Sleigh Bells In Crimson. Michelle Major

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Sleigh Bells In Crimson - Michelle Major Crimson, Colorado

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forecast for early the following week. Winter on a mountain ranch was a constant battle against the elements and nearby predators, and Caden took seriously the protection of every animal under his care.

      Stella, the ranch’s cattle dog, had taken on a maternal role with a few of the younger pups, and she nipped at ankles and herded the group of rescue dogs as they ran through the cold evening air, oblivious to the dropping temperature.

      Once he had all the animals safely back in the barn, he headed for the main house. Tension knotted his neck and shoulders with every step. He would have much preferred to hunker down in the bunkhouse as a way of avoiding another run-in with Lucy, but he’d promised Garrett that he’d make an appearance at this family dinner.

      Golden light spilled from the windows as he approached the main house. Maureen had hung thick swaths of pine rope from the porch railings, decorated with glittering red bows that seemed to draw more attention to the faded gray siding and dull paint of the black trim. He’d climbed those front porch steps thousands of times over the years, but since Tyson’s death he’d never been able to step foot in the house without regret washing through him.

      “It’s about time.” Garrett’s deep voice boomed from the family room as soon as Caden stepped into the house. “Come in here, Caden, and see how Maureen has transformed this place into a winter wonderland.”

      Caden sucked in a breath as he entered the family room, with its muted-yellow walls and well-worn furniture. He almost had to shade his eyes at the garish display of Christmas lights strung above the windows and shimmering garland covering the mantel.

      “It’s pink,” he said in horror. It looked like a five-year-old girl obsessed with princesses had decorated the space, not a thrice-divorced woman pushing sixty.

      His eye caught on the box marked Decorations that he’d brought down from the attic now shoved into one corner. That box held all the decorations he, Garrett and Tyson had used each year. There were ornaments whittled out of tree branches from the woods on the ranch’s south border, along with the small nativity set Tyson’s mother had painstakingly painted the year before her cancer diagnosis.

      Caden had come to live on the ranch only months after Julia Sharpe’s death, and although he’d never met her, he’d felt her presence like a warm blanket at night. In the twenty years since Julia’s death, little had changed in the house from how she’d arranged it.

      Until Maureen Renner descended on Sharpe Ranch.

      “Mom loves pink,” Lucy offered from where she stood just inside the room. Color was high on her cheeks. If Garrett didn’t know better, he would have guessed she was as put off by the whole display as he was.

      “It’s a vibrant color,” Maureen purred, nuzzling Garrett’s shoulder and tracing a manicured hand over his heart. “Bright and alive. This place needed some life breathed back into it.”

      Caden’s adoptive father chuckled as he grinned at Caden. “I suppose you and I have gotten set in our ways living the bachelor life out here. We need a little infusion of spark and color, right?”

      “Where the hell do you even find pink Christmas decorations?” Caden asked the room in general.

      Garrett laughed again and Maureen darted a dismissive glance toward Caden, then beamed at her daughter. “Remember all the years we decorated for Christmas? You loved putting the star on the tree.”

      Lucy made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a gag, then cleared her throat. “Sure, Mom. But you’re missing a tree.”

      Maureen opened her mouth but Caden spoke first. “Dad and I will cut one down next weekend.” No way in hell was he giving that woman a chance to bring in some fake tree covered in more gaudy lights.

      “About that, son.” Garrett smiled gently. “Maureen hasn’t had much luck finding a wedding dress around here, so I’m going to fly her to New York City for a few days to do some prewedding shopping.”

      “What?” Caden and Lucy spoke at the same time.

      “I need to put together my trousseau,” Maureen said, planting a smacking kiss on his father’s mouth, “and pick out something special for our honeymoon.”

      “It’s your fourth marriage. What the hell could you possibly need?” Caden pinned the overly made-up woman with a look that let her know exactly what he thought of her, not that it was any secret.

      “Caden.” Garrett’s voice was a warning growl. Caden had heard the tone enough growing up. He’d always been a button pusher and for years had more temper than sense. Tyson had been the one to soften his sharp edges. His brother was always good-natured and smiling. Up until the one fateful argument that had severed their bond.

      He wondered what Tyson would have thought about Maureen Renner and her tempting daughter. Well, he could guess what Tyson would have thought about Lucy. She was the type of woman to make a man melt into a puddle at her feet with one glance.

      It only made Caden dislike her more.

      “Lucy will help you,” Maureen offered, her typically brilliant smile tight. “The two of you can put up the tree. She loves Christmas. Traditions are so important to our family.”

      Another muffled snort from Lucy. “Mom, I came out here because you told me you needed help planning the wedding.” Lucy’s voice was calm and slightly amused, but Caden noticed her hand was clenched so tightly at her side that her knuckles had gone white. “I can’t stay here if you’re gone. I need to get back to my life.”

      Maureen’s glossy lips turned down at the corners. “I do need you, Lucy-Goose. Especially since we’ll be in New York.” She placed her fingers on Garrett’s cheek and gave him another deep kiss. “My teddy bear and I need a getaway.”

      “You’ve got a two-week honeymoon cruise planned,” Lucy muttered.

      “I’ve always wanted to see the Rockettes’ holiday show,” Maureen insisted. “Don’t ruin this for me, honey.”

      Caden saw Lucy’s chest rise and fall, as if she was struggling to keep from losing it. “I’ve got a life in Tampa. I can’t ignore it until the new year.”

      Maureen rolled her big green eyes. “Don’t be silly. You haven’t had a decent job since you got fired six months ago.”

      “And whose fault was that?” Lucy snapped.

      “It was a misunderstanding that got blown way out of proportion.” Maureen gave her daughter a quelling look. “I know you don’t blame me.”

      The air crackled with tension between the two women. “I blame myself,” Lucy said after a moment. “For so many reasons.”

      “I can put you to work,” Garrett offered, pulling Maureen even closer, if that was possible. “Maureen said you’re real good with finances.”

      Lucy gave a slight nod. “I have an accounting degree.”

      “I’ve been looking for someone to put the books to right on the ranch. Nothing’s been the same since Tyson...”

      His voice trailed off and Caden closed his eyes, unwilling to bear witness to the pain he knew he’d see etched in his father’s gaze.


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