Amish Refuge. Debby Giusti

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Amish Refuge - Debby Giusti Amish Protectors

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became insistent that she needed to see her sister. Prior to that, she had never talked about her family or siblings, and we never brought up the subject.”

      A sigh escaped Miriam’s lips. “Knowing it was a subject she didn’t want to talk about kept us from asking questions. We knew her parents had died and that she’d rejected their faith.”

      Abram’s eyes widened ever so slightly. “Your mother did not believe in Gott?”

      “She believed there was a God, she just didn’t believe she needed Him in her life. Or that we needed Him. We lived near San Antonio for a period of time and visited a few of the missions. I saw something there that I wanted in my own life. A love of God. An ability to turn to Him in times of need. A belief in His goodness and mercy.”

      “Did you tell your mother how you felt?” Abram asked.

      “I tried. She became agitated and insisted I was being foolish. We moved not long after that.”

      “Which made you even more hesitant to discuss faith.”

      Miriam’s heart warmed. “That’s it exactly. To maintain peace and some semblance of family stability, we skirted any mention of the Lord.”

      “And now?” He raised his brow.

      She was puzzled by his question. “I don’t understand.”

      “How do you feel about Gott now?”

      “I...” She tried to identify her feelings. “I’m not sure. I started attending a church in Tennessee when Mother’s condition grew worse. I was searching, maybe reaching out for help. The people were welcoming, but I struggled to accept the fullness of their faith in God. Perhaps I had pushed Him aside too many times.”

      Turning her gaze to the window, she could see the horses grazing on the hillside. “I doubt the Lord would have interest in a woman who grew up fearing to mention His name.”

      “You were young, Miriam. You had no one to teach you or lead you to faith. Besides, Gott would not hold you accountable for the actions of your mother.”

      “I don’t know if that’s true, Abram. I worked in a local craft shop and tried to earn enough money to pay the rent and put food on the table. I didn’t need to compound my struggle with issues of faith.”

      She offered him a weak smile. “We’ve gotten off topic. You wanted to know about Serpent.”

      Painful though it was to give voice to the flashes of clarity that circled through her mind, she slowly and methodically explained, as best she could, the middle-of-the-night traffic stop that turned tragic.

      “I was driving. It was late and the mountain roads confused me. Seeing the police lights in my rearview mirror brought relief, until I saw the serpent tattoo on the neck of the so-called officer. He made me leave the car. My mother became agitated. She lunged from the back seat, screaming, and rushed at him with raised fists. A second guy remained inside the police vehicle. I had the feeling he was in charge and that Serpent was doing his bidding.”

      “Can you describe him?”

      “I wish I could. The flashing light on the roof of the car blinded me. When my mother went after Serpent, the other guy stepped to the pavement and turned his weapon on her. He fired once, twice. I didn’t see his face. All I saw was my mother’s blood.”

      Hot tears burned her eyes. “I... I don’t know what happened after that. Sarah was still in the car. I struggled to get to her. Serpent struck me and knocked me out. I never saw my mother again.”

      The tight expression that washed over Abram’s face chilled her. “What have you learned?” she demanded, anticipating the answer before he spoke.

      He took her hand. “The police found an older woman’s body in the trunk of your car.”

      Miriam dropped her head and moaned. She had feared her mother was dead, but hearing the words spoken was like a knife piercing her heart.

      Abram circled the table and slid next to her on the bench. His muscular arms wrapped around her and pulled her into his embrace.

      For so many years she had longed for strong shoulders to support her. Never had she suspected comfort would come from an Amish man whose upbringing and background were so totally different from hers.

      She buried her head against his chest and cried heart-wrenching sobs for all that had happened. For the trip to Georgia that had ended in tragedy. For Sarah, who had been taken and might never be found again. And for the horrific murder of the mother Miriam had loved so much, who had never loved her in return.

      * * *

      “I will not let this man hurt you again,” Abram whispered as he gathered Miriam deeper into his embrace.

      As much as he wanted her to remain there, she eventually pulled back. Her face was blotched with tears, but even then he saw her determination to muster on.

      She sniffed and wiped her hands over her cheeks. “There’s more to tell, Abram.”

      He relaxed his hold on her, knowing she needed space.

      She dabbed at her eyes and bit her lip. Then, playing her fingers over the smooth finish of the table, she drew in series of jagged breaths and straightened her spine as if gathering courage and finding the wherewithal to continue.

      “Serpent—” Her voice was raspy and little more than a whisper when she finally spoke. “Serpent took my sister and me to a cabin. I heard water. We could have been near the river. He tied each of us up in different rooms. I was worried about Sarah, but no matter how hard I struggled, I couldn’t get free.”

      She swallowed hard. “I... I pretended to be asleep when he checked on me. When light filtered through the window the next morning, he forced me to swallow a pill. I spit it out, but he struck me and said he would kill Sarah if I didn’t take the drug. I pretended to do so and then coughed it up when he left the room. The next time, I wasn’t as lucky. He clamped my jaw closed until the pill dissolved in my mouth.”

      Abram could only imagine the terror both Miriam and her sister had experienced. A rage against the two men grew within him.

      “Days passed in a blur,” she said, her voice growing stronger. “I heard snippets of conversations. Some on the phone... One night a guy with a deep voice stopped by. I overheard just a portion of what they said. They kept mentioning trafficking and women. The night I escaped, another man came to the cabin. I saw him through the window. He was tall and skinny with red hair. He hauled Sarah away and Serpent said he was going to dispose of her.”

      Abram took her hand and was relieved when she squeezed his fingers.

      “When Serpent came to give me more drugs, I didn’t respond. He probably thought I was still sedated. Later, after what seemed like hours, I broke free from the rope that had held me. He had become complacent and had forgotten to attach the cord to the bedposts. I slipped outside and found the key to my car on the floorboards. He must have heard the engine start because he ran from the cabin before I pulled onto the main road.”

      “But you escaped, Miriam.”

      She nodded. “I was crazy with fear and so tired. I hid

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