The Complete Regency Season Collection. Кэрол Мортимер

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The Complete Regency Season Collection - Кэрол Мортимер Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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style="font-size:15px;">      ‘Oh, he is pleasant enough,’ said Caroline. ‘And very charming, if you like that sort of thing, yet he is not the man to fill Ralph’s shoes. But now that Ralph is going to marry you,’ she ended sunnily, ‘we need no longer worry about that. Come, let us get back for breakfast. There is nothing like a good walk to sharpen the appetite!’

      * * *

      ‘I’d forgotten what a noisy family I have.’

      Ralph entered the breakfast room to find everyone gathered there and he hardly expected to be heard above the clatter of dishes and cheerful voices.

      ‘Good morning, Ralph.’ Margaret waved her fork at him. ‘Will you join us? There are still some eggs and ham left, I think, and the most delicious pie, if Timothy has not taken the last piece.’

      ‘Thank you. I broke my fast at Ling Cottage,’ Ralph said, smiling at the merry scene.

      ‘And how is Harry, and Francesca, his lovely wife? Will they be joining us for dinner?’ Caroline turned to Lucy. ‘Harry is more like family than Ralph’s steward, but he is very busy with his own life and can rarely be persuaded to dine here.’

      ‘Well, you will be pleased to know I have, er, persuaded them to come along tonight,’ Ralph informed them.

      His eyes rested on Lucy, noting the colour in her cheeks. He had seen her going off with his sisters that morning, and thought how much better she looked for the exercise. So much brighter than last night, when the sadness in her eyes had unsettled him. ‘I came to ask Miss Halbrook if she would spare me a few moments when she has broken her fast.’ All the female eyes turned on him, full of rampant curiosity. He felt obliged to add, ‘There has been a delivery for her.’

      ‘For me?’

      She looked quite delightful, with the colour mounting to her cheek and her eyes wide with astonishment.

      ‘A surprise,’ declared Caroline. ‘Do wait a moment, Lucy my dear, and we will all come with you.’

      Ralph frowned.

      ‘You will not!’

      ‘Is it a secret, Ralph?’ Lucy’s eyes were upon him, green and luminous with shy anticipation.

      ‘No, of course not.’

      ‘Would it embarrass her if we came along?’

      Margaret’s blunt question made him scowl.

      ‘It should not do so, but I pray Lucy will not hesitate to say if she has had enough of your company for one day!’

      Lucy chuckled at that, a soft, melodious sound that he found immensely satisfying.

      ‘Of course I should,’ she said. ‘But I have no objection to them coming with me to see this mysterious delivery.’

      Ralph was relieved when the gentlemen declared themselves happy to remain and finish their breakfast, but all the ladies rose as one to follow him to the hall. He wished now he had said nothing until Lucy was alone, but he was impatient for her to see what he had bought for her.

      A large packing case rested on the floor next to the table in the centre of the hall. Lucy reached in and lifted out a brown paper parcel. Shaking off the packing straw, she placed the parcel on the table. Ralph unfolded his pocket knife and handed it to her.

      ‘You may need this.’

      He stood back as the ladies gathered around the table, their excited chatter reminding him of family birthdays long ago, when the house had been alive with laughter. Lucy cut the string and turned to give him back the knife, glancing up at him a little uncertainly. If it had been Caro or Margaret they would have had the paper ripped off by now. He gave her a little smile and nod of encouragement. Carefully, she pulled the paper aside to reveal a square rosewood box, inlaid with mother of pearl. As she lifted the lid he heard her gasp.

      ‘A paint box!’ cried Margaret. ‘How delightful—look, Caro, it even has little bowls to mix the colours.’ She laughed. ‘And we had to manage with oyster shells! What a lovely gift, Ralph.’

      ‘I know Lucy brought only her sketchbook to Adversane,’ he explained.

      ‘I have never had anything like this,’ she murmured, gently pulling open a drawer and revealing ranks of coloured paint blocks. She turned to face him. ‘It is very thoughtful of you, Ralph. Thank you.’

      ‘You will be able to take it with you.’ He held her eyes. ‘Wherever you travel.’

      Lucy felt her heart skip a beat at his words. This was nothing to do with Helene. It was a gift for her, something of her own to keep.

      ‘I shall treasure it always.’

      ‘Well, that is no way to thank your fiancé,’ cried Margaret, laughing. ‘You must kiss him, Lucy.’

      A blush stole up her body. She felt it burning her neck and then her whole face was aflame. She saw that a dull flush had also crept into Ralph’s cheeks. He said softly, ‘Well, Lucy?’

      Everyone was watching. Lucy met Ralph’s eyes. There was a smile in them, but a challenge, too, and she could not resist it. She stepped closer and placed her hands on his lapels, standing on tiptoe as she reached up to kiss his cheek. His hands came up to cover hers, he moved his head and captured her lips with his mouth.

      Sparks flew. Cannon roared. She closed her eyes, wanting the kiss to go on for ever, but she could hear his sisters laughing and clapping, and even more disturbing was Ariadne’s gasp and muttered protests. Lucy dropped back on her heels, blushing furiously. Ralph cleared his throat.

      ‘Shall I carry the box up to your room?’

      ‘No, no, I can manage.’

      ‘Very well.’ He released her hands. ‘I must go and see Colne.’

      She saw his brows contract as he heard his sisters giggling, and he bent a frowning look upon them.

      ‘I hope you are satisfied, ladies,’ he barked, then turned on his heel and strode off, shouting to Byrne to come and clear away the mess.

       Chapter Nine

      The final guests, Adam Cottingham and his wife and the Prestons, arrived later that day. Lucy was pleased she had already met Ralph’s cousin, for she could then give more attention to his wife when the couple were shown into the drawing room. Judith Cottingham was a colourless little woman with a habit of looking to her husband after her every utterance. Her brown hair had lost any glow it might once have had and there were no roses in her cheeks. Lucy thought she looked distinctly unhappy, and put aside her own nerves in an attempt to make her smile. She did not succeed, and was relieved when Caroline drew her away.

      ‘Do not trouble yourself with Judith Cottingham,’ Caro murmured when they had moved off. ‘She is such a timid little thing, and has no conversation at all.’

      ‘She seems very dependent upon Mr Cottingham.’


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