Lies And Lullabies. Yvonne Lindsay

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Lies And Lullabies - Yvonne Lindsay Mills & Boon By Request

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       Courting the Cowboy Boss

      Janice Maynard

      For Jamie and Daniel,

      who have made Texas their home…

      we miss you in Tennessee!


      “To our new president!”

      Three of the four men at the table lifted their glasses in a semicongratulatory toast. Case Baxter, the object of their wry tribute, shook his head and grinned. “Thanks, guys. You’re all heart.”

      Mac McCallum finished off the last bite of his Angus burger and wiped his mouth with a linen napkin. “Seriously, man. What were you thinking? You’re like all the rest of us...up to your ears in work. Adding president of the Texas Cattleman’s Club to your résumé means more headaches.”

      Mac was CEO of McCallum Energy...and understood as much as anybody that success was a double-edged sword. Even so, with his big laugh and extrovert ways, he always seemed laid-back and easygoing.

      Though the formal dining room at the Texas Cattleman’s Club was an elegant venue, the majority of the diners were men like Mac and Case. Tough, honed by physical labor, perpetually tanned by the hot Texas sun. And wealthy...wealthy enough to think they had the world on a string.

      Case shrugged. “I know what you’re saying. And you’re right. But when the committee asked to put my name on the ballot, I could hear my great-grandfather cheering from the grave. It’s an honor. And a privilege.”

      His companions hooted with laughter. Jeff Hartley wiped his eyes. “Of course it is. No denying that. But unless you have some magic formula for adding an extra eight or ten hours to every day, I’m not exactly sure how you’re going to manage.” Jeff owned and operated the Hartley Cattle Ranch. He knew more than a little about hard work and long days.

      Case had an ominous feeling in his gut that said his buddies were right. The truth was, though, Case’s family had lived in Royal for generations. They believed in tradition, honor and service. He hadn’t been able to bring himself to say no to the nomination. Then again, he hadn’t expected to be elected. The other two candidates were older and, as far as Case was concerned, more suited for the position.

      But now it was too late for second thoughts. “I’m counting on the three of you to be my unofficial advisors.”

      Parker Reese leaned back in his chair. “Don’t look at me. I’m a doctor, not a rancher. I can get your baby through colic, but all I know about cattle is not to wave a red flag in front of a bull.”

      In the general laughter that followed, Case spared a moment to marvel at how things had changed. Not long ago, women had finally been admitted into the hallowed halls of the club as full members.

      Times, they were a-changin’...

      Case looked at Mac with a lifted brow. “I thought Logan was joining us for lunch.” Logan Wade was Mac’s best friend and one of his key investors.

      “He bought three new horses last week,” Mac said, “and they’re being delivered today. You know how he is.”

      They all nodded. Horses and women. Logan’s two favorite things.

      Mac pinned Case with a knowing gaze. “Quit changing the subject. We were talking about you and your soon-to-be-impossible schedule.”

      “Gil Addison has a son and a wife,” Case pointed out. “And he’s been a great president. I’m blissfully single.”

      “True,” Mac said. “You’re forgetting, however, that Gil is Superman. No offense, buddy, but those are big shoes to fill.”

      “Your support is duly noted.”

      Parker, arguably the smartest man in the room, added his two cents’ worth. “You’ve always liked a challenge, Case. Don’t let them mess with your head. You’ve got this.”

      “Thanks.” Case had enormous respect for the dedicated though reserved neonatal specialist. Royal’s hospital was lucky to have a doctor of Parker’s caliber on staff.

      Jeff chimed in, mischief written all over his face. “Parker has more faith in you than I do. I’ve been in your house, Case. It’s such a mess you can’t even find the TV remote half the time. I’d suggest burning your place to the ground if we weren’t in the middle of a drought.”

      Case’s neck heated. Organization was not his strong suit. Another fact that called his ability to perform his newly acquired duties into question.

      “I’ve already thought about that,” he said. “And I have a plan.”

      Mac gave their waitress a smile as she brought their desserts. “Do tell.”

      Case stuck a fork in his apple cobbler. “I’m going to hire a housekeeper.”

      The other three men stared at him.

      Mac lifted his spoonful of ice cream and waved it in the air. “You do know she would have to come inside your house for that to work?”

      “Very funny.” Case squared his shoulders. “I have the Texas Cattleman’s Club to run now. I have to make compromises.”

      Jeff still seemed shocked. “But what about your rule number one? Never allow a female into the man cave.

      “Unless she’s a relative.” Parker supplied the exception. “Is this new housekeeper a relative?”

      Case deserved the inquisition. He was known for his only-half-joking rules for dealing with the female sex. When he was involved in intimate relationships, he preferred to spend the night at the woman’s home. So he could leave when he wanted to. “I made the rules,” he said, his chin thrust out. “And I can change them. This woman will be a employee. She won’t be a relative, but she might as well be. I’m not hiring a woman—I’m hiring a housekeeper.”

      He gave them a warning scowl. “I’ve learned from my mistakes, believe me.” The men at the table knew the unsavory details of Case’s not-so-happy marriage. He’d had a fling with his family’s accountant, married her and soon found out that she was more interested in spending Case’s money than in being a loving wife. It was a salutary lesson.

      Jeff turned down a second beer but took a long swig of his water. “Hey, man. A guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do. And besides, up until the tornado last year, this club-president gig wasn’t all that onerous. You’ll be fine.”

      Everyone nodded, but Case saw his own reservations reflected on their faces. Ever since the F4 tornado that had decimated Maverick County and the town of Royal barely over a year ago, the Texas Cattleman’s Club had become one of the anchors that held things together.

      Coordinating rescue efforts, keeping up morale, applying for grants, planning reconstruction and renovation—the club and its president had served

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