Covert Christmas. Hope White

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Covert Christmas - Hope White Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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bathroom and locked the door.

      She was okay; everything was fine. She studied her reflection in the mirror. The chief would circulate a description of the attackers, and Blue Eyes would get his memory back and help them figure out why someone had tried to kill him.

      No matter what her family said, she knew in her heart she’d done the right thing by helping him. She wouldn’t allow her overly protective brother to make her feel guilty or ashamed by her actions.

      Splashing cool water on her face, Bree considered the words she’d spoken to Blue Eyes. I’ll stay close, promise.

      Maybe she shouldn’t have said that, but she desperately wanted him to get medical attention and it seemed as though promising to stay close was the only way to make that happen.

      “Looks like I’m hanging around for a while,” she whispered to herself, because Bree didn’t break promises, even to strangers.

      This should be fun, explaining to her family and friends why she was sticking close to a man she barely knew. Make that a man she didn’t know at all, heck, she didn’t even know his name.

      She pulled her hair back, spread gloss on her dry lips and applied a little blush to look healthy, not exhausted. They’d be waiting and wanting details, a reason as to why she’d jump into the midst of gunfire. The only explanation she could offer was that it was the right thing to do.

      “Don’t second-guess yourself,” she said to her reflection in the mirror. That behavior had gotten her into trouble before.

      She grabbed her pack and left the bathroom. As she ambled down the hall, she took a deep breath and touched her necklace for strength.

      Her family and friends were passionate about keeping her safe because they loved her.

      Love, a complicated emotion.

      She glanced up and noticed a man leave the E.R. examining room heading in her direction. Boy, it was busy tonight at the Echo County E.R.

      She politely smiled at the man as he passed, and he nodded in return. Distracted by thoughts of defending herself from her family, it took a few seconds before she realized he looked familiar.

      “I was about to come find you,” Aiden said, walking up to her.

      In a flash it hit her: the man she just passed was one of the gunmen.

      And he’d come out of the examining area where they’d taken Blue Eyes.

      “No, no, no,” she muttered, shoving her brother aside.


      She rushed past him and flung open the doors to the examining area. The curtains were pulled back and all the beds were empty.


      “Can I help you?” a nurse asked Bree from the corner of the room.

      “A man was brought in, thirties, dark hair, blue eyes, slight beard.”

      “Mr. Smith?”

      “Yes, where is he?”

      “They moved him.”

      “Bree, what are you doing?” Aiden said, following her into the examining area.

      She turned to him. “Is Chief Washburn still here?”

      “Yes, he’s—”

      “Go tell him I just saw one of the shooters.”

      “He’s here? Are you sure?” Aiden’s face reddened.

      “Yes, go.”

      Bree turned back to the nurse and focused on speaking as calmly as possible as she fought the panic building in her chest. “Mr. Smith’s in danger. You need to tell the police where he’s been moved so they can protect him.”

      “Sure, okay, let me check the computer.” She went to a terminal and tapped on the keyboard.

      “Did anyone else ask about him?” Bree pressed.

      “I don’t think so, but I just got here.”

      Chief Washburn rushed into the examining area. “Where did you see him?”

      “He passed me in the hallway just now,” Bree said.


      “Black jacket, maroon shirt. It was the older one, in his sixties, with salt-and-pepper hair, wearing a blue baseball cap with a red C on it.” Bree shook her head in frustration. “I smiled at him because I didn’t realize who he was at first.”

      “That’s a good thing,” the chief said. “He won’t know we’re onto him, and he won’t suspect that you recognized him.”

      The chief spoke into the radio on his shoulder, giving instructions to his officers. He glanced at the nurse, “Room number?”

      “Still checking.”

      “Are you done with my sister, Chief, because I’d like to take her home,” Aiden said.

      “I can’t leave,” she said.


      “They moved him to room 214 on the second floor.” The nurse interrupted Aiden.

      “Closest stairs?” the chief said.

      “Around the corner on the left,” the nurse said.

      Bree started to go with him, but the chief blocked her. “Please stay with your family where it’s safe.”

      “I have to make sure he’s okay.”

      “That’s our job.” He nodded at Aiden. “Take her to the waiting area, but don’t leave the hospital.”

      “Yes, sir.”

      The chief spoke orders into his radio as he rushed out of the examining area. The doors closed behind him and Bree fingered her necklace.

      “Hey,” Aiden said.

      She glanced at him.

      “Mom’s freaking out. You should probably...” He motioned toward the waiting area.

      With a nod, she went to the door and pushed it open, facing her family and friends. Mom rushed to her and offered a loving hug, holding on as if she feared Bree might disappear. Understandable given Bree’s history. It had been almost two years since she had abruptly packed up and moved to the city on a quest for more excitement in her life. She had learned the hard way that excitement was overrated.

      “I’m okay, Mom.” Bree broke the hug and squeezed Mom’s hands. “Really, I’m good.”

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