Suddenly a Father. Michelle Major

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Suddenly a Father - Michelle Major Crimson, Colorado

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you have references?”

      “Of course. Although I just saved the beloved Bunny and cleaned your kitchen floor. I’d say that’s a pretty good reference for myself.”

      He held up his hands, his right arm difficult to hold out straight. “Like I said, being a dad is new to me. I want to make sure I do the right thing for Brooke.”

      She nodded, as if she approved of his answer. “I have a list of references in my car. I’ll get it before I leave. Is Brooke in preschool?”

      He rubbed his hand across his face then pointed to a pile of papers stacked on a nearby desk. “Registration is on the to-do list. I can’t believe how wiped out I am by the time she goes to bed.”

      “I can help,” Millie repeated.

      “I can’t drive yet and have regular physical-therapy and doctor appointments.”

      “That’s fine, too.” Her posture relaxed. “Olivia offered me the apartment above her garage. She and Logan live pretty close, so I can be here whenever you need.”

      He shook his head. “There’s a guest suite off the family room toward the back of the house. You can stay there.”

      Her eyes widened. “That’s not...”

      “Look at me.” He shifted on his bad leg. “I can’t drive. Hell, I can barely bend down to pick something off the floor. If anything happens to Brooke, I want to make sure you’re close.”

      He didn’t mention the blistering relief he already felt at not being solely in charge of keeping his daughter alive. Jake had managed through a lot of high-stakes situations, but nothing had scared him like the responsibility of fatherhood. He hadn’t realized how much it weighed on him until the possibility of Millie presented itself.

      She continued to frown.

      “I’m harmless,” he said, flashing his most convincing smile.

      Millie’s eyes rolled in response. “Hardly.”

      “I’m desperate,” he said softly.

      Her smile was gentle and genuine. “That I believe. Are you sure this is a good idea?”

      “Nothing about my life is good at the moment but...” His voice trailed off as Brooke walked back into the kitchen.

      “The dryer dinged,” she said, bouncing up and down on her toes. “Is Bunny ready?”

      “Nothing?” Millie asked.

      “One good thing,” he amended. “She’s the only bright spot I have. I’m going to make things right for her.” He looked at his daughter. “What would you think about Millie becoming your nanny and helping with things around the house?”

      “She’s Mary Poppins,” Brooke yelled happily. Her eyes widened as she turned to Millie. “Will you bring the glitters?”

      “Of course.” Millie smiled then glanced at Jake, her expression wry. “I’m not quite Mary Poppins, but we’ve got a deal.”

      * * *

      “Are you kidding me?” Millie yelled as she burst through the back door of her sister’s house thirty minutes later. “Next time you should mention that you’re sending me into pure chaos before I get there.”

      Olivia Travers stood on the far side of the island in the oversize kitchen. She shrugged her shoulders and tried, but failed, to hide the small smile that curved the corner of her mouth. “Would you have gone if I’d explained the whole story to you?”

      “Gone where?” the woman sitting on one of the bar stools asked.

      Millie recognized Olivia’s friend Natalie Holt from the last time she’d been in Crimson. A tiny pang of jealousy stabbed at her heart for the life Olivia had made in this quaint Colorado mountain town. Millie had never been great at cultivating friendships.

      “To Jake’s.” Olivia drummed her nails in a nervous rhythm on the granite counter. “What happened?”

      Natalie swiveled in her chair. “Yes, what happened? Jake was always my favorite of the Travers brothers. Tall, blond and wicked smart.”

      “Well, now he’s tall, blond and a hot mess,” Millie answered, omitting the part about how terrified he seemed of failing his daughter.

      “Emphasis on hot, I imagine.” Natalie nabbed a chocolate chip cookie from the plate on the counter. “Want one?” she asked Millie.

      “Did Logan make them?” Millie asked, inching forward, temporarily distracted by her unwavering devotion to all things chocolate.

      Olivia nodded and pushed the plate toward Millie. “I’m sorry, Mill. But he needs help. I knew you’d be able to get through to him. Logan and Josh are worried.”

      “Then why is he alone with his daughter?” Millie couldn’t help the recrimination in her voice. “What kind of family leaves someone in his condition to fend for himself?”

      “What condition?” Natalie made a face. “I didn’t even know Jake was in town. Why am I always the last to know everything?”

      “Sorry,” Olivia answered. “Jake wanted some privacy until he got settled.”

      “Whatever.” Natalie reached out to pat Millie’s arm. “You’re new around here, Millie, so let me explain how hard it is to stay mad at Saint Olivia. She’s just too damn sweet.”

      “Tell me about it,” Millie muttered, scooting forward to take a cookie. Logan was a phenomenal baker, even if she questioned his skills as a brother.

      “Have a seat,” Natalie said, patting the chair next to her. “I don’t have to pick up my son for another hour and I’m guessing whatever’s happening with Jake is way more interesting than any bad reality TV that’s on at the moment.” She looked between Olivia and Millie. “Who wants to spill it? You know I’m not going to tell anyone.”

      Olivia sighed. “Jake was injured while on a medical mission near Haiti, an aftershock from a big earthquake. At the same time, he discovered he had a four-year-old daughter.” Natalie’s mouth dropped open, but Olivia continued, “The girl’s mother died when a hotel roof collapsed but had granted him custody. So he’s brought Brooke to Crimson while he recovers. She’s adorable and totally dependent on him. He’s working with an orthopedic surgeon he knows at the hospital between here and Aspen. It’s a renowned sports medicine center and I guess he has some friends there. At this point, they’re not sure if he has permanent nerve damage in his right hand or what exactly the injuries mean for his surgical career.”

      “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me any of that,” Millie said.

      “I thought it would be better if Jake explained the situation,” Olivia said quietly. “And I wanted you to meet Brooke before you said no to working for him.”

      “Because I’m a sucker for kids.” Millie broke the cookie in half and popped the whole thing in her mouth, chewing furiously. “I’m a total sucker.”


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