Dead Run. Jodie Bailey

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Dead Run - Jodie Bailey Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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talking to them wouldn’t change a thing. The justice system hadn’t saved her mother.

      She wouldn’t talk to them. Lucas had made the call. He’d seen as much as she had, and he could do the talking.

      Kristin whirled toward the woods, but only got an eyeful of Lucas and Travis coming off the trail.

      Trapped. There was nowhere to go. Kristin marched for her small green SUV, wishing she were invisible, guilt biting at her heels. Lucas was right. Even though the man had mentioned Kyle, with her brother dead, they certainly couldn’t ask him for his real motives. She ought to at least give a description to the police in case he tried to go after a woman who couldn’t feed him his nose for breakfast.

      Not that it would do any good to involve the law.

      The debate raged as she stared at her SUV parked at the edge of the lot, but her feet slowed. Something wasn’t right. There was no reflection from the driver’s window. Surely she hadn’t rolled it down.

      Ignoring her rapidly tightening muscles, she jogged to her SUV, slowing as she neared. The window was shattered, glass littering the driver’s seat. She punched the unlock code into the keypad and rounded the vehicle, ripping the passenger door open and scrambling across the seat. She jerked open the console to stare inside. Her wallet was where she always left it, but her keys were gone.

      She dropped back, staring at the space where they’d been. That man had asked about her brother. Probably knew where she lived. And now he had her house keys. For the first time, the magnitude of the attack tackled her.

      Feet pounded behind her. She didn’t have to turn to know whom they belonged to. While she wanted to drop to the ground beside the car and curl into a fetal position, she swallowed her fears and stiffened her posture as she turned to meet Lucas Murphy head-on. “You can tell your cop friends someone stole my keys.”

      Behind him, Travis waved at the officers and detoured, jogging toward the military policemen at the head of the trail.

      Lucas’s eyebrow lifted. “Your keys were in your car?”

      “It has a keypad lock. I lock them in when I run. It’s better than dropping them in the woods somewhere.” She slid out of the car and angled away from him, balling her fists and staring at the trees bordering the parking lot.

      He was too close. His brown eyes too dark, his muscles beneath his T-shirt toned after his stint slogging through the desert overseas. The last thing she wanted to think about was how tempting it would be to let those arms hold her right now.

      She ripped the headband from her hair and dragged her fingers through the tangle, probably standing it on end. She didn’t care. This day had skidded into a ditch, and it wasn’t even seven in the morning. Attacked on the trail. Stranded with only Lucas or the cops as her options for rescue. A strange man with her house keys.

      Really. It couldn’t get any worse.


      “Dude, I think this might count as what normal people call ‘a problem.’” Travis Heath’s voice held the slightest thread of amusement as it drifted through the phone.

      Lucas planted both feet onto the wide boards of his front porch and dug in his heels, but he didn’t bother to answer. Travis would keep talking whether he responded or not.

      “There are better things to do on a Thursday night. There’s food. And friends. If any of the guys find out you’re stalking some girl’s house, your hero factor might fade a little.”

      Lucas didn’t find any of this amusing. In fact, if he were the one on the other end of the phone, he’d probably forget the jokes and call the first sergeant to suggest a talking-to. Sitting on the porch to watch Kristin’s house across the street ranked up there with one of the least rational things he’d ever done.

      After the attack at Smith Lake, Lucas hadn’t been able to get Kristin off his mind, although he’d tried. With the unit still getting into a routine after their deployment, the day was filled with mundane tasks, reestablishing a training schedule. He should have been focused on his job, but all his brain could do was scroll unbidden images of Kristin and replay conversations they’d had over the past couple of months. Their friendship might be young, but it ran deep, at least for him.

      He couldn’t speak for her, though. She’d bordered on telling him more personal things before, but she always checked herself, as if she were keeping a part of herself walled away. Maybe it was one-sided and she needed someone to train with, not a friend to tell her thoughts to.

      Still, here he sat, anchored to a canvas chair, watching and waiting. Kristin had walked away today convinced the attack was a one-off, but Lucas couldn’t help but believe there was more to it. He scrubbed at his cheek, wishing he could go in the house, watch a little TV, then hit the rack and sleep like a baby. But something—call it intuition or Jesus poking at him—said Kristin’s run-in with a bad guy coupled with the theft of her keys was only the beginning. Being the victim of two random crimes at almost exactly the same time couldn’t be coincidence.

      He still couldn’t shake the feeling she hadn’t told him or the police everything. Something more had happened before Travis and he had come along. Lucas just couldn’t figure out what.

      “I lost you, didn’t I?” Travis’s voice drifted through the phone again. “No one can blame you for watching out for a friend, but don’t cross the line from concerned friend to stalker.”

      Sergeant First Class Travis Heath knew Lucas better than anybody. They’d first met years ago in Ranger School, then been stationed together in their current assignment. As they worked as platoon sergeants, Travis in headquarters and Lucas in second platoon, they’d cemented a friendship, depending on each other in and out of the war zone. Travis always called it like he saw it, and he’d learned a lot from his own mistakes. If he felt like Lucas’s porch surveillance was out-of-bounds, then it probably was, and he wouldn’t hesitate to do what he could to keep Lucas from sinking into deeper trouble. “You think I’m crossing the line?”

      “Only if you’re attracted to her.”

      True, Kristin James was the most incredibly beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on, with short dark hair that waved around her face and blue eyes clear enough to see through to her thoughts...except this morning, when something about those eyes made it clear she was hiding part of her thoughts. She’d make any man do a double take. But knowing she was gorgeous didn’t mean he felt anything more than friendship. “I’m not.”

      “Came back with that answer awfully fast, didn’t you?” Once again, a smile laced Travis’s accusation.

      Really? Travis could think this was funny all he wanted, but none of this was laughable, especially since Travis’s track record with women was pretty rough. Sure, Travis had changed over the past year, matured and dropped a whole host of bad habits, but he didn’t need to be joking about relationships. His mistakes had sure made Lucas think twice about dating any woman when the military could swoop him up and send him off to anywhere in an instant.

      Aside from any of that, some guy had targeted Kristin. He had her keys and likely knew where she lived. The part of him trained to defend couldn’t let go. “I’m going to ask again. Do you think I’m crossing the line keeping an eye on her?”


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