A Malibu Kind Of Romance. Synithia Williams

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A Malibu Kind Of Romance - Synithia Williams Mills & Boon Kimani

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others Raymond threw her way as they walked through the crowded living area toward the back of the house. His questions reminded her of their college days when he always worried about her walking across campus at night by herself. His concern for her welfare was why she’d eventually viewed him as a brother. His concern grew after her breakup with Antwan. She knew Raymond blamed himself for introducing her to the guy, and she believed that was why he was so forthcoming with her about all the sleazy ways men thought and the tricks they pulled.

      In the back of the house, the sounds of the party were replaced by the sound of piano music along with Dante’s smooth tenor singing.

      “Let me hold you in my arms. Let me comfort you all night long. Let me be the man to kiss away your fears.”

      Julie’s heart ached as the words took her back to the time after the Antwan breakup when she’d listened to this song and yearned for a guy to be all those things. She’d listened to the song repeatedly. She hated herself for moping so much over a man who didn’t deserve it, and hearing Dante sing stirred up the longing she’d thought was long gone.

      She and Raymond stopped at the open door of the room where the music came from. A large grand piano stood in the center of what she could see was a music room with other instruments, framed albums and pictures of the Wilson family lining the walls. Dante sat behind the piano; four women in colorful bikinis surrounded him like beautiful birds. She hadn’t listened to the song in ages. His voice swept her up in thoughts of how nice having a man actually kiss away her fears would be.

      She’d known Dante was handsome and that he could sing, but to witness his talent and his beauty up close and personal took her breath away.

      His eyes were closed, and the flash of his perfect white teeth gleamed between lips that made her think of marathon rounds of kissing, touching and sexing. His head swayed gently back and forth to the sound of the music. His curly dark hair was tapered at the sides and thicker on the top. A dusting of hair covered his square jaw. Julie’s gaze slid over wide shoulders in a white shirt unbuttoned just enough to give a glimpse of a smooth muscled chest and warm brown skin. As if she were still standing beneath the sun, Julie’s body burned. Her nipples hardened, and a slow, sultry heat that matched the smoldering sound of Dante’s voice slid through her body.

      Julie shifted from one foot to the other. This was not good. She could not be attracted to him. She tried to ignore her primal response, but the concentration of heat between her thighs continued in a mocking sucks for you kind of way.

      The music stopped, and no one spoke until the last note drifted away. Dante opened his eyes, and the ladies clapped and squealed their praise. His lips spread in a wide-open grin. His sexy dark eyes sparkled with a look that made a woman want to forget every lesson about acting like a lady. A sound, part whimper, part suppressed giggle, rang in her ear; a second later, she realized she’d made the sound.

      Raymond shifted beside her. Dante looked up, his dark gaze connecting with hers so hard she gasped out the little bit of air that remained in her chest. Oh, hell, I’m screwed.

      “Raymond,” Dante said, his very interested eyes still on Julie, “please introduce your beautiful friend.”

       Chapter 4

      Dante’s smile widened as the woman with Raymond snapped her mouth closed and lifted her chin. He didn’t miss the blatant desire burning in her wonderful light brown eyes before she’d hidden the emotion behind a professional mask. His gaze slowly traced over her body, and his abdomen tightened with anticipation. Forgetting the beauties who’d dragged him to the music room, and the fun he’d planned to have with them, Dante stood and crossed the room.

      He took in more of her appearance the closer he got. He liked everything he saw: short, stylish hair highlighted blond, the bangs just long enough to brush arched brows; clear, direct amber eyes; and a full, sensuous mouth. Her black pants didn’t hug her curves, but the material didn’t hide her shapely figure either. The red blazer brought attention to her waist and the scooped neckline of her shirt drew his eyes to her sexy cleavage. Sexy cherry-red heels brought her to almost his height.

      “Dante,” Raymond said. “This is Julie Dominick.”

      Dante held out his hand. “Julie Dominick.” He said her name slowly, enjoying the sound. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

      He took her hand and kissed the back, catching a whiff of her perfume. The warm scent brought to mind dark rooms and Julie sliding across satin sheets beneath him.

      “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Dante,” she said, and she didn’t pull her hand away. “Out of all your songs, that is my favorite.”

      Her gaze was straightforward—no batting lashes or shy glances. He liked that immediately. She was a woman who wasn’t hesitant. Despite her directness, that hot spark from when their eyes first met was nowhere to be seen. He wanted the spark back.

      “I’d be happy to sing it for you anytime you’d like.”

      Her smile tipped up at the corners, and she slowly slid her hand out of his. The gentle glide of her slim fingers sent shivers down his arm. “Raymond didn’t tell me you were having a party. I expected a business meeting.”

      She’d ignored his obvious flirtation, which meant she was going to try to ignore what he’d noticed and felt between them. He should do the same, but direct and beautiful women were his weakness.

      “A friend came over, and before we knew it there was a houseful of people. The whole party happened on a whim.”

      “Hmm, is opening your club also due to a whim?” She looked from Dante to Raymond. He heard the insinuation that they were wasting her time. Dante grinned. Direct, beautiful and bold. Ballsy for a woman trying to go into business with him. He liked her even more, even if he didn’t like the assumption that he wasn’t serious about opening the club.

      “I promise you, I’m very serious about the opening of my club. I’d like to debut new artists under my own label there. My family wouldn’t support these artists at venues owned and managed by W. M. Records.”

      Her brows rose. He’d surprised her.

      “Then I’ll do everything I can to make sure this place opens smoothly.”

      Raymond smiled at them both. “I’m telling you, Dante, Julie is the right person for the job.”

      His body was definitely on board with Julie handling this project, but his brain interjected. This was important to him for multiple reasons; he couldn’t just go with the decision the head below his belt was trying to get him to make.

      “We’ll see. I’m talking to a few other developers.”

      The corner of her inviting lips lifted, and her head tilted to the side. “Talk to them all you want. I know I’m the right person. In the next few days, you’ll know it, too.”

      Dante added “confident” to the things about Julie Dominick that were making ignoring the head below his belt harder.

      One of the women from the piano came over. “Are you ready to sing for us again?” she asked with a bright smile.

      Julie stepped back. “I mentioned to Raymond that I can come back tomorrow to discuss business. I’m more than happy

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