An Unlikely Bride For The Billionaire. Michelle Douglas

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An Unlikely Bride For The Billionaire - Michelle Douglas Mills & Boon Cherish

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non-negotiable, I’m afraid.’ He spoke calmly. ‘If there’s no Mia there’ll be no Fairweather wedding at Plum Pines—and, sadly, no hundred-thousand-dollar donation.’

      It was as simple as that, and Gordon could take it or leave it. If he refused to let Mia act as liaison then Dylan would whisk her away from Plum Pines and find a position for her in his own organisation. He was always on the lookout for good people.

      In fact, poaching her was a damn fine plan.

      Gordon wouldn’t pass on it, though. Dylan knew his type too well.

      ‘If you’re happy with Mia’s limited experience...’ he began, in that pompous fashion.

      ‘Supremely so.’

      ‘I’ll have to insist that she consult with Nora closely,’ he blustered, in an attempt to save face.


      Gordon swallowed a few times, his jowls quivering. ‘In that case I’ll raise no objections.’

      Dylan leant back in his chair. ‘Excellent.’

      Mia leaned forward in hers, her dark gaze skewering Gordon to the spot. ‘And our earlier conversation...?’

      His mouth opened and closed before he shuffled upright in his seat. ‘In the light of developments, any further action will be suspended—pending your on-the-job performance from here on in.’

      Very slowly she leaned back. Dylan silently took in the way her fingers opened and closed around each other. Eventually she nodded. ‘Very well.’

      Dylan stood. ‘I understand you’re a busy man, Gordon, so I won’t take up any more of your valuable time. Mia...’ He turned to her and she shot to her feet. ‘I forgot to give you Carla’s mobile number. You’re going to need it. I’m afraid she’ll be leaving you messages day and night.’

      ‘That won’t be an issue,’ Gordon inserted. ‘Mia understands that here at Plum Pines our clients are our priority. She’ll be at your sister’s beck and call twenty-four-seven.’

      Dylan barely restrained himself from reciting the ‘Maximum Ordinary Hours of Employment’ section of the New South Wales Industrial Relations Act. Instead he gestured for Mia to precede him out through the door.

      ‘Lead me to your trusty notepad.’

      He closed the door behind them and Mia didn’t speak until they were safely ensconced in the meeting room.

      She swung to him. ‘You did that on purpose, didn’t you? You overheard him trying to fire me so you jumped in and saved my job.’

      His chest expanded at the way she looked at him—as if he’d ridden in and saved the day.

      She pressed a hand to her chest. ‘I think I just fell a little bit in love with you.’

      She was the strangest mix of seriousness and generosity he’d ever come across. And totally adorable to boot.

      He leaned towards her, but she took a step backwards.

      ‘Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. It was a stupid thing to say. I only meant I was grateful—very grateful—for you coming to my defence like you did.’

      ‘You’re welcome. Gordon is a pompous ass.’

      ‘A pompous ass who has the power to terminate my traineeship whenever he sees fit.’

      ‘He’d need to show good cause in the Industrial Relations Court. Don’t you forget that. In fact—’ he widened his stance ‘—why don’t you forget Gordon and Plum Pines and come and work for me?’

      The beginnings of a smile touched her lips. It made his pulse beat that little bit harder.

      ‘I don’t believe I have enough...exuberance for your line of work, Dylan.’

      ‘I was wrong about that. You’re perfect.’

      ‘No, I’m not!’ Her voice came out tart. Too tart.

      He frowned. ‘I meant that your work ethic is perfect. Your customer service skills are impeccable.’ That was all he’d meant.

      She swallowed before gesturing for him to take a seat. ‘If you want me working so closely with you and Carla then there’s something you need to know about me.’

      He sat in the chair at the head of the table. ‘I know all I need to know.’

      She fixed him with that compelling gaze of hers, but for the life of him he couldn’t read her expression. She took the chair immediately to his left, gripping her hands together until her knuckles turned white.

      ‘I’d rather be the one to tell you than for you to hear it from other sources.’

      He straightened. What on earth...? ‘I’m listening.’

      He watched the compulsive bob of her throat as she swallowed. Her hands gripped each other so tightly he was sure she’d cut off the blood supply to her fingers if she weren’t careful.

      ‘Ten months ago I was released from jail after serving a three-year prison sentence for committing fraud. I think it’s only fair that you know I’m an ex-convict.’

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