”

      The front door opened and a white-haired man appeared on the front porch. “Hey, Big John.”

      “His name is John as well?”

      “Yes.” They walked up the slate front path.

      “Does that make you Little John?”

      He smiled. “I suppose it does. But if you call me that I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

      She wanted to laugh. As they climbed the steps she could see that the younger John towered over his grandfather by at least eight inches and was fifty-plus pounds heavier, all of it solid muscle.

      “This is Constance. She’s come here all the way from Ohio to be a thorn in my side.”

      Big John stuck out a gnarled hand. “Pleased to meet you, Constance.” He shook her hand with warmth, using both hands to embrace it. “It’s not easy to be a thorn in this man’s side. His hide is too tough. Come in.”

      She followed him into a sunlit foyer, where they were greeted by a tall, rather beautiful woman of about seventy. “This is my mom, Phyllis. She’s actually my grandmother, but she raised me so I’ve always called her Mom.”

      “Hello, Constance.” She also had a firm handshake. Constance could see where John got his inquisitive gaze. She thought it was cute that he called her Mom. “It’s not often that John brings a young lady to visit us.” Her bright eyes scanned Constance from head to toe.

      “Oh, I’m actually not...” Not what? A young lady? She glanced nervously at John.

      “Not what?” he said unhelpfully.

      “I’m here on business.” She glanced from his grandmother to his grandfather. “For the Bureau of Indian Affairs.”

      “Is that so,” said Big John. His expression hardened. She was beginning to get the impression that the BIA was not a much-loved organization.

      “I was just showing her our museum. Since she’s interested in Indian affairs and all.” Constance saw a smile tugging at the corner of John’s mouth. “Then I thought she should meet the real reasons we’re all here. My mother died when I was young,” he told her, “and my grandparents brought me up to be aware of our Nissequot roots. I have to admit that when my friends played cowboys and Indians I wanted to be a cowboy so I could have the gun.” He smiled mischievously. “And I wasn’t all that interested in hearing stories about how the world was created on the back of a turtle.”

      His grandfather laughed. “He just wanted to know if the Nissequot liked to fight.”

      “But they stubbornly persisted in teaching me everything they knew, and it must have taken root somewhere under my thick hide, because I remembered it all.”

      “How did you know the legends yourselves? Are they all written down somewhere?” Constance couldn’t help her curiosity.

      “Some stories are. Others are recited or sung,” replied Phyllis. “As long as there’s one person in each generation left to pass the stories along, they don’t die out. Even the family members who’ve come back to us from places like Chicago and L.A. knew something about their heritage—a song their grandmother used to sing, or just that they were from the Nissequot tribe, even though no one else had ever heard of it. We’re so blessed to have John. He’s the kind of leader needed to bring the tribe back from near extinction and make it flourish again.”

      “And there I thought I was just trying to make a buck.” He winked at Constance.

      “The spirit moves in mysterious ways,” said his grandfather. “Sometimes none of us are sure what we’re doing until we can look back later. We thought we were trying to run a dairy operation, but we were really keeping our claim on the land going until John was ready to take over.”

      “John bought us eight cows last Christmas as a present.” Phyllis smiled at him.

      “Beef cattle,” John cut in. “Aberdeen Angus. No more milking.” He shrugged. “The place didn’t feel right with no cattle on it.”

      “He missed the sound they make.”

      “They’re an investment. Good breeding stock.”

      Phyllis smiled at Constance. “He’s a lot more sentimental than he’d have you believe.”

      John huffed. “Nonsense. We’d better get going. I wanted Constance to see that we’re not just numbers on a balance sheet or names on a census.”

      “It was nice to meet you.” Constance smiled and waved goodbye, then followed John, who was already halfway out the door. His grandparents stood looking after them, amusement glowing on their faces. He bounded down the front steps and jumped back into the car. The engine was already running by the time she maneuvered herself into her seat.

      “They seem very nice.”

      “Like me.” He winked.

      “I have to admit that you do seem nicer than all the media stories make you out to be.”

      “I told you not to believe everything you read. Don’t start thinking I’m a pushover, though. I’m as ruthless as I need to be.” He tilted his stony jaw as if to prove it.

      “Ruthless, huh?”

      He focused his dark eyes on her as they paused at the end of the driveway. A shiver of arousal jolted her and she remembered the alarming power he had over her. “Merciless.”

      John Fairweather knew exactly what he was doing at every moment. Including when he’d kissed her. And she’d better not forget that.


      That afternoon, back in John’s office, Constance focused on expenses and other outgoings. Expenses were large, as would be expected, and there were definitely some extravagances, but nothing she hadn’t seen at other booming corporations.


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