Vanished In The Night. Lynette Eason

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Vanished In The Night - Lynette Eason Wrangler's Corner

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like he planned to marry the woman. He was just concerned.

       Get a grip, Joshua.

      “We’re fine. In fact, we’ll be leaving first thing tomorrow morning. You didn’t have to come by.”

      Joshua sighed. She didn’t want him there.

      “But for some strange reason, I’m glad you did,” she said softly.

      His heart lifted in spite of the sermon he’d just preached to himself about staying uninvolved. “You are?”

      “I am. I’m so grateful. If it wasn’t for you, I would have given birth in the back of—” She swallowed and looked away. “Well, let’s just say I’m grateful and leave it at that.”

      He took her hand, wondering if all of his preconceived notions about this woman were false. Had he judged her too quickly?

      She shivered. “Why is your mother marrying my father?”

      He paused. “So, you’ll talk to me about it?”

      “Of course I’ll talk about it. If you’ll help me stop it. Or at least figure it out.”

      He frowned. “Why do you want to stop it? My mother is a perfectly fine, upstanding lady.”

      “I sure thought she was. So, why would she agree to marry someone like my father? He doesn’t exactly have the best reputation in town.”

      Her question threw him. “Ah... I don’t know. I’ll be sure to ask her when I see her.” He didn’t bother telling that had been priority number one before he’d had to alter his plans to fight off her attacker and deliver her baby. He nodded to the infant. “What’s his name?”

      “I haven’t decided.”

      He lifted a brow. “Well, you can’t just keep calling him Baby. Or Bubba.”

      “Bubba?” A smile curved her lips. “I’ve not once referred to him as Bubba, I assure you.”

      Whoa. Her smile packed a punch. He cleared his throat. “What’s wrong with Bubba?”

      “Not a thing. Bubba is a perfectly respectable name for those who choose it. I’m just not calling my child that, so don’t start.”

      He shrugged. “I’m kidding, of course. Why don’t you have a name picked out, though? What about naming him after his father?”

      She flinched and her eyes narrowed. “I wouldn’t name him after his father if it were the only name left on the planet. I want my son to grow up to be good and honorable, to be a man who respects women and loves God. I’ll name him after someone who deserves it.”

      Okay, then. There was a story behind those words.

      Joshua eased into the chair beside her bed and held out his arms. “Sounds like things a good mother teaches her child. What did your husband do to make you so mad at him?”

      She hesitated, then placed the baby in his arms. “He found someone else.”

      “Ouch.” He knew the feeling. “Yes, that would do it.”

      “And then was killed while he was sleeping next to her.”

      He jerked and stared at her. “Seriously?”


      “Wow. Who killed him?”

      “The woman’s husband. He was found guilty of murder and is now serving a life sentence.”

      Okay, so he probably should stop feeling sorry for himself. She’d been through much worse than he. Joshua settled back into the chair and held the infant in the crook of his arm. “I’m afraid I have no idea what to say to that one.”

      A sigh slipped from her. “There’s nothing to say.” Silence fell between them and he adjusted the blanket over the tiny arm. “You’re good at that,” she said softly.

      “I like babies.”

      * * *

      And she liked the image of him holding her son way too much. She almost snatched the child from him, but instead, sighed and rubbed her eyes. When she opened them, she found Joshua staring at the baby with one of the most gentle, caring expressions she’d ever seen on a man.

      “What’s your name?”

      He looked up, confusion in his eyes. “Joshua.”

      “I know that. I mean your full name.”

      “Joshua Duncan Crawford. But don’t you dare call me JD.”

      “Why? You like Bubba better?”

      He laughed.

      She thought about it. “I like it. I think I’ll call him Duncan.”

      “What? After me?”

      She held his stunned gaze. “Why not? You’ve shown him more care and gentleness than anyone else in his short life. A life he still has because you intervened today. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather name him after.”

      He opened his mouth then shut it. Opened it again. “What about your father?” he finally said.

      She shook her head. “No.”

      “Are you sure?”

      “I’m sure.”

      “Then I’m honored,” he said softly. He lifted the baby and gazed into the sleeping face. “Nice to meet you, Duncan.”

      Kaylee thought she might burst into tears. His tenderness, his care...yes, Duncan was the perfect name for her son.

      Joshua continued to talk to the newly named baby, and she let her eyes drift shut. Just for a moment. Then she’d take Duncan and feed him.

      When she woke, the sun was down and the dark night snuggled up against the windowpane. The chair beside the bed was empty. She turned to check on Duncan and gasped at the empty bassinet.

      In place of the baby, someone had left a white box. A box just like the one she’d received before she’d left her job in Nashville.

      Terror struck. Her stalker was back. And he’d taken her son.

      Kaylee threw the covers back and lowered her feet to the slippers someone had so kindly placed next to her bed. With trembling fingers, she snatched the robe from the end of the bed and tossed it around her shoulders.

      She rushed to the door and threw it open—only to come to a halt. “Mrs. Crawford?”

      The dark-haired woman turned from speaking with two of the nurses—with Duncan in her arms. Kaylee pressed a hand to her pounding heart and walked over to her. “What are you doing?”

      “Oh, I worried

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