From Fortune To Family Man. Judy Duarte

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From Fortune To Family Man - Judy Duarte Mills & Boon Cherish

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may need to keep her longer than that. The doctor mentioned surgery, and those ‘few days’ could end up being more long-term.”

      “Yes, I know.” Kieran was trying to prepare himself for that possibility. He glanced down at his leather loafers, then back into Dana’s eyes. There was no need to lie or to pretend that he was ready to be a parent. “To tell you the truth, I’m a little nervous about being Rosie’s guardian. As much as I adore her, I’ve never spent much time with kids.”

      “I can understand that, but you’ll do fine. Zach wouldn’t have chosen you to step up if he’d had any concern about that.” Dana’s eyes, a stunning shade of blue, filled with something akin to sympathy. “Not that I’m an expert on child rearing,” she added.

      “That’s just it,” Kieran said. “I’m great at giving piggyback rides and playing hide-and-seek for an hour or two. But being her legal guardian means choosing just the right preschool and knowing when she needs to see a pediatrician.” Damn. Just the thought of doctor visits brought on a whole new worry that filled his gut with dread. “What do I do if she gets a fever or a tummy ache?”

      And then there was the whole idea of shots, immunizations and making her take liquid medicine that tasted nasty.

      Worry and fear must have altered his expression because Dana said, “You’ll do just fine.”

      “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

      She placed a soft and gentle hand on his shoulder, which sent a rush of warmth to his gut, chasing a bit of his fear away. “And remember, it’s just a few days at this point. There’s no need to borrow trouble.”

      “That’s easy for you to say.” He offered her a halfhearted grin, although he really did appreciate her support.

      “If it’ll make you feel better,” she said, “I’d be happy to stop by your place so I can visit Rosie and give you a break at the same time.”

      Kieran would take all the help he could get, even if it was just an occasional visit. “I’d appreciate that, Dana. Before you leave I’ll give my business card, along with my address.”

      The hand that had been resting on his shoulder slid down to his back, giving it a rub that suggested she wanted to provide him with comfort and understanding. But her touch, the trail of her fingers, triggered a spark of heat he hadn’t expected. Nor did he have any idea what, if anything, to do about it.

      “You’ll do fine,” she said.

      God, he sure hoped she was right. But he couldn’t very well remain in the hospital lobby, talking to a woman who’d sent his thoughts scampering in an entirely wrong direction. So he nodded toward the elevator. “Are you ready to visit Sam?”

      “Yes, let’s go.” Dana fell into step beside him, but they didn’t speak again until they reached the third floor.

      As the doors opened up, Kieran said, “Here we are.”

      They started down the corridor together, their shoes clicking and tapping on the tile floor. Still, they didn’t speak.

      When they neared room 312, they spotted Sandra walking out the door and into the hall.

      “How’s Sam doing?” Kieran asked her.

      “About the same. The doctor has ruled out bypass surgery for the time being, and he’s responding to treatment. But Sam has a few other health issues they’d like to get stabilized before they dishcharge him. So it looks like he’ll be here for a while.”

      “What about you?” Kieran asked. “How are you holding up through all of this?”

      Sandra took a deep breath, then slowly let it out. “I’m a little tired, but I’m doing all right. My blood pressure is higher than usual, which is a little concerning. My doctor would like me to get some rest and stop worrying about Sam. But that’s not easy to do.”

      Under the circumstances, Kieran didn’t suppose it would be. Not when Sandra had their granddaughter to worry about, too.

      “I’ll plan on having Rosie indefinitely,” Kieran said. “Once Sam is feeling better, just say the word and I’ll bring her home.”

      Sandra’s eyes filled with tears. What she couldn’t blink away, she dried with her index fingers. “As much as I hate to let Rosie go, especially when I fear it could end up being permanent, I really have my hands full with Sam right now.”

      “I’ll take good care of her,” Kieran said. “And if it makes you feel better, Dana promised to help me.” He gave the attractive redhead a nudge.

      Dana slipped her arm around Sandra and drew her close. “That’s right, Sandy. I know how difficult this must be for you, but don’t worry about anything or anyone except Sam—and yourself.”

      “We’ll just be a phone call or a short drive away,” Kieran added.

      “Thank you.” The older woman again swiped at her teary eyes. “That’s probably for the best.”

      Kieran knew they’d made the right decision all the way around, although he still wasn’t sure about his capabilities as a guardian, let alone as a paternal role model. But he’d do his best by Rosie.

      “Don’t worry about a thing,” he told Sandra, although his gut twisted at the thought of being on his own with Rosie.

      But, hey. He’d just take it one day at a time.

      “Sandy,” Dana said, “is there something I can do to help you? Do you want me to bring anything to you from the house? Or, if you give me a list, I can run errands or stop by the market and pick up groceries or whatever.”

      “Since I don’t have to worry about being home with Rosie,” Sandra said, “I’d like to camp out here at the hospital for a while. So, yes. If you don’t mind, there are some things you can pick up from the house and a prescription that’s ready at the pharmacy.”

      While the women continued to work out a game plan of sorts, Kieran looked up at the ceiling as if he could see through it and beyond, as if he could somehow connect with Zach and ask for his forgiveness. I’m sorry I lied to your mom. I have no idea how to provide for Rosie’s needs.

      But he made Zach—and himself—a promise right then and there. He would do his best to provide everything Rosie needed—come hell or high water and damn the cost.

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