Taming The Texan. Jules Bennett

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Taming The Texan - Jules Bennett Billionaires and Babies

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if protesting. She sort of felt like doing the same. She’d talked herself into taking a ride even though she wasn’t completely comfortable, because she wanted to do something for herself and she didn’t want to feel guilty about her friend paying for this getaway.

      When Hayes continued to stare at her without a word, she got the impression he didn’t want to be having this conversation any more than she did at this point. He obviously hadn’t expected to find someone in his stable, especially when he thought his workers were gone.

      The awkward silence had her offering a feeble smile before she turned. No need to stay where she obviously wasn’t wanted.

      “Wait.” Hayes muttered a curse beneath his breath that had her cringing. “I’ll take you out if you really want to go.”

      Alexa fisted her hands at her sides and pulled in a deep breath. Hayes’s boots shuffled behind her as the horses shifted in their stalls. It was almost as if they were waiting for her answer.

      “Listen.” She turned, but stopped short when she realized he’d moved in closer than she expected. “I don’t want to put you out.”

      There went that stare again, the one that held her in place and made her wonder what he was thinking...because the way he looked at her seemed an awful lot like—No, it couldn’t be.

      Why would someone like Hayes Elliott look at her with desire? He was a sexy cowboy, a war hero, a wealthy rancher and she was, well...just a single mom and schoolteacher.

      “I came to take a ride now that everyone is gone,” he explained. “Might as well take you.”

      Didn’t that sound like a lovely invitation? All warm and sincere and wrapped in Southern hospitality.

      “That’s okay,” she replied. “It’s obvious you want to be alone.”

      She turned to go again, more than ready to get out of here. So far her vacation consisted of irritating a grouchy cowboy. The weekend could only get better from here...right?

      “Damn it. Don’t go.”

      Alexa laughed and spun back around. “It’s fine. Really.”

      “No. I’m just not used to dealing with guests. It’s supposed to rain later and over the next two days.” He shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets. “You’re here now. Let’s do this.”

      Let’s get this over with.

      The unspoken words hovered in the air between them. Fine. She wanted to ride and he was here. It wasn’t her fault he was the only one left or that he was angry.

      The sulking, sultry cowboy continued to stare at her from beneath that Stetson and another jolt of lust shot through her.

      Who knew a cranky rancher would be the one to get her heart beating again? She’d been pretty emotionally stagnant since becoming a widow two years ago, just before discovering she was pregnant. Grief and motherhood could do that.

      “You’ll ride Jumper.”

      Hayes’s words pulled her to the present before she could dive too far into the dark time of her life. Alexa took a step back and held up her hands.

      “Maybe you missed the part where I hadn’t ridden since I was five. I think I’d rather have a horse with a name like Buttercup or Princess.”

      Hayes reached just past her, causing Alexa to freeze in place. His arm brushed against her shoulder and Alexa attempted to act calm. But that smell, that purely masculine aftershave, enveloped her. For a half second she breathed in deep and cursed herself for the instant carnal thoughts that flooded her mind.

      “Jumper is our newest mare and she’s a sweetheart,” Hayes explained, oblivious to Alexa’s inner turmoil. “We’re getting her used to riding long distances and she’ll be perfect for you. Don’t be fooled by her name.”

      Alexa took a step to the side to get away from his casual touch. When she focused on the horse instead of the man, Alexa noticed a gorgeous chestnut mare with a white star on her nose.

      “She’s my favorite girl.” He rubbed the side of her face and murmured something to her. “I got her specifically for new riders and children at the dude ranch because she’s so gentle.”

      “You’ll stick close?” she asked as she came to stand beside him. “I mean, I literally have no experience.”

      Hayes eyed her from beneath the large black rim of his hat. “No experience, huh?”

      He raked that heavy-lidded gaze over her and he might as well have touched her bare skin. There wasn’t a place on her that wasn’t tingling. She’d met the man only five minutes ago and he’d managed to awaken something in her that had been dead for two years.

      “You’re in luck.” He brought those dark eyes back up to hers. “I’m very...experienced.”

      Okay, they were definitely not talking horses anymore. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind this man was much more worldly than she’d ever thought of being. If she had to guess, she’d put him in his midthirties, nearly a decade older than her own twenty-five.

      “And I’ll definitely stick close,” he promised.

      The ride hadn’t even started and Alexa was already wondering if she was getting in over her head.

      * * *

      What the hell was he thinking?

      He shouldn’t be offering rides to or flirting with a total stranger. He’d come down to the stables to be alone, to ride his brother’s stallion. Being back on the ranch was supposed to help him return to some semblance of the life he’d had before he’d been gutted by experiencing things no one should ever be subjected to.

      But the second he’d hinted that she’d have to come back later for a stable hand to take her on a trail ride, a burst of jealousy speared him. The feeling had caught him off guard. He didn’t want to feel, didn’t want to allow himself any happiness. He’d been through hell and was just trying to survive each day and uphold his promise to his brothers and his ailing father. They had a dude ranch to get up and running and Hayes had a home to renovate.

      Hayes had been back home a few months and he was not looking forward to getting involved with anyone right now...if ever. So no matter how mesmerizing Alexa’s brown eyes were, no matter how she seemed to be a little sad and vulnerable, sparking that fierce protective instinct inside of him...he simply couldn’t act on this unwanted chemistry.

      He saw how she looked at him; he wasn’t a fool. She was young; she was attracted. He was only going to show her a portion of the ranch, bring her back, and send her on her way. That would be the end of things. Her attraction had no place here...and neither did his.

      He carried too much baggage, had too much to sort through within himself before he could think of trying anything with a woman again. Hell, he barely left the ranch, let alone attempted to be social and date.

      Taking a beautiful woman out for a ride didn’t have to be anything more than just that. Once she was gone, he could ride alone like he’d originally intended. Adjusting to civilian life was more difficult than he’d believed possible and riding alone was the only

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