Just A Little Bit Married. Teresa Southwick

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Just A Little Bit Married - Teresa Southwick Mills & Boon Cherish

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be so much easier if he looked like a troll.”

      “Very annoying of him.” Vicki shifted her position on the couch. “Were there still sparks between you?”

      Not unless anger counted. Or maybe it never went away. It had been hard, but ten years ago she pulled herself together and patched the hole Linc left in her life. There was a good possibility that anger had filled up that empty space. “Nope. No sparks.”

      “So, he came to personally inform you that your divorce never happened.” Her friend tilted her head. “That means your tenth wedding anniversary is coming up soon.”

      “Since we haven’t lived together, I don’t think there will be an exchange of gifts.” Sarcasm was good, Rose thought. It was a sign that she was rebounding.

      “I wonder what you give for ten years of marriage.”

      “A divorce, hopefully.” Yay her. A pithy comeback. She was on a roll.

      Vicki shook her head, still trying to take in the situation. “How could you never tell me about all this?”

      “Haven’t you ever done something that is so completely mortifying and humiliating that you didn’t want anyone to know about it ever?”

      “Of course.” Her friend grinned. “But nothing this spectacular. And you know all of my mortifying and humiliating escapades. Yet you kept this to yourself.”

      “I’m sorry.”

      “No, no. Don’t give me those big, blue Kewpie-doll eyes. You’re only sorry you got caught. I want to know why I didn’t hear about this until crisis time.”

      “At first I just wanted to forget. Start college and put it behind me.” She’d thought not talking about it would make the pain go away but she’d been wrong. Time had been the cure. “You and I met, and clicked, but I didn’t really know you that well. Then the longer I didn’t say anything, the more I didn’t know how to bring it up. Besides, I thought I was quietly divorced and no one ever had to know.”

      If no one knew, it wouldn’t hurt as bad, right?

      “Speaking of that... It’s probably a good thing that you found out. Otherwise, when you and Chandler went to get a marriage license, that could have been a shock,” Vicki commented.

      “That’s what Linc said.”

      “Good. He knows you haven’t been pining for him.”

      If she’d never seen him again Rose would accept that as true. But the rush of emotions when she’d answered her door and instantly recognized him stirred memories of that brief, shining moment when she’d had everything she ever wanted. Had there been pining going on and she wasn’t aware of it?

      Vicki set her empty glass on the coffee table. “How did Chandler take this ‘being married and not divorced’ thing?”

      “He doesn’t know.”

      “You haven’t told him yet?” Her friend looked more shocked about that than any revelation so far.


      “Keeping important details to yourself is starting to form a disturbing pattern. Why haven’t you told him?”

      “It just happened a few hours ago,” Rose protested.

      “You called me. It’s not a stretch that you could have clued Chandler in on this.”

      “I needed to wrap my head around it before dumping this kind of news on him. And—” Rose loved her friend, but this rational side could be annoying. Mostly because Vicki was right. “The situation got even more complicated.”

      “I don’t see how.”

      “Linc offered me a job decorating his condo. A very high-profile project that will generate a lot of attention and publicity.”

      “There’s more, right?” her friend asked suspiciously.

      “If it goes well, there’s a chance I could get more work in the area. These guys—the Holdens—are building a hotel and resort, all of which will need decorating. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

      “Obviously you didn’t say no.”

      “You’re a lawyer. If someone offered you a case that was the equivalent of this, would you walk away from it? No matter who was doing the asking?”

      “I see your point,” Vicki reluctantly agreed.

      “This could be really lucrative. A career maker.” She filled in even more details about the development and the area with luxury homes cropping up. “We both know if I don’t get a break Tucker Designs is finished.”

      “Maybe not—”

      Rose’s look stopped the words. “I’m going down, Vee. You’re my attorney. You’ve seen my financials. I don’t even want to think about that loan from the small business association. And then there’s my mom. She raised me completely by herself and worked so hard all her life to take care of me. Waitressing isn’t easy and I’d like her to be able to cut back. Enjoy herself more. You know?”

      “Yes, but—” Vicki stopped and shook her head.

      “How do you think Chandler would take it?” Rose asked.

      “Let me think about this.” Vicki hummed the Jeopardy theme. “You tell the man you’re all but engaged to that you’re going to Montana with the man you married ten years ago and aren’t quite divorced from to do a job in order to save your business.”

      Rose nodded. “Yes.”

      “I think any man’s head would explode given that scenario.”

      “That’s what I figured, too.” This was what Rose really wanted to talk to her friend about. She’d revealed her history with Linc because it had a direct bearing on her decision. As Linc would say—context. “What do you think I should do?”

      It didn’t take Vicki very long to come up with an answer. “Tell Chandler and don’t take the job.”

      Rose nearly choked on her wine. That’s not what she’d expected. “What? I thought you understood.”

      “I do. But I also saw your face when you talked about Lincoln Hart.” There was sympathy in her friend’s expression. “I’ve known you for a long time and you’ve never looked like that before. Tell me I’m nuts but whether you’re willing to admit it or not, you have feelings for the man.”

      “Of course I do. All of them bad.”

      “Take it from me. Accepting that job will dredge up more feelings and all the crap comes up, too. Just leave it alone. You’re doing fine. Don’t give him a chance to hurt you again.”

      “He can’t.”

      “Okay.” Vicki’s tone was full of “if you say so but I think you’re wrong.” “For what it’s worth, my advice is to talk

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