Lies And Lullabies. Yvonne Lindsay

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Lies And Lullabies - Yvonne Lindsay Mills & Boon By Request

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jammed his Stetson as far down on his head as it would go and hunched his shoulders, trying to bury his chin in the collar of his rain jacket. The weather gods had finally sent Maverick County some moisture, but it wasn’t the days-long, soaking rain they needed.

      Instead, the precipitation was a miserable, icy-cold drizzle that chilled a man right down to the bone, a dramatic shift from the previous day. Since seven this morning, he’d been out riding the fence line with his foreman, looking for problems. They’d lost two dozen head of cattle in the past few weeks. Everyone suspected rustlers, but before Case involved the authorities, he wanted to make sure the animals hadn’t simply wandered away through a hole in the fence.

      Now, though he was wet and weary, at least he had the satisfaction of knowing that his fencing was not compromised. Giving the foreman a wave, Case turned his horse and galloped back toward the house. Already this new housekeeper thing was getting in his way.

      Ordinarily in a situation like this, he would strip down in the mudroom, walk through his house naked and climb into the hot tub on the sheltered back porch. Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen today, with Mellie around.

      Muttering beneath his breath, he handed off his horse to one of the stable guys in the barn and then strode toward the house. He was grumpy and wet and hungry, and he wanted his castle to himself. His bad mood lasted all the way up until the moment he found Mellie Winslow bending over the side of his bed dusting the base of one of the posts. She was wearing Spandex pants, the navy fabric curved snugly against a firm, shapely butt.

      His heart lodged in his throat at about the same time his gut tightened with swift and wicked arousal that swept through his veins. He actually took half a step backward, because he was stunned.

      Mellie straightened and smiled, her expression cautious. “Mr. Baxter. Case. I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d be home in the middle of the day. I can move on to another room for now.”

      He shrugged. “I need a hot shower. Won’t be long.” Unless maybe he got distracted imagining Mellie in there with him...

      “I put fresh towels in your bathroom a few minutes ago. They’re probably still warm from the dryer.” She paused and seemed hesitant. “Have you had lunch?”

      Come to think of it, he hadn’t. Which might account for his surly attitude. “No. I’ll grab something in a minute.”

      “Would you like me to fix soup and a sandwich? It’s no problem.”

      His fingers were cold, his skin damp. But inside, he was burning up. He should have hired a seventy-plus grandmotherly type with a bun and absolutely no sex appeal.

      But he hadn’t. Oh, no...not at all. He’d brought temptation into his house. Hell, into his bedroom, to be exact. He cleared his throat. “That would be nice. Thanks.”

      Mellie nodded and walked away.

      Case slumped against the wall, his heart thundering in his chest. There was far too much going on in his life right now to get sidetracked by a very inconvenient attraction. He was a grown man. Not a boy. He could control his physical impulses.

      In the shower he turned the water hot enough to sting his skin. Maybe the discomfort would take his mind off the fact that he had an erection...a big one. Damn. What was it about Mellie that caught him off guard and made him hungry to strip her naked and take her to bed?

      She was beautiful in a girl-next-door kind of way, but Royal had more than its share of attractive women. Case didn’t find himself panting after every one of them. Maybe it was the fact that Mellie was in his house.

      That was his mistake.

      He dried off and changed into clean clothes. His others, wet and muddy, lay in a pile on the bathroom floor. Presumably, his new housekeeper would take care of washing them.

      Standing in the middle of his bedroom, he acknowledged the truth. He didn’t want Mellie Winslow washing his clothes. He had far better plans for activities the two of them could enjoy.

      It was bad enough that she was cleaning up after him. Maybe he was weird, or maybe his first marriage had ruined him, but he liked relating to women on an even footing. Mellie was talented and capable and she was doing exactly what he had hired her to do. So why was he getting freaked out about everything?

      He found her in the kitchen. She hummed as she moved around the room. His oak table, situated in the breakfast nook, was set with a single place mat, a lone plate and glass and a set of silverware.

      Mellie waved a hand. “It’s all ready, if you want to sit down.”

      He leaned against the doorframe. “Aren’t you joining me?”

      Her eyes widened momentarily and a faint pink crept up her neck. “I had a big breakfast. I usually work through lunch.”

      “At least a cup of coffee, then. You’re on the clock, and it’s my clock.” He smiled to put her at ease, since she was eyeing him dubiously.


      He refused to sit at the table and be served as if he were in a restaurant. Instead, he waited until she placed the bowl of tomato soup and the grilled cheese sandwich at his place. “This looks great,” he said. “Thank you.”

      “Coffee to drink?”

      “Yes, please. Black.”

      Mellie poured two cups, added milk and sugar to hers, and then joined him as they both sat down. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was until the aroma of freshly prepared food reached him and his stomach growled loudly.

      It was Mellie’s turn to grin.

      They sat in companionable silence for a few moments, Mellie sipping her coffee and Case wolfing down the food she had prepared for him. Though soup and a sandwich wasn’t exactly haute cuisine, the comfort food was filling and delicious.

      “So tell me, Mellie...what are your ambitions for Keep N Clean?”

      If she was surprised by his interest, she didn’t show it. “When I’m dreaming big,” she said, “I think about franchising and moving into medium-size towns all over Texas.”

      He raised an eyebrow. “I’m impressed. You must have a knack for numbers.”

      “I have an associate business degree. But most of the hands-on stuff is self-taught. It’s important to discern what a client wants and then be able to provide it. Especially in a service industry like mine. You have to stand out from the pack.”

      “Very true, I’m sure.” He finished his meal and stood to get more coffee. He held out the coffeepot. “More for you?”

      Mellie shook her head. “No, thanks. I’d better get back to work.”

      “Not so fast,” he said. The urge to detain her was unsettling. He had plenty to keep him busy. But he didn’t want to walk away from Mellie. “Tell me about yourself.”

      Mellie smiled wryly. “Is that really necessary?”

      “Humor me.”



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