Watching Over Her. Lisa Childs

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danger from his own body shutting down on him.

      That muscle twitched in Ash’s cheek again. He was worried, too. Blaine must have checked himself out against doctor’s orders.

      “Have you heard from him?” she asked.

      He shook his head.

      Maybe it was already too late to help Blaine.

      Maggie was okay. So was her baby. Blaine hadn’t left the hospital until he’d learned that. He hadn’t left the hospital until Ash had shown up. He wouldn’t have trusted anyone else to protect her. He probably shouldn’t have trusted Hernandez and Jackson since he wasn’t sure how the robbers had discovered where Maggie was staying.

      He’d been so careful to avoid being followed—to avoid anyone discovering where he had hidden her. But he hadn’t kept her safe. Ash would. Or at least he would try...the way Sarge had tried.

      Maggie was in too much danger. She and her baby had survived this time. But eventually their luck would run out.

      Blaine had to focus on finding the robbers. He couldn’t think about her—or what they’d done right before the fire started. He couldn’t think about anything but suspects.

      He was determined to find the one who had so far eluded him. So he went back to Mark Doremire’s house.

      His wife opened the door and stared at him through eyes wide with surprise. At first he thought it might have been because of the hour; it was barely dawn. But she was looking at him instead of the sky.

      “Are you all right?” she asked.

      He felt as if a roof had fallen on him. But then, it had. He’d been fortunate to come out with only a few scrapes and light burns. The firemen had used their own bodies to protect him. His lungs burned, though, from all the smoke he’d inhaled. The doctor hadn’t authorized him to leave the hospital. He’d wanted to keep Blaine for observation—something about a delayed reaction to smoke inhalation.

      But Blaine felt time running out since each attack on Maggie had been harder for her and for him to survive. So he had refused to stay and checked himself out against the doctor’s orders.

      “No, I’m not fine,” he admitted. “I’m about to arrest you for obstruction of justice if you don’t tell me where your husband is hiding.”

      She shrugged but continued to block the doorway to the kitchen the best she could with her thin frame. “I can’t tell you what I don’t know.”

      He could have pushed her aside and searched her house. But he’d had someone watching it—someone with thermal imaging who’d detected only one person inside the house. Mark really wasn’t there. “You don’t know where your husband is?”

      She shook her head. “I figured he was following Maggie around like his brother used to. But it seems as though you’re doing that now.”

      “I’m just doing my job,” he said. But it was a lie. Protecting Maggie had less to do with his job than with his heart. He had fallen for her.

      And just as Dalton Reyes and his boss had warned him, he’d gotten distracted. Because of that, he had nearly lost his life and hers, as well. He had to put aside his feelings for her and focus only on the case. He wasn’t going to be like Special Agent Bell and leave this case unsolved.

      The younger Mrs. Doremire snorted derisively as she recognized his lie. “So you’ve let sweet Maggie get to you, too,” she said. “Something about her makes a man feel more important, more manly. That’s what killed Andy. That dumb kid actually thought he could be a soldier—for her.”

      “That was Andy,” Blaine said. “What about his brother? He’s your husband.” He wanted to goad her—to piss her off at Mark—so that she would give up his whereabouts.

      “But I don’t need him like dear sweet Maggie does,” Tammy replied. “It doesn’t help that before Andy left for his last deployment he asked Mark to watch out for her. Why do you think we moved here?”

      Blaine shrugged even though he could have guessed. The robberies...

      “Because she moved here,” Tammy said. “I left behind my friends and family for Maggie.”

      “You hate her.”

      She laughed. “That’s the thing about Maggie. You can’t hate her. She’s too sweet. But she’s also manipulative as hell. She’ll suck you in and ruin your life.”

      “Has she ruined yours?” he asked, wondering why the woman resented her so much.

      “She ruined my marriage. I haven’t seen Mark in days,” she said. So she blamed Maggie for all the problems in her marriage instead of blaming her husband. “I have no idea where he is. So if you want—arrest me. Take me in for questioning. Drug me with truth serum. I’m not going to be able to tell you what I don’t know.”

      “Who would know where he is?” Blaine wondered.

      Tammy sighed and leaned wearily against the doorjamb. Her red hair was tousled, and she wore a robe. But somehow he doubted she’d had any more sleep than he had. “Like me,” she said, “Mark left his friends behind in Michigan. Maybe his mom or dad would know where he’s gone.”

      “His dad only talks about Andy,” Blaine admitted.

      “Everybody loved Andy. He was sweet—like Maggie,” she said. “But genuinely sweet. He was a good man who died too soon.”

      “What about Mark?” he asked. “Is he a good man?”

      She shrugged again.

      “Could he be involved in the bank robberies?”

      She gasped in surprise.

      He narrowed his eyes skeptically at her surprise. “You didn’t figure out that’s why I’m looking for him?”

      “I had no idea why you’re looking for him,” she said. “I thought you were just a friend of Maggie’s.”

      He was so much more than just friends with her.

      “I’m a special agent with the FBI,” he said. “And I’m working the bank robberies—the one where the suspects wear zombie disguises.”

      She sighed. “Mark wouldn’t have gotten involved in the robberies on his own.” She laughed now. “God knows he’s no criminal mastermind. He would have only gotten involved because someone asked him—or manipulated him—into getting involved.”

      He suspected what she would say next, on whom she would place the blame, but still he had to ask, “Who?”

      “Maggie, of course.”

      “You think she’s a criminal mastermind?” He could have laughed, too, at that thought. Not that Maggie wasn’t smart. She was. She was also too honest and open to take anything from anyone.


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