Special Agent. Valerie Hansen

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Special Agent - Valerie  Hansen Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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I can’t afford to buy new.”

      “I’m sure your father—”

      “Don’t even go there,” she snapped. “My dad made it very clear that he wanted nothing more to do with me. I am not asking him for a thing.”

      “Then how about appealing to your fiancé’s friends? I’m sure they have plenty of money.” Max hated to keep needling her but necessity and training insisted. All he’d need were a few new names and the investigation could head in a fresh direction. Making a seemingly nice young woman spitting mad was a small price to pay considering what he eventually hoped to get out of her.

      During the course of most investigations he had no qualms about stirring up volatile emotions. In Katerina’s case, however, he found the method personally objectionable. Necessary, but distasteful.

      The fire in her gaze and stubborn set of her jaw told him he might have hit the bull’s-eye. Instead of telling him off, however, she merely went to the dresser, stuffed a few things into a pillowcase and walked stiffly past him to the door.

      “I’ve reported this incident,” Max said. “You can’t leave until the police get here.”

      Katerina wheeled. One hand was clenched around the opening to the pillowcase and the other was fisted at her side. “I’ll be in the car.”

      “Fine. And while you wait, think. What are they looking for? And who blew up the stable? Nobody becomes the focus of continuing attacks without reason. You must have a good idea who’s doing this, and the sooner you tell me, the sooner I’ll go away.”

      Her nostrils flared, her cheeks turned red and she glared at him. “Maybe the same criminals did it all.”

      “As a profiler, I find that highly unlikely, Ms. Garwood. Whoever set the bomb in the barn couldn’t have been looking for something you’d hidden there because they’d have taken a chance of losing it forever in an explosion and fire. This apartment, however, was ransacked but not destroyed. That tells me they didn’t find what they were searching for.”

      “They’ll be back?” She chewed her lower lip. “Of course they will.” Color drained from her face, leaving her so pale Max worried she might be ready to keel over. There was only one thing to do. He phoned Dylan and briefed him, then asked, “Can you get me another room at that hotel where I’m staying? I need a place to put Ms. Garwood, at least for one night.”

      Dylan’s response wasn’t as positive as Max had anticipated but the young woman’s wide-eyed astonishment helped him decide on an alternative. “All right. Do what you can. If I have to, I’ll give her my room and Opal and I will crash in the car. It won’t be the first time.”

      Meeting Katerina’s gaze, he was startled to see unshed tears and even more surprised when she said, “You’d do that for me? When you still blame me for the bombing?”

      “Let's just say you're a person of interest. Dylan will wrangle another room. Don’t worry. He always comes through for the team.”

      A tear slipped silently down her cheek. She brushed it away. “You’re not nearly as tough and mean as you pretend to be, are you, Special Agent West?”

      His “No comment” brought a soft laugh from her that reminded him of joy-filled times he’d thought he’d forgotten, times when life had seemed easy.

      A few moments of looking into her eyes was almost more than Max’s heart could take. He turned away. If an impartial observer had accused him of emotionally closing down he would not have argued.

      Katerina Garwood was as dangerous to his mental and emotional stability as the deadliest of criminals. The only thing that would save him was that he knew it.


      “I hope you’re going to tell me that your agency is picking up the tab for both hotel rooms,” Katerina said as Max concluded his business with the police and joined her with Opal. “Because if not, I’m going to be the one sleeping in the car.”

      “Don’t worry about it.”

      She rolled her eyes. “How can I not worry? I’ve been living from paycheck to paycheck and hoping for good tips ever since the ranch was raided and Vern was arrested. I’d expected my life to change but not the way it has.”

      “Can’t you get a training job at another ranch?”

      “Not around here. Not with my undeserved reputation.”

      “Maybe your dad will mellow and invite you to come home?”

      “Maybe. When it snows in Death Valley,” Katerina countered. “I’m not holding my breath.”

      Max started the SUV. “The police don’t think the burglar left any clues. Neither do I, but they collected possible clues anyway. Are you sure the guy in your hospital room mentioned Kowalski’s name?”

      “Yes. And no.” Katerina pulled a face and slowly shook her head. “At the time it happened I was positive. The more I think about how implausible it sounds, the more I doubt myself. I’m sorry. I know it’s hard for you to take anything I say at face value so it must be driving you crazy that I can’t tell for sure. Believe me, it isn’t easy being me right now.”

      “That I can buy,” Max replied, with a twinkle in his eye. “I’ve made arrangements with a local sheriff’s deputy to deliver more of your clothing to the hotel after they finish going over the apartment. It’s the best I could do.”

      “Female deputy, I hope.” Katerina felt her cheeks warming. “I guess I shouldn’t be picky but I’d feel better if a woman did it.”

      “She’s a she.”

      Katerina sighed and sagged back against the seat. “Good.”

      “While you’re relaxing,” the agent said, “Why not close your eyes and try to picture the hospital room incident. Take it slow and let’s talk it through. You were sleeping and something woke you, right?”

      “Uh-huh.” Her sleep-heavy lids lowered. The motion of the vehicle began to lull her. “I remember thinking how the nurses kept coming in to check on me. I heard that whooshing sound of a door opening and sensed a presence.”

      “What did you see?”

      “Nothing, at first. My eyes were closed. I told the person I was tired and wanted to be left alone.” She shivered. “That was when he put a hand over my mouth and pressed so hard he made my lip bleed again.”

      “Could you have bumped it in your sleep, instead?”

      “I had one arm strapped down with an IV and was lying on my back. It would be difficult to hit myself accidentally.”

      “Okay. Go on.”

      “I already told you the rest. The guy said Vern had sent him and wanted to talk to me.” Sensing Max’s attention, Katerina opened her eyes and looked toward him. He was scowling. “What?”

      “That can’t be right,” Max said.

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