Maid For A Magnate. Jules Bennett

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Maid For A Magnate - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon Desire

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Catalina had no clue what he was up to now, but she had a feeling his newfound plans included her. After all this time, was he seriously going to pursue her? Did he honestly think they’d start over or pick up where they’d left off?

      Catalina knew deep down he was only after one thing...and she truly feared if she wasn’t careful, she’d end up giving in.

      Will lifted the bottle of scotch from the bar in the living room, waving it back and forth slightly in a silent invitation to his brother.

      James blew out a breath. “Yeah. I could use a drink.”

      Neither mentioned the early time. Sometimes life’s crises called for an emergency drink to take the edge off. And since they’d recently started building their relationship back up, Will wanted to be here for his brother because even though Bella was the one who’d suffered the loss, James was no doubt feeling helpless.

      “Smart thinking asking Catalina to help.” James took the tumbler with the amber liquid and eased back on the leather sofa. “Something going on there you want to talk about?”

      Will remained standing, leaning an elbow back against the bar. “Nothing going on at all.”

      Not to say there wouldn’t be something going on very soon if he had his way about it. Those heated kisses only motivated him even more...not to mention the fact that his father would hate knowing “the good twin” had gone after what he wanted, which was the total opposite of Patrick’s wishes.

      James swirled the drink as he stared down into the glass. “I know Isabella has been sick for a while, but still, her death came as a shock. Knowing how strong-willed she was, I’d say she hung on until Juan Carlos was announced the rightful heir to the throne.”

      Will nodded, thankful they were off the topic of Cat. She was his and he wasn’t willing to share her with anyone right now. Only a month ago, Bella had caught Will and Cat kissing, but at the time she’d thought it was James locking lips with the maid. The slight misunderstanding had nearly cost James the love of his life. “How is Bella dealing with the fact her brother was knocked off the throne before he could fully take control?”

      The Montoro family was being restored to the Alma monarchy after decades of harsh dictatorship. First Rafael Montoro IV and then, when he abdicated, his brother Gabriel were thought to be the rightful heirs. However, their sister, Bella, had then uncovered damning letters in an old family farmhouse, indicating that because of a paternity secret going back to before World War II, Juan Carlos’s line of the family were the only legitimate heirs.

      “I don’t think that title ever appealed to Gabriel or Bella, to be honest.” James crossed his ankle over his knee and held onto his glass as he rested it on the arm of the sofa. “Personally, I’m glad the focus is on Juan Carlos right now. Bella and I have enough media attention as it is.”

      In addition to the fact that James had married a member of Alma’s royal family, he was also a star football player who drew a lot of scrutiny from the tabloids. The newlyweds no doubt wanted some privacy to start building their life together, especially since James had also recently taken custody of his infant baby, Maisey—a child from a previous relationship.

      “Isabella’s passing will have the media all over the Montoros and Juan Carlos. I’m probably going to take Bella and Maisey back to the farmhouse to avoid the spotlight. The renovations aren’t done yet, but we need the break.”

      “What can I do to help?” Will asked.

      James tipped back the last of the scotch, and then leaned forward and set the empty tumbler on the coffee table. “Give me back that watch,” he said with a half smile and a nod toward Will’s wrist.

      “Nah, I won this fair and square,” Will joked. “I told you that you wouldn’t be able to resist putting a ring on Bella’s finger.”

      James had inherited the coveted watch from their English grandfather and wore it all the time. It was the way people told the twins apart. But Will had wanted the piece and had finally won it in a bet that James would fall for Bella and propose. Ironically, it had almost ended James and Bella’s relationship because Will had been wearing the watch that night he’d kissed Cat in the gazebo. Bella had mistaken him for James and jumped to conclusions.

      “Besides the watch, what else can I do?” Will asked.

      “I have no idea.” James shook his head and blew out a sigh. “Right now keeping Dad out of my business would be great.”

      Will laughed. “I don’t think that will be a problem. He’s up in arms about some business decisions I’ve made, so the heat is off you for now.”

      “Are you saying the good twin is taking charge?”

      “I’m saying I’m controlling my own life and this is only the first step in my plan.”

      Leaning forward, James placed his elbows on his knees. “Sounds like you may need my help. I am the black sheep, after all. Let me fill you in on all the ways to defy our father.”

      “I’m pretty sure I’m defying him all on my own.” Will pushed off the bar and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’ll let you know if I need any tips.”

      James leveled his gaze at Will. “Why do I have a feeling this new plan of yours has something to do with the beautiful maid?”

      Will shrugged, refusing to rise to the bait.

      “You were kissing her a few weeks ago,” James reminded him. “That little escapade nearly cost me Bella.”

      The entire night had been a mess, but thankfully things ultimately worked out the way they should have.

      “So Catalina...”

      Will sighed. “You won’t drop it, will you?”

      “We practically grew up together with her, you dated before, you were kissing a few weeks ago. I’m sure dear old Dad is about to explode if you are making business decisions that he isn’t on board with and if you’re seducing his maid.”

      “I’m not seducing anyone.” Yet. “And what I do with my personal life is none of his concern.”

      “He’ll say different once he knows you’re after the maid. He’ll not see her as an appropriate match for you,” James countered, coming to his feet and glancing toward the ceiling as if he could figure out what was going on upstairs between the women. “What’s taking them so long? Think it’s safe to go back?”

      Will nodded. “Let’s go see. Hopefully Cat was able to calm Bella down.”

      “Cat, huh?” James smiled as he headed toward the foyer and the staircase. “You called her that years ago and she hated it. You still going with that?”

      Will patted his brother on the shoulder. “I am going for whatever the hell I want lately.”

      And he was. From this point on, if he wanted it, he was taking it...that went for his business and his bedroom.

      * * *

      The fact that the maid was consoling

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