Insatiable. Leslie Kelly

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Insatiable - Leslie Kelly Mills & Boon Blaze

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shrugged. “Something like that.”

      “You do realize they were watching us on the camera and know exactly what we’re up to, even though it’s now off?”

      “Of course.”

      “And you don’t care?”



      “Do you really want to waste what time we have talking about this?” he asked, stalking closer, each slow step an exercise in restraint, as if he wanted to make sure she hadn’t changed her mind.

      As if.

      “No, I really don’t,” she replied.


      He burned her with a hot, possessive stare. The fire of it blazed down her neck, to her cleavage. Her breasts pushed up and out of her open blouse.

      “Five minutes,” he said as he reached her, sliding a hand into her hair to pull her face to his. “This is gonna be fast.”

      Fast, slow—she wanted both. She wanted it all. They had all night, and she wanted him every way she could have him. But fast would do for a start.

      Then he was kissing her, returning her to the heights of insane want. Even as he devoured her, again eliciting all those crazy, hot sensations, raising the level of need into the stratosphere, he began undressing her. His hands were unfastening her buttons, pushing her blouse open, and he kissed his way down her throat to the swell of her cleavage.

      “Gorgeous,” he muttered as he licked along the edge of her bra. When he moved to the front and breathed on the dark nipples straining so hard against the lace, she squirmed, wanting a more intimate connection.

      “An hour wouldn’t be enough to suck you the way I want to,” he muttered. “So that’s going to have to wait.”

      She whimpered, both in disappointment and excitement of the promised hour to come.

      “Are you hot for me, Viv?” he whispered as he kissed his way down her midriff, dropping to his knees to better reach her.

      “Find out for yourself,” she purred, lifting a leg and draping it over one strong shoulder. She was wanton, arching toward him, inviting him to push her skirt up and explore her hottest, wettest secrets.

      He did, gliding his hand along her thigh, pushing the skirt up inch by inch. When his fingers brushed the edge of her panties, she hissed. Her hiss became a moan of pleasure when he pulled the fabric out of the way to slide a finger into the crevice between her legs.

      “So hot,” he groaned.

      Viv closed her eyes, wanting him so much. The circular motions of his thumb on her clit were driving her to madness, and the strokes of his tongue on her belly were timed to perfectly match it, filling her with a more primal need. But it was the slow thrust of his finger into her core that made her frantic to be filled by him. All of him.

      “Three minutes left,” he muttered against her skin.

      “No,” she groaned, not sure how she would survive if he stopped what he was doing for the painfully long ride up to the penthouse.

      “What can I do for you?” he asked, teasing her clit again, and adding another long finger to the one slowly moving in and out of her channel.

      “You can give me one of those orgasms you promised,” she said, opening her eyes and looking down at him. She grabbed two handfuls of his hair and turned his head so he was gazing up at her. “Or proceed directly to fucking my brains out.”

      He immediately rose, unzipping his pants. “Maybe I can kill two birds with one...”


      He chuckled. “I love that sassy mouth of yours.”

      Viv reached out to help him, quivering at the satiny steel in her hand.

      “Holy mother...” she mumbled, staring at the big, thick erection. Though she hadn’t ever been nervous about sex, not even that first time with Ollie in the computer lab, she hesitated. It had been five months. What if she’d...shrunk?

      “What’s wrong?”

      “You’re so big,” she whispered, wondering if he could correctly interpret her tone as a combination of nervousness and pure, utter want.

      “And you’re so wet,” he murmured, pressing a kiss on her mouth. “So soft and warm and ready for me.”

      “Okay then,” she said, trusting him. He would certainly know.

      “Hold on,” he ordered, nodding toward the stainless-steel handrails on each wall of the elevator.

      She quivered; she was in for a wild, fast ride.

      Grabbing the handrails, she watched as he pulled her skirt back up, pushing her panties to the floor. He lifted her by the hips, arching her toward him. The panties fell off her ankles and she parted her legs wide in invitation.

      Gripping her hips, he stepped between her thighs, that big, hard ridge nudging into the slick lips of her sex. She had a second to gasp at the amazing sensation before he plunged into her, filling her to her core.

      Her gasps became cries as he claimed her. She couldn’t believe how delicious it was to be so thoroughly taken. The emptiness that had been with her for so long—physically and emotionally—suddenly evaporated as she savored the ultimate connection with another human being.

      God, how she’d missed this.

      He gave her exactly what she’d asked for, thrusting hard, his hands almost punishing on her hips, his cock pounding so deep inside her she felt as though she was being split in half.

      She loved it.

      Meeting him thrust for thrust, she held on tight to his shoulders, digging her nails into him. Their mouths met and locked in deep hungry kisses. Viv squeezed him deep inside, eliciting a guttural groan. The angle was perfect for penetration, but also gave her just the right amount of pressure on her clit, and she rode him as much as he took her, both of them drunk on the freedom of being able to throw away thought and inhibition and convention, and just have wild, crazy sex.

      Waves of heat rolled through her, electricity dancing across every inch of her skin. The deliciously achy tension of need rolled through her body, wave after wave, and Viv knew she was going to come—had to come—or she’d lose her mind.

      There would be time for a slow build later. Now she was desperate for an orgasm, and she rubbed against his pelvis, giving herself exactly the right amount of pressure to make sure she got it.

      But just as she began to reach the highest wave of this churning surf of erotic sensation, a faint buzzing began to intrude. She didn’t notice it at first, focused only on the wildness, their harsh breaths, the pounding of flesh on flesh. Soon, though, she realized the persistent sound wasn’t coming from either of them, but rather from the emergency phone set in the front panel of the elevator.

      He obviously

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