Dr Daddy's Perfect Christmas. Jules Bennett

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Dr Daddy's Perfect Christmas - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon Cherish

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sorry, Eli.”

      “Don’t be sorry for caring about my parents,” he told her, easing sideways down the hallway and then up the stairs. “Be sorry that you’re not listening to your body and taking it easy.”

      She didn’t protest when he took her into his old bedroom.

      “I’ll be fine,” she promised. “I just need to lie still for a few minutes until this nausea subsides.”

      “Have you had a fever?” he asked.


      There was absolutely no way she was going to tell him about the baby. He would find out soon enough. There were only so many ways she could camouflage her belly. She just wasn’t ready to tell him—didn’t want to see the pity in his eyes, didn’t want him to feel like she was an obligation because they’d been friends and Todd had been his friend, too.

      Nora didn’t have her coat as a shield today, but the yoga pants and oversize sweatshirt certainly did the trick.

      “How about aches?” he asked, gently laying her down on the bed. “This is flu season.”

      “No. I know it’s not the flu.”

      Nora couldn’t help the sigh that escaped her as she sank into the soft, plush comforter. All she could smell was Eli’s strong, woodsy cologne and she took a deep breath, wanting to take in as much of him as she could.

      Funny, that smell didn’t turn her stomach. Obviously that was a sign she should lay off cleaning for the safety of her health.

      That was a pregnancy rule she could get behind.

      “You don’t have a fever,” he went on. “Maybe it was just something you ate that didn’t agree with you.”

      Nora glanced up at him and attempted a grin. “Must be. Just give me a minute and I’ll finish picking up.”

      “Like hell you will,” he informed her. “I came back from the hospital early to get things ready for Dad. Cameron is there to bring Mom and Dad home when he’s released.”

      “I have casseroles in the freezer in the garage,” she told him. “I had already washed the few dishes in the sink and put them away. I dusted and ran the sweeper. All that’s left is the bathroom downstairs, which is where I was when I got sick.”

      Eli held her gaze and she couldn’t look away if she tried. Those broad shoulders filled out the dark gray wool coat that he’d yet to take off, but somewhere along the way he’d removed the hat. That dark, messy hair looked as if he’d just stepped out of his lover’s bed, and his eyes, still fixed on hers, were so dark they were nearly black.

      All three brothers had those eyes, the same as their father’s. There was something about Eli’s that captivated her, held her. He was the type of man who demanded attention without saying a word. How could she not comply?

      “When did you eat last?” he asked, shrugging out of his coat and laying it on the end of the bed.

      She thought back to the dry toast she’d choked down with orange juice for breakfast. “About nine.”

      Eli glanced to his wristwatch and glared at her. “It’s nearly three, Nora.”

      “I really wasn’t hungry and I didn’t feel that great. I just wanted to clean and get back home.”

      “No one expected you to tidy up the place. Not to sound ungrateful, I appreciate the gesture and so will Mom, but you have to listen to your body.”

      Well, right now her body was saying to stay in this cozy bed and let someone wait on her hand and foot.

      “I’m listening, Doc.” He continued to glare and Nora tapped his very toned, very chiseled biceps. “Smile. I’m fine.”

      “Your color is coming back.”

      “See? Told you I just needed to lie down for a bit.”

      She glanced beyond his shoulder to the photos displayed on his old dresser. A picture of him in Iraq, one of him graduating from medical school, another of him in some type of surgical field. No doubt his mother had proudly put these photos into frames. Just more reminders that he wasn’t staying and his life was elsewhere. He’d worked hard to become a prominent doctor and she was so glad he’d not only chased his dream, but he’d captured it with both hands.

      “Why am I in your old room?” she asked, bringing her eyes back to his.

      “Because I wanted you to lie down.”

      “What about the couch?”

      His eyes roamed over her face, to her mouth and back up. “I thought you might need to rest and you’d be able to do that up here away from the commotion of Mom and Dad coming home in a bit.”

      Nora started to sit up. “I better put a casserole in the oven. It has to bake for a while.”

      Eli put his hand on her shoulder and eased her back down. “I can do it, Precious.”

      She froze. He’d always called her that when they’d dated.

      As if realizing what had just slipped out of his mouth, Eli cursed. With his hand still on her shoulder and their faces only inches apart, she trembled. No man had ever affected her the way Eli did.

      Not even the man who’d promised to love, honor and be faithful. Her heart clenched from so much emotion. Even though Todd obviously hadn’t cared for their marriage, he was the father of this unborn baby and he didn’t deserve to die.

      “Relax,” Eli whispered. “When was the last time someone looked out for you?”

      Nora swallowed. “Actually, your mother dropped off a few groceries for me last week when I couldn’t get to the store.”

      And that would be when she’d been hugging the toilet—her own that time. She was doing way too much of that lately.

      “I meant really care for you,” he corrected. “I know you’re independent, but even you need to rest sometimes.”

      Nora wanted to sink back into the bed, his bed, but she didn’t want to leave the warmth of his firm hand on her shoulder. He was right, though. She was independent. She’d always had to be between her mother and Todd, who’d been deployed most of their brief marriage.

      “I don’t mind fending for myself, Eli. I’ve honestly never known any other way.”

      His hand slid down her arm, leaving gooseflesh in its path even though thick fleece separated them. “That’s a sad statement. You will rest here for at least an hour, no arguments. I’ll put the casserole in the oven.”

      “But you are a terrible cook,” she insisted. “I remember that Valentine’s meal you tried to cook for me that even the stray dogs turned away.”

      Eli’s eyes widened a moment before he chuckled. “That was pretty bad, but you’ve already thrown the ingredients together. Surely I can pop it in the

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