Hold Me. Susan Mallery

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Hold Me - Susan Mallery A Fool's Gold Novel

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I’m married to the best guy in the world, and he’s fabulous. I’m simply noting that Kipling is hot from an intellectual place. I am allowed to observe things.”

      Consuelo groaned. “Even you can’t be drunk that fast. You’ve had two sips.”

      “I know, but I haven’t eaten today.”

      “Lightweight,” Consuelo grumbled, but her tone was affectionate.

      Destiny was more interested in her conversation with Shelby. If Kipling had told anyone about who she was, it would have been his sister. But Shelby didn’t give the slightest hint that she was the least bit intrigued by Destiny’s parents.

      “Kipling might be hot,” Shelby said. “But sometimes he’s annoying—he has this burning need to fix things. Not every situation needs fixing. But aside from that, he’s basically a good guy.” She brightened. “And single. Anyone want to date him?”

      Everyone looked at Destiny and Madeline, which made Destiny realize they were the only single adult women at the table.

      Madeline held up both hands. “I’m not interested. He and I have met, and there’s no chemistry.”

      Destiny thought about her sensible plan and knew she didn’t want to get into that with anyone else. She’d discovered that most people simply didn’t understand her reasoning. Of course most people hadn’t grown up with her parents.

      “I’m only in town for a couple of months.”

      Patience raised her eyebrows. “You notice Destiny didn’t say anything about a lack of chemistry.”

      Shelby laughed. “You can say he’s hot. It’s okay. I won’t read anything into it.”

      “Thank you. He’s hot.”

      Patience sipped her margarita. “There are a lot of hot guys in town. It’s interesting. And nice for us.”

      “My husband is totally dreamy,” Larissa said with a sigh. “That body.” She paused as everyone looked at her. “TMI?”

      Patience pointed to Starr and raised her eyebrows.

      Larissa nodded. “So, um, Starr, who’s hot in your world? You’re what? Seventeen?”

      Starr blushed. “Fifteen.”

      “Really? You look so sophisticated. It’s the hair.” Larissa sighed. “Everyone thinks the blond thing is so cool, but there are a million of us. Redheads are special.”

      Starr smiled impishly. “Destiny and I just found out we won’t be going gray. Redheads don’t.”

      “Okay, now I’m bitter,” Patience said cheerfully. “So who do you like? Not Justin Bieber, please. I worry about him.”

      “One Direction?” Bailey asked. “I like their music. And I can’t help it. I love Taylor Swift.”

      “No one here is surprised,” Consuelo told her.

      “I like Cody Simpson,” Starr said. “For pop music. I’m more into country, though.”

      Destiny froze in the act of swallowing. Was Starr going to out them? But her sister didn’t say anything else.

      Destiny waited to see if anyone would pick up on the country part, but Shelby only said, “I know he’s kind of old but I have a thing for Matt Damon. He’s just so sexy and nice.”

      Madeline laughed. “And married. I like to crush on the single guys. You want to talk about hot? What about Jonny Blaze? OMG, he’s incredible. That body, those dark green eyes. The way he moves.” She used her hand to fan herself.

      Starr giggled. “He’s pretty cute.”

      “I love him in all his movies,” Larissa said. “He’s an action star with a brain. And the muscles don’t hurt.”

      Consuelo made a fist with her thumb up. “He gets the fights right. The hand-to-hand stuff. Most movies don’t even try, but he’s into the details.”

      Madeline leaned close to Destiny and lowered her voice. “Consuelo used to be in Special Forces or something. She teaches the most amazing classes at the bodyguard school here in town. She started with self-defense, but now she does these killer exercise classes. I’ve been taking them since the first of the year, and I now have muscles in places I didn’t know you could have muscles. But every now and then she scares me. I swear, she could kill someone with a paper towel.”

      “I’m impressed and intimidated,” Destiny admitted.

      “Tell me about it. Let me know if you ever want to go to class with me. It’s hard, but it’s fun.”

      “Thanks. I will.”

      Jo arrived with two big platters of nachos. Starr laughed at something Larissa said. Conversations at the other tables in the bar flowed just as freely.

      Destiny had to admit that she was more than a little surprised by Fool’s Gold. She generally had a good time on her assignments, but she’d been worried about this one. Mostly because of Starr. But from everything she’d seen so far, Fool’s Gold was welcoming and an easy place to live. She already felt as if she’d been here for months instead of only a week. There was a sense of connection she wasn’t used to. Belonging. She liked the women she’d met and was grateful they were being so nice to her and Starr. Not that she was looking for permanent, but it would be nice while it lasted.

      * * *

      FAMILY MAN AIR CHARTERS was housed in a hangar by the airport. Finn Andersson, a tall man in his midthirties, leaned back in his chair while Kipling explained about Miles and the helicopter. Aidan Mitchell sat in the other visitor’s chair and listened.

      “Helicopter time isn’t cheap,” Kipling explained. “But it offers a unique perspective.”

      Aidan and Finn glanced at each other.

      “Interesting,” Aidan said. “Finn and I have been bouncing around the idea of getting something permanent going for the tour company. A helicopter would offer some interesting advantages.”

      Finn nodded. “Right. We could take people up into the mountains, and they could hike down. Or into the backwoods that are too remote to reach any other way. How long is Miles around?”

      “Two months,” Kipling told him. “The mapping should be done by mid to late July.”

      “Enough time to see if there’s interest,” Aidan said. “Because if we move forward with a helicopter, that’s a big investment.”

      “I could get my helicopter license.” Finn sounded excited by the prospect. “It would have to make business sense, but that would be a fun challenge.”

      Aidan chuckled. “Any excuse to fly.” His expression turned thoughtful. “You know, we could talk to Mayor Marsha about the city going in on the helicopter with us. You and I could buy it, and then the city could contract with us when there was an emergency.”

      “I can

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