The Best Kept Secrets.... Оливия Гейтс

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The Best Kept Secrets... - Оливия Гейтс The Westmorelands

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bank of the river and figured that after cooling off Jillian would eventually catch up.

      * * *

      Jillian watched Aidan walk ahead and decided to hang back a moment to reclaim her common sense. Why had she allowed him to kiss her? And why had she enjoyed it so much?

      The man gave French kissing a whole new definition, and she wasn’t sure her mouth would ever be the same.

      No one had ever kissed her like that before. No one would have dared. To be honest, she doubted anyone she’d ever kissed would know how. Definitely not Cobb. Or that guy in her freshman year at Wyoming University, Les, that she’d dropped really quickly when he wanted to take her to a hotel and spend the night on their first date. He might have been a star on the school’s football team, but from the couple of times they had kissed, compared to what she’d just experienced with Aidan, Les had definitely dropped the ball.

      But then, regardless of how enjoyable Aidan’s kiss had been, she was right in what she’d told him about not repeating it. She had no business getting involved with a guy whose favorite sport was messing around. She knew better. Honestly, she didn’t know what had come over her.

      However, she knew full well what had come over him. More than once she’d overheard Dillon express his concern to Pam that although the twins were doing well at Harvard, he doubted they would ever settle down into serious relationships since they seemed to enjoy being womanizers. That meant Aidan’s interest in her was only because of overactive testosterone. Pam had warned Jillian numerous times about men who would mean her no good, and her oldest sister would be highly disappointed if Jillian fell for the ploy of a man like Aidan. A man who could take away her focus on becoming a doctor just to make her his plaything.

      Feeling confident she had her common sense back on track, she began walking. Aidan wasn’t too far ahead and it wouldn’t take long for her to catch up with him. In the meantime she couldn’t help but appreciate his manly physique. His faded jeans emphasized masculine thighs, a rock-solid behind, tight waist and wide shoulders. He didn’t just walk, he swaggered, and he did it so blatantly sexily, it increased her heart rate with every step he took.

      Moments later he slowed and turned around to stare at her, pinning her with his dark gaze. Had he felt her ogling him? Did he know she had been checking out his rear big-time? She hoped not because his front was just as impressive. She could see why he was in such high demand when it came to women.

      “You coming?”

      I will be if you don’t stop looking at me like that, Jillian thought, getting closer to where he stood. She felt the heat of his gaze on every inch of her. She came to a stop in front of him. She couldn’t take looking into his eyes any longer so she glanced around. In addition to the huge lake there were also mountains surrounding the property. “You have a nice mountain view in this spot and can see the lake from here,” she said.

      “I know. That’s why I plan to build my house right here.”

      She nodded. “Have you designed it yet?”

      “No. I don’t plan on building for several more years, but I often come here and think about the time when I will. The house will be large enough for me and my family.”

      She snapped her head around. “You plan on getting married?”

      His chuckle was soft but potent. “Yes, one day. That surprises you?”

      She decided to be honest. “Yes. You do have a reputation.”

      He leaned one broad shoulder against a Siberian elm tree. “This is the second time today that you’ve mentioned something about my reputation. Just what have you heard about me?”

      She took a seat across from him on a huge tree stump. “I heard what hellions you, Adrian, Bailey and Bane used to be.”

      He nodded solemnly. “Yes, we were that. But that was a long time ago, and I can honestly say we regretted our actions. When we grew older and realized the impact we’d had on the family, we apologized to each one of them.”

      “I’m sure they understood. You were just children and there was a reason you did what you did,” she said. She’d heard the full story from Pam. The deaths of their parents, and aunt and uncle, had been the hardest on those youngest four. Everyone had known that their acts of rebellion were their way of handling their grief.

      “Sorry I mentioned it,” she said, feeling bad that she’d even brought it up.

      He shrugged. “No harm done. It is what it is. It seems the four of us got a reputation we’ve been trying to live down for years. But I’m sure that’s not the reputation of mine that you were really referring to.”

      No, it wasn’t. “I understand you like women.”

      He chuckled. “Most men do.”

      She raised a brow, not in the least amused. “I mean you really like them, but you don’t care about their feelings. You break their hearts without any concern for the pain it might cause.”

      He studied her for a long moment. “That’s what you heard?”

      “Yes. And now you want me to believe that you’re seriously considering settling down one day, marrying and having a family?”

      “Yes. One doesn’t have anything to do with the other. What I do now in no way affects any future plans. I need to clarify something. I don’t deliberately set out to break any woman’s heart. I tell any woman I date the truth up front—my career as a doctor is foremost. However, if she refuses to take me at my word and assumes that she can change my mind, then it’s not my fault when she finds out otherwise.”

      “So in other words...”

      “In other words, Jillian, I don’t intentionally set up any woman for heartbreak or lead her on,” he answered curtly.

      She knew she should probably leave well enough alone and stop digging, but for some reason she couldn’t help herself. “However, you do admit to dating a lot of women.”

      “Yes, I admit it. And why not? I’m single and don’t plan to get into a committed relationship anytime soon. And contrary to what you believe, I don’t date as many women as you might think. My time is pretty limited these days because of medical school.”

      She could imagine. How he managed to date at all while in medical school was beyond her. He was definitely into multitasking. She’d discovered most relationships demanded a lot of work and it was work she didn’t have time for. Evidently he made things easy by not getting serious with any woman. At least he’d been honest about it. He dated women for the fun of it and didn’t love any of them.

      “I have one other question for you, Aidan,” she said, after drawing in a deep breath.

      “What’s your question?”

      “If all of what you said is true, about not getting serious with any woman, then why did you kiss me?”

      * * *

      Now that was a good question, one he could answer but really didn’t want to. She did deserve an answer, though, especially after the way he had plowed her mouth earlier. She was twenty-one, five years younger than him. And although she’d held her own during

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