The Regency Season Collection: Part Two. Кэрол Мортимер

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The Regency Season Collection: Part Two - Кэрол Мортимер Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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Her father had said that about her when he had insisted on this marriage and all its agreements. ‘You used to be happier, Amy. You used to know how to laugh. Now you seem only joyless.’


      She whispered the name into the night. He had taken that part of her that believed in love and possibility and twisted all she had been into who she was now. Daniel had told her the past was gone and could not creep into the present unless you let it. She liked that about him.

      ‘I am enough,’ she said, suddenly surprised by how fervently she meant it. ‘And my husband enjoys kissing me.’

      A power, that, given without the knowledge of what had been taken from her. She held on to his words with hope.

      A noise in the room next to hers alerted her to the fact that he had come up to bed and she crossed to the doorway so that she might better hear his movements.

      Her eyes went to the key on her side of the portal. If she turned it so that it was unlocked, would he take that as an invitation and come in so that they might talk more? Clasping her fingers tightly together in case she should actually go ahead and do it, Amethyst waited till any noise stilled and then she crept most quietly to her own bed.

      * * *

      The early part of the next morning brought Daniel’s sister Gwendolyn into her room, the girl’s face uncertain and contrite.

      ‘I hope this is not an intrusion, Lady Montcliffe, but I was wondering if you might have a moment to speak with me?’

      Amethyst put down the book she was reading and gestured to a chair beside her. Gwendolyn’s dress had been cleaned and pressed, a small tear in the fullness of her skirt artfully repaired.

      ‘I have come to say thank you for your help yesterday in recovering Caroline.’

      ‘You are most welcome.’ Amethyst knew there was more to come by the look of intrigue on the younger girl’s face.

      ‘Caro said that you wielded a knife. She said that you knew how to use it, too. She told me I was not to tell anyone at all about such a fact and especially not our mother, but...’ She stopped and looked uncertain about how to proceed.

      ‘You have questions?’

      ‘Mama is always telling us that we should be docile and sweet and that embroidery and tapestry and reading are the kind of things a husband will be looking for in a marriage. But our brother has been pursued by women for years and years and he did not choose someone like that at all...’ The rambling came to a stop as the girl realised what she was saying.

      Amethyst picked her words carefully. ‘Our marriage might have been a little different from others, Gwendolyn, but I would say to you to be honest to yourself. Be the person you wish to become and follow the interests you want to pursue. Only then will you find a husband who will truly suit you.’

      ‘I love riding and horses and if I could I would live in the country. Mama and Caroline are more interested in gowns and boots and bonnets.’ She hesitated before carrying on. ‘Are things like fashion and hairstyles important to you, Lady Montcliffe?’

      Despite herself Amethyst laughed. ‘Not especially. I have only ever had a few gowns at a time and my hair is much too short to do a lot with. From what I can see society seems to dedicate a great amount of time to what one looks like, but I was always too busy helping my father balance books and sourcing timber to care.’

      ‘But you are rich? Richer than anyone else we know?’ Gwen’s blue eyes flashed fiercely. ‘Mama says you come from trade, but it seems to me that you know a lot more than I ever will. You are free to learn things, different things, and in the end you still get to marry an Earl.’

      Amethyst did not know whether to tell her of the nature of their union, but then decided against it, choosing to let Daniel’s sister see the possibilities before her and not the problems.

      ‘If you would like to come up to Montcliffe Manor to stay with us for a while, you would be most welcome. We could ride together and you could show me the places you liked as a girl when you were here.’

      A heavy frown settled across the young brow.

      ‘We did not come here much because Mama never enjoyed it and after Papa died in a riding accident my mother never wanted to stay at Montcliffe Manor.’

      ‘Then we will find new memories, Gwendolyn.’

      ‘Gwen. All my true friends call me Gwen.’

      Amethyst smiled. My God, could it be just this easy to fit in? Could the women of the ton be exactly like those from the other parts of society; some difficult, some judgemental and others only searching for their way in life? Like Gwen was.

      The pathway into the future suddenly did not look so impossible. Amethyst liked Christine Howard and now she understood Daniel’s younger sister better, too. How many friends did one truly need?

      Reaching over, she took the girl’s hand in her own. ‘You will find all the things that you need to, Gwen, I promise, and if there is anything that Daniel and I could help you with you have only to ask.’

      ‘Could you teach me how to wield a knife?’ The query came back quickly.

      ‘Absolutely.’ There were no qualms at all in her answer.

      * * *

      Lucien Howard was at the lunch table when Amethyst came down, as was Daniel, her father and Julia McBeth. Today her husband wore all black, the darkness of his clothes making him look even more dangerous than he normally did.

      ‘I hear felicitations are in order, Lady Montcliffe. Pity I was not invited.’ Lucien’s voice held a good deal of humour within it.

      Daniel’s didn’t. ‘Lucien has come to pick up his brother.’

      ‘I see. How does Andrew fare this morning?’

      Lord Ross shrugged. ‘He should be down joining us any second. From his recounting of the tale he was the hero of the hour.’

      The subject of their musings arrived just as he finished the sentence.

      ‘Who are you saying was the hero of the hour, Luce?’ Today a black bruise on Andrew’s chin had darkened and he used a crutch to walk.

      ‘You are, Drew.’

      Daniel supplied that and his tone sounded grateful. ‘If you had not insisted on accompanying my sisters on their foolish journey from London, God knows what else could have happened.’

      Charmingly the boy blushed and Amethyst looked away at her father who was in conversation with Julia. The widow brought out the best in Robert and she was glad to see his plate piled high. A new sort of contentment began to fill the empty corners of the past and she caught Daniel’s eyes upon her before looking away. The right one had swelled up even further in the night, making him look dissolute.

      She wanted to kiss him again, she wanted him to hold her against his warmth and never let go. Her ridiculous heart was beating faster than it normally did just on that one small glance and when she lifted her fork she saw her hand shake.


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