Where Azaleas Bloom. Sherryl Woods

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Where Azaleas Bloom - Sherryl Woods MIRA

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didn’t want to explain about the golf trip to Lexie. Lexie was feeling unimportant enough as it was. Besides, Lynn didn’t know for sure. Rumors were always rampant in Serenity. Only some of them proved to be true.

      “Not really,” she told her daughter, whose tears were finally drying up, though the stricken expression on her face was still there. “Why don’t I see what I can find out tomorrow, so you’ll know when he’s due home. Will that help?”

      Lexie nodded. “You know what I don’t get? How can I still miss him so much, when I’m so mad at him?”

      Lynn allowed herself a small and this time genuine smile at the very complex question. Hadn’t she wondered the exact same thing herself more than once? As furious as she was at Ed most of the time these days, there were moments when the thought of never having his arms around her again made her want to weep.

      “Relationships are complicated, sweetie. Love doesn’t go away just because someone’s done something to disappoint you. You know how mad I get when Jeremy drinks milk right out of the carton or when you leave damp towels all over the bathroom floor?” She tickled Lexie. “I still love you.”

      “Or what about when you tell me ten times to clean up my room?” Lexie asked, getting into the spirit of the teasing. “I get annoyed, but I still love you.”

      “Or when you deliberately disobey me no matter how many times I tell you you’re not allowed to have a snack right before dinner?” Lynn said.

      Unfortunately, that one caused Lexie’s grin to fade. “Like there’s anything here to have for a snack these days.”

      Once again, Lynn felt the weight of every bit of unanticipated fallout from the divorce. There were the huge things, like Ed not being around when the kids needed him or the mortgage payments being late again and again. And there were the seemingly trivial ones like this, no after-school snacks. Added together she felt as if she’d failed her kids. No matter how much she wanted to lay all the blame squarely at Ed’s feet, she couldn’t. She was their mom. She should be finding a way to provide for her children. Going to work for Raylene had been a start, but it obviously wasn’t enough, not when Ed wasn’t holding up his end of the bargain.

      She vowed right then to take on a second job, even if it meant frying burgers at one of the new fast-food restaurants outside of town, anything to put an end to the dismay of seeing her children suffer because of decisions she and Ed had made.

      “I’m sorry,” Lexie whispered. “I shouldn’t have said that. It was mean.”

      “It was the truth,” Lynn said, then added with determination, “but not for long.”

      Lexie regarded her hopefully. “What are you going to do?”

      “I’ll find a better job, one with more hours. Or another part-time job,” Lynn said.

      “Maybe I could get some babysitting jobs,” Lexie offered eagerly.

      “I appreciate your wanting to do that, but I’d like you to be a little older before you take on that kind of responsibility,” Lynn said. “Right now your job is to get great grades so you can get into whatever college you’d like to go to. I want you and Jeremy to have the most amazing futures you can possibly have, and you’ll need college degrees for that.”

      “You always say that,” Lexie protested, as yet unconcerned about the importance of winning a scholarship if she expected to get into a terrific school. She was focused on the here and now. “Lots of kids my age babysit. You let me stay with Jeremy.”

      “He’s ten and he’s your brother,” Lynn reminded her. “It’s not quite the same thing as taking care of a baby or a toddler.”

      “What if I took the babysitting certification class at the community center? Then could I?” She gave Lynn a pleading look. “Please. I want to help out.”

      “If you do that and pass the course, then we’ll see. But this will be for your savings and your spending money, okay? It’s not up to you to chip in for expenses around here.”

      Lexie threw her arms around Lynn. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ll sign up tomorrow. I already know lots of people who need babysitters. The minute I pass the class, I’m going to hand out flyers.”

      Lynn smiled at her enthusiasm, wishing she could muster up that same level of excitement for her own job hunt. “Okay, my little entrepreneur. For now get some sleep. Love you.”

      “Love you, Mom.”

      Lynn turned out the light on her way out the door, but the second she was gone, Lexie flipped it back on. Lynn smiled, knowing exactly what she was up to. She was texting Mandy the big news about taking that babysitting course. She was probably hoping to get her best friend to sign up, too.

      Which Mandy would likely do, Lynn thought. Those two never did anything without the other one tagging along. It was just one more reason she intended to do everything she possibly could to stay right here in this house, so her daughter wouldn’t be ripped away from the friend who’d provided the best support system a girl Lexie’s age could possibly have.


      Mitch had gotten into the habit of stopping in at Wharton’s for breakfast, something he’d never have considered when Amy was alive. She’d always made sure he left the house with a hearty meal to sustain him through the morning. Now Grace Wharton looked over him just as protectively, but her efforts always came with a heavy dose of meddling.

      “You’re working too much,” she declared as she set a steaming cup of coffee down in front of him.

      “And how would you know that?”

      “You’re in here practically before I can get the coffee brewed in the morning and I know for a fact you’re over there hammering away at Raylene and Carter’s till they kick you out at night. Now, since I know you wouldn’t be looking twice at a married woman, what’s the attraction? You wouldn’t be thinking of trying to rekindle something with Lynn Morrow, now that she and Ed are divorcing, would you?”

      Mitch blinked at the way she’d cut right to the heart of the matter before he’d even had a chance to consider such a thing himself. “What’s to rekindle?” he asked, hoping to throw her off stride. Not that a full-speed train heading in her direction would cause Grace to falter once she was on a mission. “Lynn and I were never an item.”

      Since Wharton’s wasn’t yet busy because, as she’d noted, it was barely past dawn, Grace settled down opposite him in the booth and gave him one of her don’t-fool-with-me looks. “You must think my memory’s bad, Mitch. I can recall perfectly well the way you trailed around after her back in middle school with that lovesick expression written all over your face. If she came in here for a soda or a milk shake with her friends, you were never far behind with that adoring look about you.”

      He winced at the probably accurate description. “Was I that pitiful?”

      “Not pitiful,” she soothed. “Just a boy suffering from his first unrequited love, as near as I could tell.”

      “Well, if you knew it was unrequited, then you also know there’s nothing to be rekindled. Besides, I rarely catch a glimpse of Lynn while I’m working over at Raylene’s.”


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