Smoky Mountain Investigation. Annslee Urban

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Smoky Mountain Investigation - Annslee Urban Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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blinked, not believing how even after ten years she still struck him as the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. His déjà vu moment got stronger.

      “Kylie.” Even saying her name stung. Another part of his life he’d tried to forget.

      “I can’t believe it’s you.” She stared up at him and brushed stray locks back with her fingers.

      No ring. He couldn’t help but notice.

      “Yeah. It’s been a while.” He swung his duffel to the ground, propping his drink can on top. “And a dead body wasn’t exactly the welcome I hoped for.”

      “Ironic, isn’t it?” Shaking her head, she looked up at him, her eyes widening and brimming with tears. “The poor man. No one even knows who he is. Even worse—”

      She looked away a moment, took a deep breath.

      “Worse?” Nick stuffed his hands into his jacket packets.

      Another moment, then her gaze settled back on him, fear in her eyes. “I think Conrad’s killer may be back.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

      The knife in Nick’s heart slipped a little deeper. “What do you mean, back? You don’t think—”

      Kylie’s nod cut off his words. Déjà vu had just escalated to nightmare.


      At Milkweed Café in downtown Asheville, Kylie gazed at Nick from across the table. He was tall and lean, with a Go Army black T-shirt stretched across his wide shoulders and chest. He looked so mature. Strong features, chiseled just right, and his eyes a deep brown as rich as the cola he was drinking.

      As handsome as she dared to remember.

      This Delta Force captain left no one in doubt of his capabilities.

      A warm comfort swept over her. She still felt safe in his presence.

      Nick took a drink and set the glass on the table. “Do you really think this murder is related to Conrad’s?” His deltoid muscles bulged slightly as he eased back into his seat.

      Biting the inside of her lip, Kylie shrugged. “That’s the question I keep asking myself. The man on the phone said that he was there the night Conrad died. Although it seems odd—silence for ten years and then...this.”

      “Could be a copycat.” Nick crossed his arms against his sturdy chest. “If so, this butcher has done his research and probably knows as much about the crime as we do. Or more.”

      “That’s true. I just wish he hadn’t involved me.”

      Nick chuckled. “Journalists do attract flakes.”

      “Flakes I can handle.” She nodded. “But murderers—”

      “You know—” Nick cut her off, sat forward and looked at her, suspicion skewing his features. “In all likelihood, you know this guy.”

      Her spine prickled. “What?”

      “The murderer. He knew your cell number and that you’d be at the airport. Even knew what time.”

      Kylie shivered. The very thought made her skin crawl. “I hadn’t even considered that.”

      Nick’s dark brows drew closer. “Who knew you’d be at the airport tonight?”

      Leaning on her elbows, she mentally ticked off everyone who might have known her plans to drop off her sister. Her chest tightened at the results. “There’s too many to name. I left work early, so most of my colleagues were aware. Shannon and I went to a church social last night. Lots of people asked when she and the baby were leaving.”

      “You never could hide much in this small town.” Nick nodded. “Except possibly murder.”

      A boulder-size knot formed in Kylie’s stomach. “I can’t imagine anyone I know being capable of such a terrible crime. Not now or ten years ago.” She dropped her voice several octaves.

      Nick touched her arm, sending shivers of a different manner across her skin. “Kylie, predators aren’t obvious. Believe me, I’ve met my share. Sometimes it’s who you’d least expect.”

      * * *

      The strained expression in Kylie’s eyes ignited a deep burn in Nick’s chest. Breathing deep, the scent of her perfume filtered into his nostrils. Something sweet and subtle. A hundred percent intriguing.

      A hundred percent Kylie.

      His heart gave a solid kick against his ribs. A few minutes with this woman and already he’d ventured onto dangerous ground. He broke eye contact with her and forced his mixed-up emotions to quiet.

      Their dreams of a life together had blown apart with the tragedy at Camp Golden Rock. After that, Nick could barely live with himself, let alone offer anything to Kylie. He’d needed to get away from Asheville, start fresh with nothing to hold him back.

      He swirled the liquid in his glass, the ice clinking. An impulsive decision.

      But a mistake? He’d never know that for sure.

      Now that he was back, one look into Kylie’s eyes and long-buried emotions sparked to life. A jolt of remembered love, but also a tug in his chest that reminded him that those days were over.

      The past was behind them. They were older now. Wiser. They had both moved on in very different directions.

      The waitress walked by. He held up his hand to catch her attention. “May I get a refill, please?”

      The woman nodded and he glanced at Kylie. “Would you like anything? You barely touched your coffee.”

      Kylie shook her head. “No, thank you. I’m fine.”

      Though concern shadowed her eyes, her voice came across confident.

      Nick’s gut clenched. Seeing her unsettled and worried, his protective instincts surged. The events at the airport had been horrific enough. He shouldn’t have voiced his opinions so quickly. He mentally kicked himself for adding more distress to her day.

      The need to comfort her rose. “Don’t rack your brain trying to figure this guy out. He may not be anyone you know. Right now, facts don’t support any theory.” He covered his own concerns with a grin.

      A glint of relief entered her eyes. She nodded. “Thanks, that makes me feel better.”

      Good. Now if only he could convince himself.

      Quiet fell between them. And then Kylie settled back in her chair. “Enough talk about murder. I’d like to give my brain a break, at least until I get home. I have an article due by four.”

      He glanced at his watch. Nearly ten o’clock. “Do you need to leave and get started?”

      She raked her hand through her

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