Otherworld Protector. Jane Godman

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Otherworld Protector - Jane Godman Mills & Boon Nocturne

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      “It can’t be.” Although the driver had spoken in Spanish, she responded in English and he made a helpless, uncomprehending gesture. Stella corrected her mistake. “No es posible.”

      “Sí. This is the address you gave me. La Casa Oscura—” he gestured into the pitch-blackness beyond the car windows “—it is well-known in this city.”

      La Casa Oscura. The Dark House. Except it shouldn’t be dark. According to the emails Stella had received, it should be lit up in welcome for her. Or, if “lit up” might be construed as an overenthusiastic approach to greeting a new junior employee, there should at least have been some sign of life. There was none.

      “You want me to take you to a hotel in the city center for tonight? That way you can come back in the morning. Check the place out in daylight.”

      The suggestion made sense, and Stella was about to dent her precious hundred euros further and agree. That was when she felt it. Felt him. There was the familiar flicker of movement on the outer edge of her vision. She knew from experience there was no point in trying to capture it. He existed only on the periphery. Looking directly at him would cause him to disappear. But it was enough. Well-being, warm, mellow and welcome flooded her veins. Her protector was here.

      “No.” Taking out her wallet, she counted out the right number of notes for the fare and added a tip.

      “I can wait here until you are inside,” the driver offered as he pocketed the money. Stella could almost see him assessing the possibility of being featured as the bad guy in the following day’s tabloid headlines.

       Cabbie abandoned lone Brit-girl tourist at death house, saying “I wanted my supper!”

      “I’ll be fine,” Stella assured him and he shrugged a doubtful shoulder. She could hardly explain her newfound bravado to him. As she clambered out of the car, juggling her backpack and laptop case, the driver hauled her wheeled suitcase out of the trunk. With a final glance over his shoulder and shrug, he returned to the car. Stella waited for him to drive off before she turned to look up at the house. The darkness here on the hillside above the city was so all-encompassing that what she saw was the outline of the hulking building and none of its detail. First impressions were everything, and this one definitely didn’t feel comforting.

      Although the house itself, like its name, was cloaked in obscurity, there was enough light from the street lamps for Stella to make her way unhindered through the vast wrought-iron gates. Thoughts of medieval prisons and torture chambers sprang into her mind. All useful ideas for future game projects, she assured herself, making a mental note. Her feet crunched onto a gravel drive. This, in turn, opened out onto a large, paved square and Stella noticed, with a feeling of profound relief, that there were several cars and motorbikes parked to one side of this area. In the darkness, she could not distinguish makes or models. One of the cars was definitely low-slung, sleek and probably expensive. Moncoya expensive? At the very least, the cars were evidence that the house might not be an abandoned ruin, after all.

      Stella commenced a crab-like gait—dragging the huge suitcase, backpack and laptop bag—across the square to the house. As she did, her movements triggered a series of blindingly bright, fluorescent floodlights. It was surreal. If she looked up, would she see a hovering UFO? Or would she be surrounded by armed guards, dressed in black uniforms emblazoned with the gold Moncoya Enterprises M, and made to lie facedown on the ground while they searched her luggage for signs that she was a spy for a rival company?

      Reminding herself that a fertile imagination was a necessity, not a liability, in her line of work, Stella continued up to the now clearly visible front door. This was a huge, green-painted structure, set within a vast facade of faded terra-cotta stone. The floodlights cast an eerie gloom that made the house appear to be suspended in space.

      Stella didn’t quite know what she had expected. Relocation to Senor Moncoya’s Barcelona residencia will be a requirement of the post. That was what the email had said. Since she’d have agreed to anything—Relocation to the moon? Where do I sign?—for a job with Moncoya, she hadn’t really thought this bit through. Story of your life, she told herself as she pressed the bell next to the front door. No wonder that peripheral protector of yours has to work overtime.

      The door was opened, not—as a tiny part of her had hoped—by Ezra Moncoya himself, but by a grungy-looking youth with dreadlocks and a beard that was plaited.

      “You must be Stella,” he said, throwing the door wide as he grabbed her suitcase and laptop bag. “We’ve been expecting you.”

      As she stepped across the doorstep into the vast white-and-chrome foyer, Stella knew her first impression had been wrong. She was in the most right place she had ever been.

      * * *

      Cal watched as Stella stepped over the doorstep of La Casa Oscura and the door closed behind her. As if the house itself was swallowing her up. He chided himself for the overimaginative foolishness of such thoughts. He had always known that this time would come—had known it since a time long before Stella’s birth. This precise moment was the reason he had taken the assignment, even though watching over mortals was beneath him in so many ways. Nevertheless, he had to take a moment to wonder at the staggering recklessness of his charge. Unlike Cal, Stella had no idea of who she was, of either her lineage or her destiny. So surely a little bit of caution would not have gone amiss in the circumstances.

      He smiled reminiscently. She had always been the same. Even from the earliest age, the little girl with the spiky blue-black hair and wide green eyes had been a trouble magnet, hurling herself from one dangerous situation to the next with a bring-it-on fist pump and a grin. Her behavior had been so far outside Cal’s expectations that, on Stella’s sixth birthday, he had sought an audience to request advice on the matter.

      “Never doubt the gravity of what lies ahead. For her or for you.” The Dominion, one of the leading angels of the fourth choir, had worn the traditional long gown, hitched with a golden belt. As a symbol of the seriousness in which he held his task of regulating the duties of lower angels, he had carried a golden staff in his right hand and the seal of his office in his left. Although Cal was easily equal in rank and power to the Dominion, by that time he had been fighting on the side of the angels for so long he always felt slightly overawed by such overt symbols of celestial authority. “When you joined us, you were handed the most demanding of tasks. Now, through this girl, yours is the responsibility for ensuring that peace is restored so that the border between the living realm and Otherworld remains intact.”

      “I understand and have gladly accepted the burden you placed upon me. It is just—” Cal had thought back to the escapade that had prompted him to request this meeting. It hadn’t been that bad, he had reasoned. No one had been injured. The truck driver should have known better than to leave his vehicle unlocked with the keys in the ignition. And who’d have thought the skinny little girl Stella had been back then would have been able to get the hand brake off anyway? “I had not anticipated that a major part of my role would be to keep her alive until the prophecy can be fulfilled.”

      “You must do whatever it takes,” the Dominion had assured him with a dignity that befitted his position.

      So he had. What he hadn’t known then was how much he would enjoy it. Even now, nineteen years after the “do whatever it takes” conversation with the Dominion, Cal still found Stella’s cheeky grin irresistible. He’d broken a few rules along the way. They both had. There had been occasions when he’d had no choice but to materialize to help her out. It wasn’t exactly forbidden, it was just not recommended. Distance was the key to a successful relationship between

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