Battle Tested. Laura Scott

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Battle Tested - Laura Scott Military K-9 Unit

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In the way of his mission to eliminate the people who wronged him?”

      “Then what happened?” Justin asked, looking at Isaac.

      He and Justin knew each other from when they’d attended the Air Force Academy, but at the moment, he understood his friend was in charge of the ongoing investigation.

      “I heard what sounded like a scuffle in the darkness and called out to see what was going on,” Isaac said, relating his side of the story. “I found the light switch and turned it on in time to see Vanessa fall to the floor and a guy wearing black disappear down the stairwell. I made sure she was all right and left Tango with her, before going after him. Unfortunately, he was long gone.”

      “No description?” Justin asked, his blue eyes intense.

      “Medium height and build. He wore a ski mask that covered his head so I can’t tell you his hair color.” Isaac shrugged. “I wish I could be more help.”

      Justin raked his hand across his short blond hair and let out a heavy sigh. “No proof that Sullivan is the assailant.”

      Vanessa bristled. “Boyd sent me a red rose. Who else has a grudge against me?”

      Justin lifted a brow. “You were the one who said that you helped Boyd by providing first aid to him. Why would he have a score to settle with you?”

      Vanessa’s dark eyes flashed with anger. “I don’t know, but I didn’t attack myself, Captain.”

      “Come on, Justin, you know she didn’t,” Isaac added. “I saw him. And if I hadn’t shown up, she’d be dead.”

      Justin let out a heavy sigh. “You’re right. The marks on her neck are for real, so that means somewhere deep in Boyd’s twisted mind, he’s decided to come after her.”

      “And nearly killed her,” Isaac added.

      “I know, I know.” Justin sounded tense.

      Isaac arched an eyebrow at his friend. “Can you offer her round-the-clock protection?”

      “I can have someone stationed outside the house at night, but we’re short staffed so I don’t have someone available to follow her around all day.”

      “I can protect her during the day.” The offer popped out of his mouth before he had a chance to consider the consequences.

      “I’m not sure that’s necessary,” Vanessa protested.

      “I’ll take whatever help you can give us,” Justin said, ignoring her protest. “I’ll keep someone stationed outside the house from nineteen hundred hours until zero seven hundred.” He turned toward Vanessa. “You’re probably safe enough here at home with Eagle during the day, but don’t go anywhere alone, and keep Eagle close, too. Dobermans are instinctively protective.”

      “Nessa?” Aiden’s voice from the doorway drew their attention. The young man cradled a puppy in his arms and stared at his sister with fear in his eyes. “What’s going on?”

      “Nothing to worry about, Aiden.” Vanessa crossed over to give her brother a hug. “Just extra protection for a while, no big deal.”

      Aiden didn’t look as if he believed her, and Isaac didn’t blame the kid. Vanessa was a lousy liar.

      It was clear that Vanessa’s life being in jeopardy impacted her brother in a big way. Isaac suspected if anything happened to her, Aiden wouldn’t be able to handle it.

      And even though he’d only just met Vanessa tonight, Isaac wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle it, either.


      “How are the puppies doing?” Vanessa crossed the living room to stand next to her brother. “We have to think of names for them.”

      Thankfully, Aiden’s attention was diverted by the active pup in his arms as she’d hoped. “I was thinking about naming them after national parks. The two females could be Denali and Shenandoah, the males Smoky and Bryce.”

      “Those are awesome names.” Vanessa stroked the puppy he held, wondering how they’d be able to tell them apart.

      “You’re in danger from Boyd Sullivan, aren’t you?” Aiden asked abruptly.

      She looked into her brother’s mature-for-his-years gaze and knew she couldn’t lie. “Yes. I’m afraid so. But Captain Blackwood is going to keep a cop stationed here at the house at night, so there’s really nothing to worry about.”

      “You need to keep Eagle close from now on,” he said, his tone full of reproach. “Even at the hospital.”

      “I will.” She forced a smile, knowing that Eagle wouldn’t be allowed in an intensive care unit. “Do you need help feeding the rest of the litter?”

      Aiden shook his head. “No, thanks.” He looked at Isaac and Justin for a moment. “Make sure she’s safe,” he said, before disappearing into the kitchen.

      “He’ll be okay,” Isaac said, reassuringly. “Just because he’s struggling with an illness doesn’t make him helpless.”

      “I know, but at twenty he’s already been through so much...” Her voice trailed off as she glanced back at Aiden before joining the two men and the K-9 beside Justin. “Anything else you need from me?”

      “Tell me more about this injured female dog that’s at the veterinary clinic,” Justin said with a frown. “It might be connected to our investigation.”

      “Captain Roark said she isn’t from the training center,” Isaac said. “The mother is a chocolate Lab, and the puppies appear to be a mix. Although he did mention there may be a link between this dog and the missing four from the training center.”

      “I have to agree,” Justin said thoughtfully. “In speaking with Gretchen Hill, the newest trainer on Westley’s staff, she thinks it’s possible the Olio Crime Organization may be involved with the dognapping. Three dogs are still missing, but when Patriot was returned, her collar had the letters POCO engraved on it. It’s probably not a coincidence that the last three letters stand for Olio Crime Organization. Maybe even Property of Olio Crime Organization. I wonder if the injured chocolate Lab belonged to them at some point.”

      Vanessa’s stomach clenched. “We assumed she was attacked by an animal, like a coyote, and Captain Roark agreed based on her wounds. Besides, how would someone from the Olio Crime Organization get on base? Fake ID? Or help from someone inside?”

      “Anything is possible,” Justin admitted. “A stretch, but possible. After all, it’s looking more and more like the missing dogs were taken off base.” He shrugged. “Right now, I can’t see how the injured Lab would be linked, but I need to keep an open mind. There could be a connection.”

      She shivered at the horrible thought. “I’m sure it’s a coincidence. We know coyotes have gotten on base, so it’s likely she was injured protecting her pups. I doubt her presence on base is the result of foul play.”

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