When Opposites Attract…. Jules Bennett

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When Opposites Attract… - Jules Bennett The Barrington Trilogy

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you just going to stand there or are you coming in?” she asked without turning around.

      He couldn’t help but smile. “I’m actually observing right now.”

      Throwing a glance over her shoulder, Tessa quirked a brow. “Observing the barn structure or my rear end?”

      Unable to stop himself, Grant laughed. “I was taking in all the structures.”

      “Are you going to make an excuse as to why you’re late?”

      Grant shrugged as he moved along the side of the aisle and closed the gap between them. “Do you care about an excuse?”


      “Then I won’t offer one.”

      “Perfect.” Taking the lead line, she moved the Thoroughbred toward the open door to the riding ring. “I assumed you weren’t coming, and I was going to take Romeo out for a run. But if you want to talk, I’ll put him up.”

      Grant didn’t want to talk, didn’t want to ask questions. He found himself wanting to watch her work, watch how she moved so gracefully and efficiently. The woman had a rare talent, and she was so damn beautiful. Stunning women were everywhere in L.A., but the majority in the circles he ran in were surgically enhanced. None had that porcelain skin, deep blue eyes, a cute little dimple and dark red hair. None of them wore cowboy boots with body-hugging jeans and Western shirts. And none challenged him the way Tessa did.

      For once in his life, he was the pursuer.

      “I’m ready to work if you are,” he told her.

      She turned the beautiful horse around, dismounted and led him back to his stall.

      After her saddle was back on the wall, she took a brush and started grooming the animal in large, circular strokes. “Romeo is going to learn to race. His father was a winner, and I can’t wait to see him fly.”

      There was love in her tone, Grant noted. “How long will he train before he can race?”

      “Cassie’ll have him ready to go next year. He’s not quite there yet.”

      With ease and care, she moved around to the other side and repeated her motions. Her delicate hands were so gentle, and if he’d stop fantasizing about those hands on him, Grant might actually concentrate on the fact he was here to do a job.

      The world of racing and horses was certainly glamorous to some, but not to him. Nothing about this sport appealed to him...except the sexy jockey in front of him.

      If he didn’t start compartmentalizing soon, Tessa would suck him under, and he honestly didn’t think he was strong enough to climb back out.

      “Do you have a favorite track?” he asked.

      Her eyes met his over the back of the horse. With a wide grin she replied, “Yeah, the one where I win.”

      Grant stepped closer, but still remained outside the stall. “How old were you when you started racing?”

      “Officially? Eighteen. But I’ve lived and breathed horses my entire life.” With precise motions she swept the brush over the horse’s side and toward its flank. “I didn’t play sports, didn’t even go to my prom. I much preferred to spend my time right here.”

      Hooking his thumbs through his belt loops, Grant shifted his stance. “I imagine there’s not a place on this farm you haven’t ridden.”

      “You’d be right. If I’m not training, I’m riding for fun.”

      Grant smiled. “Care to show me around?”

      “I’d love to, but since you were late, your time is less now, so we won’t be able to go over as much of the estate.”

      “When I got here you weren’t ready, either.”

      “Because I thought you were a no-show.”

      He stepped even closer, still watching her over the side of the horse. “Not all of us can live by a schedule.”

      Tessa stared for a moment, then turned and put the brush away. Grant had a feeling he wasn’t scoring any points with her, but it was fun to get under her skin, and especially fun when she had no comeback.

      “Follow me,” she told him as she stepped from the stall and headed toward the front of the stable.

      Grant turned and gladly followed those swaying hips. “Which horses are we taking out?” he asked, dreading her response, but refusing to succumb to fear and let his vulnerabilities show.

      “No horses,” she called over her shoulder.

      Grant released a deep breath. He couldn’t let the fear cripple him, but he was relieved they were leaving the horses in the barn. He followed her into another large, two-story barn on the property and smiled.

      “A four-wheeler?” he asked.

      “Stick with me, Slick. I’ll show you all the cool country toys.”

      Oh, the possibilities of comebacks with that statement. But Grant knew it was probably best to keep his mouth shut.

      Tessa threw her leg around the seat and straddled the device, then sent him a saucy look. Damn woman. She was teasing him on purpose, and he was a sucker, falling for her antics.

      Maybe separate horses would’ve been safer.

      “You don’t have a problem with me driving, do you?” she asked with a grin.

      Mercy. With her legs stretched wide over the seat, her body leaning forward to grip the handles, Grant knew he needed to take control, and fast, before this vixen completely made a fool out of him. She was mocking him, taking his attraction and blatantly throwing it back in his face.

      And he deserved it. But two could play at this game.

      Grant slid on behind her, making sure to tuck in real tight from torso to hips, gripping her thighs with his own. His hands slid around her tiny waist and his mouth came in close to her ear. “I don’t mind this one bit,” he whispered, pleased when she trembled.

      Tessa turned her head slightly, enough to meet his gaze, her lips nearly brushing his. “Don’t make this weird, Slick.”

      Grant flattened his palms on her taut stomach. “Weird was not the word I was thinking.”

      She fired up the four-wheeler, turned her attention toward the opening of the barn and took off. Grant literally had to hold on to her because the force with which she exited nearly threw him off the back...which was probably what she wanted.

      Oh, this little excursion was going to be fun.

      * * *

      Did he have to hold on so damn tight? He was practically wrapped around her, and instead of feeling trapped or confined, Tessa felt...aroused and anxious.

      This man kept her on her toes, and she never knew what he’d say or do next. But she did know one thing:

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