Top Secret Target. Dana Mentink

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Top Secret Target - Dana Mentink Military K-9 Unit

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her teeth, a sheen of moisture in those brown eyes, the same brown as the glossy acorns that festooned the trees on his mother’s property back home.

      She’s been the only one... Kendra had said of Baby, and he thought he had an inkling about the rest. The only one to understand, to listen to the painful things that could not be spoken to human listeners, the only one who did not judge, did not condemn. He got it. Titus had heard more about Ethan’s life story than anyone, except for the One who’d seen him through it.

      He nodded to Felicity and Westley. “Okay. Thanks for taking care of Rocket. I’ve got to get on the road.”

      “Where to?” Felicity asked him.

      “Back to Baylor.”

      She quirked a look at him. “That’s a three-hour drive. Didn’t you just get back from there?”

      “Yeah,” he said, with a weary sigh. But I’ve got to go find a cat.

      * * *

      Kendra had finally returned to Jillian’s rented home just outside base property somewhere after 7:00 p.m. It would be a short break to wolf down a granola bar and rehydrate. Then five minutes to change clothes and grab her pack and then she would search again for Baby. It was only another hour until sunset. Her stomach churned into nausea.

      “Hang on, sweetie. I’m coming to get you.”

      A knock at the door startled her. She pulled the curtain aside a crack. Ethan Webb stood on the doorstep, arms crossed, expression stony.

      What now? She had no time for another row with him. She yanked the door open, staring him down. “Come to apologize?”

      He quirked a brow. “For what?”

      “Disrespecting me in front of my boss. Scaring my cat.”

      “Disrespecting...” He rubbed a hand over his tanned face. “Whatever. We just have one piece of business left and then I’m hoping you’ll see reason and quit this job.”

      She shook her head.

      “You can’t trust Masters,” he said. “Get away from him as quick as you can. This situation is only going to get you hurt or killed.”

      “Thanks for your concern, but you didn’t have to drive over here to tell me that. I’ve known Jillian for fifteen years so I’m well aware that her father is a manipulative man with no ethics.”

      He gaped. “Then why would you work for him?”

      Because I owe his daughter my life. She shrugged. “Not your business, but thanks for dropping by.”

      “So you’re still going to persist in acting as a decoy for Sullivan?”


      His lips thinned, his nostrils flared and he started to speak, stopped, then started again, folding his arms across his broad chest.

      Amused, she folded her arms to mirror his. “Cat got your tongue?”

      “Wait here,” he snapped.

      She was about to respond when he stalked to his car. Titus sat in the passenger seat, ears alert, snout poking through the open window. He reached into the back and returned with a blanket, pushing the bundle into her arms.

      Her heart stopped at the sight of Baby, mewing plaintively. She could not hold back the tears that filled her eyes as she snuggled the cat under her chin. “You found her.”

      He shrugged. “Cost me a couple hours of searching and a million mosquito bites, but yeah. Baby’s back. Titus was not thrilled about sharing his vehicle with a cat, but he’s grounded so he doesn’t get to complain about it.”

      She laughed. “Thank you, Lieutenant.”

      “You can call me Ethan,” he said. “I guess we’ll be stuck in this idiotic mission together if you won’t listen to reason.” With a sigh, he started to walk away.

      “Wait.” She put a hand on his shoulder, muscles hard under her touch, and he turned back halfway. “I’m sorry for my rudeness. I really do appreciate what you did, more than I can put into words. Baby much more than just a cat to me.”

      She thought his cheeks might have pinked a bit, but she could not tell for certain. He blew out a breath and he turned to face her fully.

      “I’m serious here. I know we got snarled up in the beginning, but Masters is trouble and so is his daughter. Neither of them cares who gets hurt, so long as they get what they want. You are expendable and so am I, do you get that?”

      If she wasn’t mistaken, she thought she saw a deep-down pain shimmer in his eyes before he cleared his throat. She nodded. “I understand.”

      His gaze lingered, poring over her face from under a thick fringe of lashes. “Okay, well, it’s late,” he said. “We can work out the nuts and bolts tomorrow. Call if you know...anything.”

      He hesitated.

      “Something else you wanted to say?” she said.

      He held up his palms. “Now don’t get a burr under your saddle about it, but did you check the house? Make sure the doors and windows are secure?”

      She grimaced, wishing she could have answered yes. “Um, actually, I was in such a hurry to go searching for Baby, I didn’t. I’m sure Jillian checked before she left.” Some PI you are, Kendra.

      “Want me to...?”

      “No,” she said firmly. “I can handle it, thank you.”

      “All right, then.” He walked the few steps to his truck, where he leaned against the front fender. “Just wave at me when you get it done and I’ll scoot.”

      “You always this pushy?”

      “I’m as calm as clam shells on most days, but when there’s a serial killer roaming around, I get a little testy.”

      Though his posture was relaxed, long legs stretched out, boots crossed at the ankles, she had a feeling he would stay there until she reported that the house was secure. Period.

      “I’ll just be a minute.” Blowing out a breath she made a quick check of the tiny front room and the kitchen, depositing Baby on the linoleum with a bowl of water and some kitty kibble. It warmed her insides to see Baby chowing down with gusto. She felt a deep surge of gratitude toward Ethan that, for the moment, outweighed her frustration with him.

      Kendra moved onto a small bedroom being used as a study. The area was sparse, minimally decorated, as was in keeping with Jillian’s unsentimental personality. Jillian hadn’t said exactly where she was staying while Kendra lived at her place, only that she’d keep in touch by phone. Jillian was not touchy-feely about friendships, either. When Kendra paid back the debt she owed Jillian for saving her life that long-ago summer day when she’d helped her escape from Andy, she suspected there would be no further connection between them.

      Kendra hastened to the back

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