Bounty Hunter. Lynette Eason

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Bounty Hunter - Lynette Eason Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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started a fire.”

      Harper frowned. “But why?”

      “Maybe he was bored and passing the time. Who knows?”

      Harper squatted next to the doused fire. “Or he was burning something he didn’t want anyone else to see.” She picked up a small stick and separated the ashes. Bits of white paper were noticeable. “A note?”

      “Again...maybe,” Riley responded.

      “Some of the pieces aren’t completely burned and have writing on them.” She glanced up at him. “You might have had him running before he could finish the job.” Using the stick, she managed to flip one of the larger pieces of paper. “Potter,” she said, then gasped. “Hey, this could have something to do with Penny.”

      “Who’s Penny?” Riley asked.

      “The mother of Jake Morrow’s child.”


      “Yeah.” Harper sighed and stood. “We’ve been looking for her and her son, Kevin, because we figure she can lead us to Jake. He was spotted at her home near Billings just a few days ago, but ran when we got there.”

      “Wait a minute, if he was at her house—and here at the national park—then he’s definitely not a captive of the Dupree family. And if he’s not a captive and needs help—because he sure didn’t want mine yesterday—then what’s he doing? Why isn’t he reaching out to you?”

      “We’ve pondered all of that, of course, but we just don’t know.” She had her thoughts, but kept them to herself for now. “He’s not a captive,” Harper said. “That much we do know.” The question was, was he a double agent? As much as she didn’t want to believe it, she couldn’t help but think he might be working for the Duprees. She just couldn’t figure out any other reason for Jake to be acting the way he was.

      Even if he was worried about Penny and needed to find her, all he had to do was ask and they’d all join in the search for her. As a team. But he was working alone and seemed to want to keep it that way.

      “So, like you said, you stay on her trail and let her lead you to Morrow—or in this case, let Morrow come to you if you catch up with Penny first,” Riley mused.

      “That’s the plan.”

      “All right,” Max said. He motioned for the team to gather round. “Let’s get this area processed. We’ll do it ourselves and make sure it’s done right.” They retrieved the necessary supplies from the vehicles, moved in and got busy working on it.

      Harper’s phone buzzed and she pulled it up to look at the screen.

      A message from Dylan. Still working on your request, but this anonymous text just came in and wanted to get it to you straightaway. Forwarding it now.

      She waited. The team had been receiving anonymous texts leading them to various places around the country. The person sending the texts seemed to want to help find Jake. However, remaining anonymous was obviously more important to the sender. And they were very skilled at making sure they stayed that way. Even Dylan hadn’t been able to track the texts.

      The buzz came again. Find Morrow’s toddler and find Jake. That simple.

      She resisted the urge to snort. Right...that simple. If only. Harper pondered the fact that Penny had run when all the trouble with Jake started and they had figured out that the missing agent was most likely looking for her. Only a month ago, they’d gone to Penny’s house and had run into Jake doing the same thing. Only he’d bolted when he saw them. Which made no sense to her.

      So if Jake was in the park, that was a good indication that Penny and her child were here as well. But where? And why Colorado? She glanced back at the pile of ashes then texted Dylan again. See if Penny has any connections here in Colorado, please. Let me know ASAP.

      Sure thing.

      Thanks. So how are the wedding plans progressing? Dylan was madly in love with Zara Fielding. Zara was a former team intern who was currently training at Quantico to become an agent. She was also Dylan’s fiancée.

      Beautifully. Haven’t talked to her in a couple of days so I’m going through withdrawal. If you talk to her, tell her to call me.

      Will do.


      “Hey guys,” she called, “we’ve gotten another anonymous text.” The others gathered around her and she shared the message.

      “I’d really like to know who’s sending these,” Ian muttered.

      “Dylan will figure it out eventually. Let’s finish up here and see what the lab can come up with.”

      For the next three hours, they worked the scene, but Morrow was obviously long gone and nothing else turned up that she would consider helpful. Finally, Harper sighed and walked over to Max. “I think we’re done here, what do you think?”

      “I think you’re right.” He motioned the others over. When everyone was within hearing distance, he asked, “Anyone else hungry? My breakfast wore off long ago.”

      Chimes of agreement rolled in and Harper looked at Riley. “Any place in town you can recommend?”

      “Of course. The motel opens their restaurant for lunch. Then there’s the Drum Creek Café that serves burgers, fries, shakes and salads. Or if you want something a bit fancier, there’s Twilights right on the edge of town overlooking a small lake.” His eyes held hers. “It’s a great place for a date.”

      Ian had a coughing fit. Max snorted. Harper blinked and heat invaded her cheeks. “I don’t need fancy since I don’t do dates,” she said. “The café works for me. What about you guys?”

      They swallowed their mirth and nodded. Harper could almost see Ian biting holes in his tongue to keep from commenting. She shot him a warning glare. He grinned then turned to help gather their gear and together they hiked back to the vehicles. Riley walked with Max, the two of them talking. Max would fill her in later if it was something she needed to know.

      But what was that comment about a date? Seriously?

      Ian stepped over beside her and nudged her with a small grin. “It’s a good place for a date,” he drawled. “Wonder if he has anyone in mind?”

      She slugged him in the arm and he laughed while he jogged ahead. At least he’d waited until he was out of Riley’s earshot before he let loose with the teasing.

      While she walked, Harper pushed Ian’s ribbing aside and pondered her reaction to the good-looking bounty hunter. She admitted her attraction and questioned her sanity at the same time. She had no business letting herself be drawn to this man since she still had questions about his motives and whether or not he could be working with Jake. She didn’t really think so, but...

      Harper gave herself a mental shake and held the door for Star to hop in. She was not attracted to him. There.

      Riley settled into the passenger seat with Leo and True behind them again. Once Harper was in the driver’s seat and headed down the road, she glanced at her handsome passenger. “Are you going to eat

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